The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 938: Debt collection

Only in the next few days, there was no news from Qiankunjiao. If it weren't for the reminder of Wang Chun by Liu Ce's side, he would have forgotten that he had asked Qiankun to ask for 100 million top-grade spars.

"Yuhuatian, what's going on with Qiankunjiao?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuhuatian standing in front of him and asked.

"Your Majesty, the situation of the Qiankun Sect is very complicated. The rights of the leader of the Qiankun Sect in the Qiankun Sect are not eloquent, and it is also constrained by the Presbyterian Church. Therefore, we received the news from the West Factory that the Qiankun Sect has the idea of ​​abandoning Wei Changhe. "

Yuhuatian said to Liu Ce.


Liu Ce was a little speechless at once, and if that was the case, it would be of no benefit to Liu Ce. Naturally, he didn't want his billion-dollar spar to be so ruined.

For Liu Ce, this billion top-quality spar is not a small amount.

"Go, go to Wei Changhe for a walk."

Liu Ce said lightly.

At this moment, Wei Changhe was imprisoned in the dungeon of the Han Palace. The surroundings are heavily guarded by the masters of Jinyiwei and the masters of the Gods and Demons Hall.

Wei Changhe's injury healed at the moment. But the power in the body was imprisoned.

During this period of time, Wei Changhe lived through the years. After all, from a dignified leader to the current prisoner. Wei Changhe was very depressed.

"Within the Universe, will you redeem me with 100 million top-grade spars?"

Every day, Wei Changhe is thinking about this issue. But every time I tell myself the answer after thinking about it, it is impossible.

Because of the factions within the Qiankun Sect, the reason why Wei Changhe was able to take the position was not only because of his high cultivation level, but also by chance. It is the result of the compromise of the various forces within the religion.

As the leader of Qiankun Sect, Wei Changhe also made several reforms in order to strengthen Qiankun Sect. These also deeply touched the interests of all parties in the Qiankun Sect. If it weren't for his strong cultivation base, his initial possession would be prestige in Qiankun Sect. Was ousted long ago. Even so, there is still a raging tide within Qiankun Jiao.

It can be said that the various forces in the Qiankun Sect are now waiting for him to die early, how could it be possible to redeem him by spending 100 million top-grade spars. In his opinion, he was arrested, and these people wanted to die early.

Now he fell into the hands of the big man. Those in the church are probably choosing the next leader.

"Wei Changhe, are you still comfortable staying?"

Liu Ce's faint voice sounded.

"Are you Emperor of Han?"

Wei Changhe sat up from the ground.

"It's me."

Liu Ce was expressionless.

"When will you let me out? Are you going to detain me for the rest of my life?"

Wei Changhe looked at Liu Ce with shining eyes.

"It's a pity that the best spar of your Qiankun Sect is not yet in place, otherwise you will be let out, just one sentence."

Liu Cedao.

"If you imprison this leader here, you will never get that 100 million spar."

Wei Changhe Road.

Liu Ce looked at Wei Changhe with a slightly surprised smile and said, "I didn't expect that Teacher Wei is so self-aware, so what do you think?"

"Let me go back, and I will personally get you 100 million top spars."

Wei Changhe took a deep breath and said his thoughts.

In fact, Wei Changhe is also very guilty. Normal people would not agree to such a request. Who knows if you go back or not.

Never thought that normal people would not agree, but Liu Ce is not a normal person.


Liu Ce nodded without saying anything.

"Aren't you afraid that I will lose my weight?"

Wei Changhe looked at Liu Ce with some incredible eyes.

"You will not."

Liu Ce has a meaningful way.

Looking at Liu Ce, Wei Changhe didn't seem to talk casually, and he was immediately ecstatic. Who wants to be a prisoner, as for going back and not repaying the debt, that's another story.

"Of course, before you go, sign a contract, otherwise it will be useless."

Liu Cedao.

"This natural, this natural."

Wei Changhe didn't say much either. Now he, as long as he can go back, everything is easy to say.

After signing the contract, Liu Ce said to a guard next to him: "Arrange a flying boat and send him away."

"According to the purpose."

The guard nodded, then said to Wei Changhe: "Master Wei, please."

"Are you really letting me go?"

Although Wei Changhe had been mentally prepared for a long time, he still felt as if he was in a dream watching Liu Ce as if he really wanted to let him go.

"What? Or is your Master Wei wanting to stay for the New Year?"

Liu Ce smiled at Wei Changhe.

Although Wei Changhe didn't know what Liu Ce meant by New Year, he also knew the general meaning. He smiled and immediately hugged Liu Ce and left with Liu Ce's guards.

"Your Majesty, really let him go?"

Yuhuatian, who was standing next to Liu Ce, asked hesitantly.

"Why don't you let him go and raise him here, you take care of the food?"

Liu Cebai glanced at Wei Changhe.

"Cough cough cough, but your Majesty, let the other party go back, the other party may not keep the promise and come up with 100 million top-grade spars."

Yuhuatian looked at Liu Ce solemnly.

