The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 2191: Yan Qingluo's mother

When Situ Jingzhu hurried downstairs, out of anxiety, she directly called out Yan Qingluo's name, "Yan Qingluo, Yan Qingluo..."

Situ Jingzhu ran downstairs while looking at the stairs, not paying attention to the current scene in the living room on the first floor.

So when Situ Jingzhu ran downstairs and saw a woman sitting on the sofa in the living room, she was stunned.

On the steps of the stairs, she almost lost her footing and fell.

Fortunately, Situ Jingzhu hurriedly held onto the handrail next to her, so that she did not fall down the stairs on the spot.

That would be a real joke.

But Situ Jingzhu didn't know how to react at this time.

Because the woman sitting on the sofa had already stood up and looked towards her when she heard the voice.

This is a woman who looks to be in her fifties. She is well maintained. When she looks over, there is a kind and soft light in her eyes.

So at this time, Situ Jingzhu was stunned when she met the woman's eyes, and she forgot to react.

To be precise, she was stunned, she didn't know how she should react.

For a moment, Situ Jingzhu felt so embarrassed, she thought she must be blushing.

She can't wait to slap herself now, or find a hole to burrow into.

Seeing the appearance of this woman, Situ Jingzhu now thought of what the maid said last night, that is, Yan Qingluo's mother.

Could this be Yan Qingluo's mother?

I thought that Yan Qingluo looked a bit like this woman.

It's just that this woman looks much softer, while Yan Qingluo is a little colder.

The woman looked at Situ Jingzhu, then smiled, "It's Situ Jingzhu, I'm Yan Qingluo's mother, you're welcome, just call me Auntie."

Situ Jingzhu wanted to cry without tears, but she still tried to smile.

At this moment, she forgot how to address people.

The woman looked very soft, she smiled kindly at Situ Jingzhu, she was also afraid of scaring Situ Jingzhu.

"Jingzhu, you're hungry, come down to eat."


Situ Jingzhu was once again shocked by this title.

It seemed that this was the first time she had met Yan Qingluo's mother. She called her so naturally, as if the two of them were familiar.

But this feeling made Situ Jingzhu less nervous.

She regained her senses a little, and then came down the stairs.

When Situ Jingzhu walked down the stairs, her whole body was still a little erratic, as if her feet were stepping on the air.

Situ Jingzhu went downstairs to the living room, Yan Qingluo's mother reached out and took Situ Jingzhu's hand, "Jingzhu, I have already prepared breakfast, you can eat it slowly."

What happened in the villa could not be hidden from Yan Qingluo's mother.

She knew that Yan Qingluo had brought a little girl back, but she was so excited.

She once doubted her son, she was so anxious.

But she insisted on letting Yan Qingluo attend the banquet or something, but Yan Qingluo didn't go.

So it's useless for her to worry about her son, but she didn't know that her son brought a girl back last night. I heard from the servant that this girl is really good. She didn't sleep much last night. She came early in the morning and wanted to see her. see this girl.

Well, at first glance, the woman had a good impression of Situ Jingzhu.

She is a clean and neat woman, her eyes are clear, and she is more realistic.

No hypocrisy.

Especially the dumb look, it's really cute.

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