The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 939: Demand debt

"Come on, stop, kill without mercy."

Three thousand ghosts and guards lead Crow Road.

Three thousand ghost guards greeted him.


A terrible breath erupted from these ghost guards.

You need to know that these ghost guards were warriors in the half-step thunder tribulation realm before. This time, after the increase of the top training room, the cultivation base broke through to the peak of Thunder Tribulation Realm.

Although the top training room is powerful, it values ​​the talent of the warrior very much. Therefore, when the gods and demons, such as Shui Bi, Zhao Ling'er, Ling Donglai, and others, the breakthrough in cultivation is very fast. Sometimes, you can even break through the three realms at once. This is the embodiment of the martial artist's talent.

Although the talent of the Three Thousand Ghost Guards is good, it is not bad compared to ordinary cultivators. Compared to the gods and demons in the Great Han God and Demon Hall, it was not a star or a half.

Of course, even so, it is already pretty good. After all, these three thousand ghosts and guards are troops, not gods and demons. Therefore, it cannot be judged by the talent of gods and demons. Otherwise, the three thousand ghosts and guards are all martial arts talents of the Gods and Demons Hall, and that would be too defying.

"Damn it, how come everyone is so strong?"

The guard of Jin Tiancheng was shocked at the moment. They were only the cultivation base in the middle of the Heart Tribulation Realm, and now they are facing this army that is far above their own in terms of number and strength. They felt absolutely terrified.

"Retreat, retreat into the great defense formation."

Xiao Gang immediately gave the order.

Xiao Gang was not timid, but knew that the strength of the two sides was not at the same level. Even if they want to be cannon fodder, they don't have the qualifications. Only the first warning was waiting for an opportunity.

"Huh. Don't chase, rush forward."

The crow said.

This time the big man came, not declaring war. Just for the benefit.

In a short period of time, Wei Changhe, the elder and leader of the Qiankun Sect, has already been alarmed here.

Wei Changhe led the elders of the Universe Sect to greet him.

When Wei Changhe saw the big man's flying boat, his heart suddenly sank. He naturally thought of the agreement between himself and the big man. The look was extremely gloomy.

But Wei Changhe did not hesitate too much. After all, the billion-dollar spar is not just taken out. If you really took out 100 million top-grade spar, it would make Qiankunjiao a little bit painful.

"Boy, what do you mean?"

Wei Changhe pretended not to know.

The Great Elder Su Yuntong of the Qiankun Sect also looked at the big man's flying boat with a vigilant look. Hundreds of elders of the Universe Sect are ready to wait, and they are full of swords.

Liu Ce and Dahan's gods and demons came out of the flying boat.

"Hehehe, what is it, this is naturally to collect debts."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"Debt collection, what debt to collect, Emperor Han, you have to make it clear. I don't owe you anything."

Wei Changhe pretended not to know.

"Emperor Han, did you hear it? Our leader said that we don’t owe you anything. You guys should retreat. Don’t think that if you win once, you can ignore our major forces. Our major forces are deeply ingrained in the Yunlong Domain. It’s not as simple as you think."

The Great Elder Suyun Channel of Yunlong Domain.

"Is it?"

Liu Ce smiled contemptuously and looked at Wei Changhe: "Master Wei, it seems that you have forgotten the pain after the scar is healed."

With that said, Liu Ce took out a contract he had signed with the other party before, and said lightly: "Master Wei will not forget about this thing? Is it really to break his promise and get fat? This is not good for Master Wei's credibility."

"Di Han, what do you mean?"

Wei Changhe looked at Liu Ce disdainfully and said: "In the beginning, you guys only betrayed the signed contract under your coercion. Do you think this leader will abide by it now?"

Wei Changhe is not worried. This contract is not a soul contract and has no binding force. If it was to sign a soul contract, Wei Changhe would not dare not obey it anyway, otherwise, if he violated it, he would be bitten by the soul. At that time, Wei Changhe also felt strange, why the other party didn't use the soul contract to restrain himself with the top-grade spar with a value of 100 million. At that time, he only said that the other party did not have such a contract scroll. Because this kind of contract scroll, although not so rare. But it is not common.

"It seems that your Excellency is ready to fall back on the account. It doesn't matter. If you fall back on the account, I will take this debt in my own way."

Liu Ce jokingly said: "However, interest will be charged for this. At the beginning, it was written in the contract. If it is violated, a penalty of ten times the interest will be imposed. You will not forget it, right?"

Wei Changhe frowned and looked at Liu Ce in front of him and said, "Emperor Han, don't you think that our Qiankun Church has succumbed? This is not a big man."

Wei Changhe dared to be so arrogant, naturally it made sense. Because he is now in Jintian City, which has a complete defense formation.

This is a mysterious formation, and it is also a huge formation. Even a powerful Array Dao Grandmaster can hardly conquer this great defense formation under normal circumstances. Therefore, even though Wei Changhe knew the opponent's strength was very strong, the eight major forces joined forces at the beginning, but they were also defeated by the opponent. But he still has the confidence. After all, this is now in his turf.