"It's okay, it's better for the other party to rely on the account, so that we will have a reputation to fight the Qiankun Sect."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

Although now the big man is fighting against several major forces. Enough to crush. But this year, the major forces still pay attention to justification. If there is no excuse to start the war lightly, it will make the major forces panic. At that time, unite again to deal with the big guy.

Although the big man is completely unscrupulous in dealing with these major forces. But at this moment Liu Ce still hopes that these forces will temporarily become a barrier between the big Han and the demons. Now I don't want to completely turn my face with these forces.

Ten days later

Yuhuatian walks into the Palace of Qinzheng

"Yuhuatian, has this crystal of Qiankun Sect been offered?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Not yet, Your Majesty. Xichang's intelligence shows that during this period of time, when the Qiankun Sect was in turmoil, the major internal forces were tumbling against each other."

Yuhuatian looked at Liu Cedao seriously.

"That said, the ransom of the 100 million top-grade spar owed to us by this Qiankun teaching has not been recovered?"

Liu Ce said calmly.

"Yes, the slave and maid thought that the other party might not be prepared to pay the 100 million ransom."

Yuhuatian Road.


Liu Ce suddenly laughed.

"How can it be such an easy thing. Since we are unwilling to pay the ransom, then we just want to be honest. Killing and paying the lives, debts and repayments, this is a matter of course, and we still have a contract, the existence of black and white."

Liu Cexiao said.

Yuhuatian was slightly shocked when he heard the words, but immediately reacted. Yes, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to cheat on the arrears in black and white. The big man had a legitimate reason to ask for it. In general, it will not cause panic among other forces. It is still very easy to implement in this way.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

There was also a smile on Yuhuatian's face.

"Prepare, and set off tomorrow. This time, I have to ask the other party and the other party for this account."

Liu Cedao.

at the same time

The head teacher of Qiankun Sect is in Jintiancheng

This is the eleventh day that Wei Changhe, the leader of Qiankun Sect, has returned.

Before Wei Changhe returned, the Qiankun Sect was indeed plotting to elect a new leader. The elders of the Presbyterian Church of the Qiankun Sect had long been dissatisfied with Wei Changhe. If it weren't for Wei Changhe's talent for cultivation, he was too strong. These major forces did not unite and work with him. The leader of the Qiankun Sect, Wei Changhe has long been unstable.

At this moment, Wei Changhe was captured by the big man, and these elders who were in the middle of the Universe Sect were in the arms. Except for Wei Changhe's direct lineage, no one in the Qiankun Sect wants Wei Changhe to survive.

After being released, Wei Changhe quietly sneaked back to the sect of the Qiankun Sect, secretly recalling all his descendants that were gradually losing power, and then launched a surprise attack while the Qiankun Sect's religious elders were meeting. Finally, after a series of battles, Wei Changhe regained his position as leader.

Of course, Wei Changhe did not have the upper hand. After all, within the Qiankun Sect, other factions occupy the vast majority of power. Wei Changhe just relied on his own force to get to the top. However, it is impossible for him to kill all the forces of the Qiankun Sect. In this way, Qiankunjiao was left with a polished commander himself, and it was useless.

However, Wei Changhe has forgotten about the 100 million top-grade spars that are owed to the big man. After all, 100 million top-grade spar is not a small number, even if it can be taken out by the Qiankun Education, it still needs to be broken.

Next day

Liu Ce led a hundred warships to the world.

The star field where the big man is located is not far from the star field where Qiankunjiao is located, and the battleship will be there within twelve hours of full flight.

Golden Sky City

At this moment, the sky above the golden sky city. Thousands of guards are patrolling. Any unidentified person who dared to step into the Golden Sky City will be stopped.

The strength of these guards is not weak. Although there are only a thousand people. But each of the weakest has the cultivation base of the Holy Tribulation Realm. The patrol commander is even more capable of transforming the gods.

On this day, the guards are patrolling as usual. Suddenly, one of the guards pointed at the void in the distance and looked extremely shocked.

"Master, what is that, look at it?"

An officer pointed at hundreds of flying boats in the void in the distance, with a shocked expression.

"No, it's an enemy attack. Send an arrow alert."

Commander Xiao Gang was shocked.

"Tweet! Bang!"

The summons arrow was sent out.

"Block them."

Xiao Gang gave orders to the guards around him.

"Who in front, why broke into the airspace of my Golden Sky City?"

Xiao Gang yelled and asked.

"Get out of the way, this time, we are going to your chief teacher to get debts. If you don't give up, please don't blame us for being impolite..."

The ghost **** guards the crow road.

"What, a big man?"

Xiao Gang's expression suddenly changed.

How Xiao Gang didn't know, just now Qiankun Jiao had a fight with Dahan. The loss was heavy, and the leader was captured by the opponent. Now so fast, this big man has come to the door. At this time, Xiao Gang became increasingly afraid to let the other party pass. Otherwise, it will be Xiao Gang who will be unlucky in the end.

"Stop them."

Xiao Gang immediately ordered.

Suddenly, thousands of guards from the Qiankun Sect surrounded the big man's flying boat from all directions.

"Toast and not eat fine wine."

Liu Ce disdain.

"Shoot with all your strength, kill all, and leave none."

Liu Ce gave orders to the soldiers of the big man.

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