The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 934: Tens of billions of national transport


A wave of anger raged.

Immediately, Rand was shocked. Because he found that the target he was attacking was safe and sound. Even the corners of the clothes didn't sway at all.

"how can that be?"

Rand was shocked. Even the look was a little horrified. Because he knew that the opponent blocked his attack by relying solely on the protective gas shield. The opponent's strength is simply terrifying. He couldn't even imagine how powerful the other party was. Because he knew that even a general warrior in the early stage of the Divine King Realm would not dare to say that he could block his full blow with his body shield alone, and even stay still.

"Now it's my turn, right?"

Fei Peng smiled wantonly.


A terrifying sword field enveloped the void.

This sword field condenses the power of the terrifying kendo law. It is even a force that has mastered the rules.

Rand was shocked and inexplicably surprised. I felt the void around me completely solidified. He and all his companions were shrouded in this terrifying force, as if the next breath would wipe out the ashes.

As a half-step warrior of the God King Realm, Rand has already touched the threshold of the God King Realm. Although he may have a long way to go to break through the Divine King Realm. But this does not mean that he really knows nothing about the Divine King Realm. The aura on the opponent's body is stronger than the Sect Master. This proves that the opponent may be in the middle of the Divine King Realm.

Oh my god, a warrior who didn't know where he came from, turned out to be in the middle stage of the Divine King Realm?


Fei Peng's eyes condensed. The terrifying sword domain crazily crushed from all directions.

The disciples of the Nine Sun Sect were all crushed into blood mist.

After these powerful warriors of the Nine Sun Sect were killed, the soldiers of the empire under the Nine Sun Sect also surrendered.

In this battle, Nine Sun Sect not only did not get any benefits. On the contrary, stealing chicken will not lose the rice.

"Hahaha, even the Nine Sun Sect was defeated so simply, I am not wronged by Liao Hu's death."

How the big man defeated the Nine Suns Sect, Liao Hu watched the whole process. Originally, there was a trace of fluke, but at this moment, these flukes are all gone.

"Okay, Liao Hu, you can also go on the road."

Liu Ce said lightly.

The death of Liao Hu also marked the demise and change of the giant tiger gang, the overlord of the southwestern Yunlong Region, which had been built for a thousand years.

After annexing the Black Tiger City, Liu Ce began to annex all the 12 main cities of the Giant Tiger Gang. At this moment, the big man finally got a foothold in Yunlongyu.

Nine Sun Sect

At this moment, Guo Kaiyang, the Sect Master of Nine Suns, was sitting cross-legged, exuding a terrible aura, and powerful auras soared from his body. Make him feel like the sun.

The horrible air light was just like the substance, causing ripples in the surrounding void.

Obviously, Guo Kaiyang at this time was practicing some powerful exercises.

It took a long while before he regained his strength.

"come in."

Guo Kaiyang seemed to have noticed something. The eyelids moved slightly.


The door of the stone chamber opened.

A middle-aged man in gray with rat whiskers entered from the outside.

"I have seen the lord."

Middle-aged manly.

"Are you going to report good news to this seat?"

Guo Kaiyang smiled slightly.


The man with rat whiskers lowered his head, his expression hesitated.

"Well, what, is there an accident?"

Guo Kaiyang frowned slightly.

Indeed, in Guo Kaiyang's view, things should go smoothly. After all, one is an emerging power. One is the nine veteran forces. Although the Giant Tiger Gang is extremely weak among the nine major forces. But in the face of the emerging power of Dahan, it is absolutely reasonable to lose both sides.

And Rand as one of his capable personnel. The implementation of this plan of taking chestnuts from the fire has always been unfavorable.

In fact, among the nine major forces, Nine Sun Sect was established in the shortest time. Less than a thousand years. But relying on this kind of trickery, taking advantage of the fire, it has grown to its current scale step by step. In the past, Nine Sun Sect did not do such things less. It has always been smooth. Of course, there are also times of failure. But even if it fails, it can still retreat.


Seeing the man with rat whiskers hesitating, Guo Kaiyang had a bad premonition, and his complexion was slightly condensed.

"Sect Master, Lord Rand's soul card is shattered, and there is news from the front that the giant tiger gang leader Liao Hu has been killed, and the giant tiger gang has been completely annexed by the big man."

The rat-bearded man lowered his head and said in a deep voice.


Guo Kaiyang was taken aback. A terrible brilliance burst into his eyes.

"Send the secret guards of the Nine Suns Sect to find out what happened, as well as the specific strength of the big man."

Guo Kaiyang said.

In a short period of time, he can defeat the Giant Tiger Gang first, and then have the remaining power to defeat the men and horses he shoots, and wipe out them all. Guo Kaiyang needs to reassess the strength of this big man.


The rat-whisker man turned and left.

At this moment, Guo Kaiyang was faintly afraid of Dahan. At the same time, a little upset, after the giant tiger gang was fully annexed by the big man, he undoubtedly lost a chance to annex each other. This is a bit dissatisfying in Guo Kaiyang's view.

"Big man, let me see how sacred you are."

Guo Kaiyang murmured.