Of course, despite this. But Wei Changhe's mind cannot fail to take precautions. After all, this is a big man. The strength is very strong.

Therefore, Wei Changhe immediately notified the other close forces. Such as Hanhai Ancient City, Shenniu Gang, Tiandaomen.

Although the last time the eight major forces joined forces, they failed, but if you really think that this is the bottom line of the eight major forces, you would be wrong. That time, it was just that the eight major forces were not prepared. Otherwise, in Wei Changhe's view, the other party would definitely not be pleased.

"Huh, it seems that this is your confidence?"

Liu Ce smiled disdainfully.

As a Xuanjie formation Taoist, Liu Ce can naturally feel that the opponent's formation is indeed good. Although it did not join Fu Dao to become a talisman formation, this large formation was a mysterious high-level formation, containing tens of thousands of formations.

In the formation, the more formation patterns contained, the greater the natural power. Even with Liu Ce's current formation strength, it would not be so easy to break through this formation for a while.

But this formation is not without weaknesses. This formation has no rune runes added, its power is very single, and it is easy to find flaws and weaknesses.

This weakness is that the formation is very afraid of consumption. Once the formation consumption on the above is as low as less than 10%, the formation is self-defeating and self-defeating.

"Jiang Shili, Ju Mang, go on the offensive. Keep offensive and follow the method we teach."

Liu Cedao.


Jiang Shili and Ju Mang began to attack the defensive formation.

"Boom!" "Boom."

The overwhelming power, following the two of them, poured down towards the defensive formation.

The pattern of this defensive formation unceasingly lit up and then disappeared.

"Damn, what are they going to do?"

Wei Changhe looked a little ugly.

"How did the Emperor of Han discover the shortcomings of this huge formation? This is impossible..."

Wei Changhe was very depressed. After all, even his huge formation has shortcomings, but if the enemy wants to consume it, it is not so easy. This must be guided by a formation master who is familiar with the formation.

There is no way to crack this formation by brute force alone, because brute force takes too long. Within the time of this action, the formation| will rely on the spar to replenish energy, and those formation patterns cannot be destroyed, so as to achieve the effect of cracking the formation. But if there is an array, I will guide you by the side. The efficiency is greatly improved.

Watching this pattern light up and then dissipate, Wei Changhe's heart was bleeding. Hundreds of years ago, when Jintian City was building the city, it cost a huge price to allow a mysterious stage peak formation Taoist who had traveled far to the Yunlong Region to arrange it. That price now makes Wei Changhe feel distressed when he thinks of it. Although at that time, Wei Changhe was just an extremely ordinary elder of the Qiankun Sect.

"Xiaozhu, have the major powers responded to their letters? Will they help?"

Wei Changhe looked at the cronies who returned to him and asked.

"Master, they did not respond, saying that they were considering..."

Xiao Zhu said helplessly towards Wei Changhe.

"What, think about it again? These guys are simply unreasonable. At the beginning we agreed to watch and help each other, but now they have turned back?"

Wei Changhe was furious.

"Subordinates begged hard, but they still didn't make a decision."

Xiaozhu lowered his head and said bitterly.

"Hush, keep urging."

Wei Changhe Road.


Xiaozhu turned and left.

At this moment, the sacred bull gang hundreds of thousands of miles away

"Fang Lord, do we want to help Qiankun Sect? After all, we have formed a tacit understanding. Before the invasion of the demons, Qiankun Sect also made a move."

Lin Haibing, deputy head of the Shenniu Gang, said with a serious look.

"Huh, that's different. The demons invaded, let alone the Qiankun Sect. All other forces must support each other. They were invaded by the demons. Didn't our God Bull Gang send troops? But this time is different. When someone signs a contract, it is to buy life money. He breaks the contract by himself and is called by a big man to ask for debts. How can our Shenniu Gang intervene in such things? Should our Shenniu Gang encourage treachery? This will make people laugh at our Gods. The bull gang, so we can’t intervene in this matter."

Xie Yiwei, the leader of the Shenniu Gang said.

Although Lin Haibing knew that this was because the gang leader was looking for an excuse not to send troops, the reason was indeed high-sounding.

At the same time, Hanhai Ancient City, Tiandao Gate, etc. also had the same idea. Although Qiankun Sect had been urging them, they were also looking for various reasons to shirk.

Qiankunjiao Jintiancheng

"Damn, these people are not things."

Wei Changhe was furious. But still helpless. Now he can only lead the master of the Universe Education to face the big man alone.

At this moment, the defensive formation of Jin Tiancheng was attacked by the masters of the big man in turn. Not only Jiang Shili and Jumang. Yuwentuo, Zhao Ling'er, Ling Donglai, Baiyue, Set and others also joined the attack category.

Although Qiankunjiao Jintiancheng's defensive formation is very strong, but under the repeated blows of so many big Chinese gods and demons, it is still in danger at this moment, as if it will be overthrown at any time.

The array patterns were lit and then disappeared.

Even people who are unfamiliar with the formation of Wei Changhe know this after seeing this scene, it will not last long if this formation continues to be supported in this way. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 939 Debt) reading record, which can be viewed next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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