Just listening to the voice, Yan Qingluo knew that Situ Jingzhu was in a good mood, so he stayed outside the door for a while before returning to his room.

After Situ Jingzhu had a conversation with the servant, she was ready to wash up and rest.

There is a separate bathroom and bathroom in the room. She can take a shower and wash up. Everything in it is new, including skin care products.

Situ Jingzhu talked to the servant and knew that these were prepared by Yan Qingluo's mother.

If she used it, wouldn't Yan Qingluo's mother think too much!

So Situ Jingzhu simply used the toiletries and a mask, and nothing else.

After washing up, lying on the bed, Situ Jingzhu looked at the ceiling, a little distracted.

The words that the servant just said kept echoing in her mind, and she was still very awake, so she was not sleepy.

It was also because she had seen the ruthlessness of the young ladies of wealthy families, so Yan Qingluo didn't dare to believe the women of these families.

These also have an impact on Yan Qingluo!

Unexpectedly, the Yan family treated Yan Qingluo and his parents like that before, so it can be said that they can only use it.

However, after Yan Qingluo came out of the Yan family, the Yan family could no longer use him.

And Zi Wan'er even wanted to persecute Yan Qingluo.

Fortunately, Zi Wan'er's conspiracy failed.

Such a ruthless woman doesn't matter if she dies.

But because of hearing this, Situ Jingzhu felt some sympathy for Yan Qingluo.

At this time, Situ Jingzhu seemed to start to see Yan Qingluo on an equal footing with her, instead of the feeling of looking up at the young marshal.

She began to feel that he was also a normal person and that he also had his own emotions.

However, he is usually cold and serious. Even if he has any fragile emotions, he hides it, and it is estimated that he will not be known.

At this moment, Situ Jingzhu suddenly felt that she wanted to care about Yan Qingluo.

When she realized this, Situ Jingzhu's face was a little hot, and she was a little shy herself.

She covered her head with a quilt.

It wasn't until midnight that Situ Jingzhu fell asleep while thinking.

a good night's sleep

The next day, when Situ Jingzhu woke up, she was confused when she saw the unfamiliar environment.

Situ Jingzhu suddenly sat up in shock, her heartbeat almost jumping from shock just now, but she didn't think about what happened last night until she recovered.

Situ Jingzhu rubbed her hair, feeling dizzy.

She really slept at Yan Qingluo's house all night.

Is she too capricious, too unrestrained?

Situ Jingzhu just woke up, a little flustered in her heart, and she couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

She was confused.

Situ Jingzhu always felt that last night was really too impulsive.

After a sleep, the brain seemed to wake up and regained its sanity.

She beat her head hard with her hands.

Situ Jingzhu hurriedly went to the ground, washed, and tidy up after washing, Situ Jingzhu realized that it was past nine o'clock in the morning.

She slept late last night, forgot to set the alarm clock, and it was almost nine o'clock when she woke up.

When she was training, she always had a whistle blower, so she didn't have the habit of setting an alarm clock.

So last night, she forgot to set the alarm clock.


Situ Jingzhu wanted to scream in a hurry.

I don't know if Yan Qingluo went to the training ground at this time.

She actually slept too much and slept.

After Situ Jingzhu took a shower, she hurried downstairs.

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