The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 935: Ten consecutive draws

"Huh? Can this information be confirmed?"

Xi Yuan frowned slightly when he saw this intelligence. It didn't seem that the Nine Sun Sect moved so fast. Now he started to unite with the other seven forces to prepare to deal with the big man together. Even their Heavenly Temple must conceal it. This made Xi Yuan's heart a little unhappy. In any case, he is still the master of the Temple of Heaven. He needs to be flattering to the temple, but in the place, the temple of heaven is the leader of the leader. Even Nine Sun Sect, the head of the nine forces, needs to lie down in front of him.

But now the Nine Sun Sect had left his Heavenly Temple aside, and it was obvious that he was aware of the connection between the Western Yuan and the Dahan.

A.D. is keenly aware of this.

Although the other party may not have any substantive evidence, it is absolute to be vigilant.

A.D. didn't think of a way to stop it. He knew that if he intervened in the face, he would surely establish the relationship between himself and the big man, which is absolutely undesirable. What's more, Xi Yuan is very clear that even if he stops it, it is impossible. Because the purpose of the existence of the Temple of Heaven is to fight the demons. In the face of the demons, the Temple of Heaven has supreme authority. However, the Temple of Heaven cannot directly intervene in local actions. Unless it is a local request for help, the Temple of Heaven can choose whether to intervene.

"It seems that this matter needs your Majesty's choice."

A.D. finally decided to send the news directly to His Majesty. How to choose depends on your majesty's decision.


Dahan Han Palace

Liu Ce looked at the messenger in his hand with a serious expression.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going.

When the Giant Tiger Gang was just eliminated, Liu Ce hadn't wanted to start the war so soon. After all, the big man also needs to digest the fruits of victory. After all, the giant tiger gang's territory is not small, and the big man needs to digest it for a while, but some people don't want him to worry about it.

"Wang Chun, Zhao Yuefei, Li Jing, Xiang Yu, the three marshals are here."

Liu Cedao.

The soldiers of the three major legions have gone through several rounds of training in the training tower during this time. Now the strength of soldiers has been greatly improved. Now they have reached the state of mind robbery.

It is enough to enter the star field to fight.

It can be said that the benefits of eliminating the Giant Tiger Gang are still great. The thousand flying boats alone are of great value. Although these flying boats are mostly star-domain flying boats, not inter-stellar flying boats. But for Dahan, it is enough to solve many problems.

Otherwise, for a thousand flying boats, even galaxy-level flying boats, Liu Ce's desire to exchange these flying boats would cost a lot of national fortune.

Half an hour later

The three coaches Li Jing, Yue Fei and Xiang Yu came to the Palace of Qinzheng

"Meet your majesty."

"Free and flat body."

After saluting Liu Ce, the three of them all looked at Liu Ce with scorching eyes, with longing in their eyes.

After all, Liu Ce summoned their three military commanders to come, and he definitely went to the Palace of the Three Treasures. Judging from the recent actions of the big man, it is obvious that there is another big move.

"Yes, your cultivation base has improved very quickly recently."

Liu Ce looked at the three and smiled.

Dahan's gods and demons practice the tower most frequently. The least also entered the three-round training tower. The cultivation base has been promoted extremely fast. As a military commander, because of the different nature of the battle, there are fewer opportunities to train in the tower. But the three also entered the training tower several times.

Now the three of them, even the weakest Li Jing, have reached the peak of the Thunder Tribulation Realm. And Xiang Yu also reached the Spirit Tribulation Realm. Yes, the entry is very fast.

"You have time to enter the training tower more often. Although you are a military commander, what you fight for is strength. As a commander, you must be strong yourself."

Liu Ce looked serious.


The three coaches nodded slightly.

"I have received the news that the eight forces of the Yunlong Region will unite. Threatening us, the big man, so this time, we will face severe challenges. But this battle, I decided to launch a counterattack."

Liu Cedao.

"Your Majesty, in the end, he will fight the enemy firmly and guard the big man."

Yue Fei and the others said with serious expressions.

"Okay, get ready, stand by at any time, this time, you are just the vanguard. The other army of the big man will also leave afterwards.

Liu Cedao.

At the same time, the West Factory is fully operational. Began to gather intelligence in Yunlong domain.

Another alliance of the eight major forces has begun, this time it is still in the giant city of the Nine Sun Sect.

"How do you think about it, the Giant Tiger Gang is a lesson. Many of our forces overlap with the original influence of the Giant Tiger Gang. Who knows, which force the big man will attack next? So, you guys. Never take it lightly."

Guo Kaiyang said with a serious expression.

Guo Kaiyang found that the leaders of the seven major forces looked thoughtful, and no one expressed his opinion, frowning slightly.

"Sect Master Guo, we have received the news that your Nine Sun Sect seems to have suffered a big loss when facing the big man."

Yang Qingyue, the lord of Luoyue Sect, said with a faint smile.