At this time, Liu Ce returned to Dahan.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, annexing the black tiger gang, national luck + 10 billion."

The system prompt sounds.

Ten billion national fortune?

Liu Ce is undoubtedly very cool. Although the Black Tiger Gang is just a gang. But it has mastered many earth and stars under its command. Especially the twelve main cities are even more prosperous. Be regarded as the overlord in the southwest of Yunlong Region. Now the big man is undoubtedly taking the place of the Giant Tiger Gang. Now it has initially established a firm foothold in Yunlongyu.

Of course, Liu Ce has a great appetite, although his performance at this stage is still perfect. But in his own view, it is far from enough.

"Cao Bao, Xiao Sheng. Sun Xing, Master Void, Feipeng, Zhonglou. You can now enter the cultivation tower to practice, this time I hope your cultivation level can make a big improvement."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

The gods and demons are overjoyed.

This time, after the training tower was upgraded. The top training room can enter a hundred gods and demons at once. Therefore, the current gods and demons of the big man can completely enter into a practice.

At this stage, this spar Liu Ce can still afford it. This time annexed the Giant Tiger Gang. In terms of spar alone, Liu Ce has gained a lot.

This giant tiger gang has been established in the Yunlong domain for thousands of years, and some stocks are very abundant.

Of course, some people might say, why is such a powerful strength in Yunlong Domain. The history of establishment is so short. There is actually a big misunderstanding at this point.

The competition faced by forces at the Yunlong domain star domain level is not as simple as in a small world. Although the resources are more abundant here, the pressure is actually greater. Almost every year, powers are annexed and died, and replaced by other powers. The Yunlong Region is considered the weakest star region in the entire galaxy group. A slight disturbance in the other star regions will affect the major forces in the Yunlong Region. Such as the Huawu Continent, that kind of movement has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it is almost impossible for a force of thousands of years to exist in the star field.

In the Yunlong Region, it can develop for more than a hundred years, and it can be regarded as a force with a profound foundation. After all, in a star-level force like the Yunlong Region, the resources that can be developed in one year are definitely not imaginable in a small world. Of course, there will be more dangers.

This time, Liu Ce got a stock of 1 billion high-grade spar, 100 million top-grade spar, and 900 source stones from the Giant Tiger Gang.

Well, this is the first time Liu Ce knows about source stone, which is not source crystal mine. It is a kind of energy stone that contains the best mineral veins. It's kind of rare.

A top-grade spar vein has no more than one hundred source stones, which shows the scarcity of this kind of source stones.

Liu Ce also used systematic identification to know the origin of this spar. At that time, Liu Ce was shocked. Although Liu Ce didn't know the function of this source stone. But it was carefully included in its own system space. If you don't need it now, it doesn't mean you won't need it in the future.

Under the training tower of Han Palace Square

The new batch of cultivators from the training tower have all entered.

Liu Ce believes that when he comes out again. The big man's gods and demons must have earth-shaking changes.

Liu Ce did not enter the training tower. He depends on the improvement of the system. Unless it is the bottleneck of reaching the great realm, the improvement effect of this cultivation tower on him is minimal.

At this moment, Liu Ce didn't know that the Nine Sun Sect's conspiracy against the big man had already begun.

The secret guards of the Nine Sun Sect flooded the entire Yunlong Domain. Because Secret Guard has been developed in Yunlong Region for hundreds of years, its background is not comparable to that of Xichang’s factory guard at this stage. Therefore, after several days of reconnaissance, the details of the battle between the big man and the giant tiger gang were basically restored. On that day, because it was only an indirect investigation, the real specific details could not be completely restored. At least how the warriors of the Han Dynasty killed Liao Hu, Guo Kaiyang couldn't know. But this is enough to make Guo Kaiyang afraid of Dahan. After all, he can kill Liao Hu who uses Dragon Tiger Pill, no matter what method he uses, this also proves the strength of the big man.

Guo Kaiyang began to secretly contact the other seven forces. After all, the rise of the big man will break the original balance of power. If you unite with several other major forces and promise to benefit from it, I believe that they will definitely not do anything to the rise of this big man.

Temple of Heaven

At this moment, the Lord of the Temple of Heaven Xi Yuan looked a little ugly.

The pressure from the temple is getting bigger and bigger. After all, the fall of a temple elder could not be easily settled by him. Although the elder of this temple is just a very ordinary elder in the outer hall of the temple. Even in the outer hall of the temple, even the core elders are not counted. But even so, it is definitely not something that the master of the sub-temple of his small Tianshen Temple can neglect.

Now the temple has been thoroughly investigating the cause of the fall of the temple elder You Wenbin. A.D. has to be questioned every few days. He almost couldn't hold on anymore.

Fortunately, the main hall of the temple is still some distance away from the Yunlong domain. Even if the people in the main hall want to conduct a thorough investigation, the envoys sent will not reach the Yunlong domain for a while, and there is still a certain amount of preparation time below them.

It's just that Xiyuan is very clear that as long as the people in the main hall of the temple come down, they will show up sooner or later.

"Hall Master, this is the latest news about the nine forces that our people have received."

A secret guard from the Temple of Heaven entered from the outside and came to the front of Xi Yuan.

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