The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 883: Secret method

"His Majesty."

Feipeng and Zhonglou appeared beside Liu Ce.

The empty son also arrived at the first time.

"You are the Emperor of Han Dynasty?"

Ba Yan looked at Liu Ce in front of him.

"Well, it's like a fake replacement."

Liu Ce was expressionless.

"It's fine if you are Emperor Han. Come with me."

Ba Yan looked at Liu Ce.

"I'm sorry. Let me go with you, you are not yet qualified."

Liu Ce said coldly.

"Interesting, don't think that killing one of our demons is very self-esteem. It is easier for the demons to pinch you than to pinch an ant."

Ba Yan looked at Liu Ce and smiled.

"Your Majesty, let me learn about his strength, this person is too arrogant."

Chonglou asked Liu Ce for his orders.


Liu Ce nodded.

Liu Ce naturally knew. Chonglou will not be the opponent's opponent. After all, this Ba Yan was the strength of the late stage of the God Transformation Realm. But he also knows that fighting the strong is very important for the stimulation of the martial artist's cultivation base. Under the pressure of the strong, the warrior can be of great benefit, and it is not impossible to even break through the shackles and advance.

Besides, there is a emptiness on the side to support the bottom, this time there will be nothing.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Chonglou was overjoyed when he heard Liu Ce agreed. Although Zhonglou knew that the opponent was very strong, he was a militant as the supreme demon world. Even if he knew that the opponent's strength was still above his own, he couldn't help but want to compete with him. This is the warlike gene at work.


Chonglou's body exudes a terrible devilish energy.

"Well, you are also a demon?"

Ba Yan looked at the heavy building in front of him with some surprise.

When this devilish energy exploded on Chonglou's body, Ba Yan's previous suspicion suddenly became clear. After all, in the previous time, Ba Yan sensed a familiar aura in this heavy building. It seems to be of the same kind as them. And the blood in the opponent faintly suppressed him.

It shows that the opponent is definitely not an ordinary person in the Mozu.

"Stop talking nonsense, you and I are not the same people."

Chonglou looked at Ba Yan with disdain.

"If that's the case, then go and die."

The demons are bloodthirsty and cruel. Even the same race is inevitable to fight. Since Zhonglou doesn't mind himself, Ba Yan's people will not be polite.

"Chaos palm."

Ba Yan slashed towards the body of the heavy building with a palm of his hand.

Endless palm prints cover the sky and the sun, covering a radius of hundreds of meters.

The tearing air waves in the void boiled.

Chonglou also slashed out. The wrist knife cut across the horrible shadow of the knife in the void.

At the same time, the heavy building also expands the technique of space.

It can be said that the most powerful thing about Chonglou is his spatial technique. The power of the heavy building space technique, even his old opponent, Fei Peng, is an extremely headache.

Ba Yan also discovered this, and it can be said that the controller of space art is the most difficult to deal with. Fortunately, his cultivation base suppressed the opponent far away. Don't look at the late stage of the **** transformation and the middle stage of the **** transformation, it seems that there is only a small difference between them. But when it comes to the realm of the Transcendent God Realm, the gap in this small realm is too big.

With every palm that Ba Yan took out, he carried overwhelming power. Extremely compressed the space of the heavy building.

"Febbon. If you can't support the heavy building, you can go up."

Liu Ce said to Feipeng.

"According to the purpose."

Fei Peng is also eager to try.

Although Fei Peng is indeed not as belligerent as Chonglou, he is also eager to fight in his bones. Watching the battle between Chonglou and Ba Yan at the moment, his hands were also itchy.

Seeing this, Liu Ce smiled slightly.

Although Chonglou alone would not be Ba Yan's opponent, it might be possible to add Fei Peng. After all, the two are the geniuses tied for No. 1 in the world, and the two of them joined forces to fight for a greater realm.

Although Zhonglou is the supreme demon world, his current strength in this world is only in the middle of the gods transformation. Compared to Ba Yan in the late stage of the Huashen Realm, it was indeed a lot weaker. Although it was full of strength, but Zhonglou was already a little stretched.

Although Zhonglou was a little unwilling, he did not know that Ba Yan was already shocked at this moment. On weekdays, in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, it was completely crushed. After all, at the Transcendent God Realm, the gap of a small realm is comparable to the large realm before the Nine Tribulations Realm. It's totally a spike. However, Zhonglou took him dozens of moves abruptly and has not been defeated, which is evident in the strength of this heavy building.

But even so, Chonglou was already showing defeat, and it won't be long before he will be completely defeated.

"Chonglou, I'll help you."

Scaboo also entered the battlefield.

Chonglou and Fei Peng cooperate with each other tacitly. After all, the two have been fighting each other for tens of thousands of years. There is already a tacit understanding.

The two joined forces, and it turned out that one plus one is greater than two. Ba Yan also had great pressure.