Guo Kaiyang didn't expect these forces to receive the news so soon, he secretly said: He still underestimated these forces.

"Don't get me wrong, this Sect Master only went to reinforce it that day when he received a request from the Giant Tiger Gang, but he never thought that the strength of the big man was so strong, when we arrived, the battle was over."

Guo Kaiyang's expression solemnly said.

Although Guo Kaiyang said so, the people present would not really believe the other party's nonsense. But they didn't make a rebuttal, because it didn't make much sense. However, at this moment they are also thinking about how to do it. After all, these forces really don't want another powerful force to break the balance of the current Yunlong Region. Now that the nine major forces have a Nine Sun Sect, it puts a lot of pressure on them. So I definitely don't want another powerful force to appear. This is absolutely impossible.

"You guys, if we unite, we won’t do any harm to your interests. The other party can annex the Giant Tiger Gang in a short period of time to prove the strength of the other party, and it is possible to annex any one present in a short period of time. This is not alarmist talk about our Nine Sun Sect. This is a fact. Please consider it carefully."

Guo Kaiyang's expression solemnly said.

"Okay, I'll join Hanhai Ancient City."

"I also joined Luozuezong..."

"And my God Bull Gang..."

"Tiandaomen is willing to make a move..."

Each force finally expressed its stance.

Under the leadership of Jiuyangzong, the eight major forces are finally ready to unite to fight the big man. This time, because of their respective interests, no forces refused.

In this offensive against Dahan, Guo Kaiyang wanted to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm. Announcing that the more the force that contributes, the greater the distribution of benefits will be gained in destroying the big man.

Sure enough, Guo Kaiyang's words immediately mobilized everyone's enthusiasm. There are a lot of troops and strong men dispatched by each force. At least they are more than 50,000. There are as few as dozens of warriors above the God Realm, and as many as hundreds of them. He rode the flying boat mightily to kill the big man.

But Xichang got the news the first time, and passed the news to the hand of the big man.

One hundred and fifty thousand soldiers flew to the star field in 150 flying boats.

In this battle, Liu Ce was still a little bit unsure. After all, Cao Bao, Xiao Sheng, and Tuxing Sun, the most powerful of the Han Dynasty, have all entered the training tower. Although today is the last day, I don't know when to leave. But Liu Ce has already explained that as long as they leave the customs, they will immediately rush to the battlefield.

Fortunately, Dahan's other gods and demons exited early, and their strength skyrocketed. For example, Shuibi was directly promoted from the early stage of the God Realm to the middle stage of the God King Realm.

Yuwentuo, Saite, and the cultivation base of Baiyue have also been promoted to the peak of the Divine King Realm at half a step, and they will be able to smoothly break through to the early stage of the Divine King Realm with only a slight difference.

Although Yuwen Tuo was only promoted to the half-step Divine King Realm, with the addition of Xuanyuan Sword, he fully possessed the combat power of the early Divine King Realm.

In addition, Yu Xiaoxue, Ling Donglai, and Zhao Ling'er were also half-step Divine King Realm early stage combat power. It is worthy of being a top-level training room, and it is of great benefit to the martial artist for the first time. Especially the lower the cultivation base of the martial artist, it is a leapfrog increase.

"Hey, this time, Nine Suns Sect is too unlucky to come. The big man's several great powers are in retreat."

Liu Ce murmured.

Liu Ce took advantage of the time he was going to StarCraft, and opened the system mall. I want to see if there is anything I need in the system mall.

"Well, the annual lucky draw? Only ten minutes left?"

Liu Ce was a little surprised.

Looking at this introduction, the hit rate of this draw is 30%, divided into 100 million national lucky draw, one billion draw. A two-billion-level lottery.

At a cost of 100 million, you can select a lottery in a designated category.

The designated category is easy to understand, that is, the treasures of this lottery are magic weapons, martial arts, magic cards, elixirs, elixir...

What Liu Ce needs now is the magic card. I am an emperor, so I naturally hope that the more powerful people he has, the better. It's just that although the hit rate is 30%. But who knows, what will be drawn.

Liu Ce hesitated a little as he watched the time go by. The gambler still had the upper hand.

"The system, I will spend 100 million national fortune, choose the magic card category to draw a lottery."

Liu Cedao.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the lucky draw is successful for selecting the God and Magic card category, please select the level of the draw."

The system prompt sounds.

"Give me ten consecutive shots at the 100 million level."

Liu Cedao.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the'Thank you for your patronage!'"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the "Thank you for your patronage""

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the "Thank you for your patronage""


Liu Ce was stunned by the series of thank you for your patronage. Even if he was unlucky for Tema, he couldn't be so unlucky, right?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for the middle sentence!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, winning Jiang Shili!"


Liu Ce's expression slowed down a little. This wave is still a bit of a loss. But at any rate, I won two, and I didn't get a duck egg, which was a bit of comfort.

If you spend billions of national fortunes and thank you all for your patronage, then your mentality will really burst.

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