And the 38 demon warriors brought by Ba Yan also locked their eyes on Liu Ce at this moment. They will naturally not forget their purpose at the moment. Take down the Emperor of Han and bring it back to the Mozu.

"Shoot, take down the opponent, resist and kill without mercy."

After Ba Yan felt pressure, he ordered the Demon Warrior who came with him.

In Ba Yan's view, as long as Liu Ce, the holy emperor of Huawu Continent, was taken down, the task would be completed.

Thirty-eight martial artists of the Sea Demon Race are all cultivated at the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm, and they have also practiced killing formations. Together, their strength has increased countless times.


Liu Cezhan's divine sword was unsheathed.

"Sword Twenty-Three."

The terrifying sword aura erupted from Liu Ce's body like a vast ocean, destroying the world.

Sword Twenty-Three Liu Ce has already cultivated to Dzogchen. Although it has not yet reached the state of transformation, the power of this sword, even its original creator Juggernaut, is inferior to it.

In an instant, the sword aura froze the entire space and time, plus Liu Ce awakened the increase in the law of the sword domain, the power of this sword, I don't know how much stronger it was than before.

Thirty-eight warriors at the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm felt a surge of power like a stormy sea in an instant. They felt that their bodies were strangely unable to move.


Liu Ce swept out with a sword.

The terrifying sword domain completely shrouded the location of these warriors.


With this sword killing, thirty-eight Mozu warriors were killed instantly.

"damn it."

Ba Yan's eye canthus is splitting. He is indeed extremely angry. Even the demons, the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm is the backbone. After all, the Demon Emperor of the Sea Demon Race was only in the early stage of the Divine Tribulation Realm, and it was not as good as any of these, which shows the importance of the Divine Tribulation Realm. But at this moment, it was Liu Ce who killed thirty-eight people with a single sword, which caused huge losses to the demons.

But at this moment, Ba Yan was angered, and there was already a trace of panic. He is now a little stretched under the siege of Fei Peng and Zhonglou. He was already not worried about whether the task could be completed, but rather worried about whether he could retreat completely.

"Where did these two monsters appear?"

Ba Yan fought hard to block the blow of the two, but suffered a slight injury. Although it was only a slight injury, it already made Ba Yan feel jealous.

If you told the warriors of this world in the past whether two warriors in the middle stage of the gods can defeat a warrior in the later stage of the gods, some people must think that this person is crazy.

Because of the common sense in this world, a warrior in the late stage of the **** transformation can definitely kill the general middle stage of the **** transformation in an instant. The two middle stages of transforming gods want to defeat one late stage of transforming gods, that is completely idiotic.

But at this moment Ba Yan felt extremely aggrieved. Obviously his opponent was only in the middle stage of the two transforming gods, but it brought him the power of Mount Tai.

Leisurely, Ba Yan crushed a talisman.

"Want to go?"

Chonglou was extremely disdainful. Chonglou is an expert in the Department of Space. In an instant, he used his power to block the space around him.

After Ba Yan's space talisman was sealed off in the surrounding space, it suddenly became invalid.

"What, how is it possible?"

In extreme shock, Ba Yan suddenly revealed a huge flaw.

"Good chance, die!"

"Demon Slash!"

Fei Peng swept down with a sword.

The sword energy swept towards Ba Yan's place like a mountain.

The void trembled.

Chunglou will naturally not let go of this opportunity.


Chonglou's wrist knife slashed at Ba Yan with a sword.

Under the joint attack of the two parties, Ba Yan, who had revealed his flaws, was suddenly in desperation.

But Ba Yan is a powerhouse in the late stage of the God Transformation Realm after all. Although faced with such a desperate situation, it does not mean that he will be so helpless.

"Devil God Change!"

This is exactly Ba Yan's hole card.

After burning his own blood, he can briefly increase his strength several times.


When the swords of Zhonglou and Feipeng approached Ba Yan's body, they were instantly blocked by a terrifying force. As if encountering a copper wall and an iron wall.

"Huh, secret?"

Although Feipeng and Zhonglou also knew that Ba Yan had used secret methods, they were not afraid. Riveting full strength, exerting 12% of the strength.

The power of horror erupted from Fei Peng and Zhonglou again.

But the power that erupted from Ba Yan who had used the secret method was too strong. Directly shattered the strength of the two and rolled them back.


At this moment, Fei Peng and Zhonglou were a little shocked.

The powerful magic energy directly shook them hundreds of meters away.

"You forced me, and I will kill you."

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Ba Yan knew that he would definitely die after using this ultimate secret method, but if he could kill his enemy before he died, he would not regret it.

Ba Yan's first target was naturally Emperor Han.

"Morning Cut!"

Ba Yan shot Liu Ce with a palm.

After using the secret method to increase, Ba Yan's palm was really ruining the world.

The sky went dark for an instant. The endless demonic energy surged.

Liu Ce felt as if the void around him was frozen.

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