The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 929: ruthless role

Gu Ningshuang also raised her head and listened carefully, whether what she felt was also related to Nanhua Kingdom.

Because he was worried about his grandmother and sister, Gu Ningshuang listened to everything related to Nanhuaguo.

Xue Hanche said attentively, "Someone asked for medicine with a lot of money. I was not in the valley before. The steward of the pharmacy under the mountain sold the medicine to him. After the information was uploaded, I found that there was a problem. The person who asked for the medicine was Chu Hen. , a ruthless beauty, what is he going to do with the medicine, I need to check."

Ye Luo Yunhuang nodded, Ye Luo Yunhuang understood why Xue Hanche was worried.

Since this person named Chu Hen is a ruthless character, what Xue Hanche is worried about is that Chu Hen's request for medicine will harm others.

Ye Luo Yunhuang also knew that the Valley of the Kings of Medicine did not seem to be as good as before, but the power of the Valley of the Kings of Medicine was also intricate and spread across many places, so it was not difficult to find out some information.

Gu Ningshuang was a little puzzled, "Doctor Xue, does this Chuhen have anything to do with Nanhuaguo?"

Gu Ningshuang remembered that when Xue Hanche called before, he mentioned the three words Nanhuaguo.

Xue Hanche said: "This Chu Hen comes from a special family, and his martial arts are stronger than ordinary people, but in his early years he was the guard next to the eldest princess of Nanhua. How is he now, let someone check the information."

Gu Ningshuang's face changed when she heard the princess.

She remembered some things that her grandmother said when she went to Nanhua, and her sister also said something about the eldest princess of Nanhua in the letter.

Gu Ningshuang's expression froze, Princess Nanhua!

"is her!"

That is their enemy.

Grandma and sister didn't let her get involved in Nanhua Kingdom's affairs before, but now that she knew, how could she not get involved.

Ye Luo Yunhuang and Xue Hanche both noticed something wrong with Gu Ningshuang's expression.

Ye Luo Yunhuang reached out to hold Gu Ningshuang's hand and said, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Gu Ningshuang nodded, "Yes, Zou Feifei, the eldest princess of Nanhua Kingdom, is our enemy, who has harmed the Gu family of Nanhua Kingdom, as well as my sister. If this Chu Hen is someone next to the eldest princess, then we really can't give it to him. medicine."

After a pause, Gu Ningshuang looked at Xue Hanche and said, "Doctor Xue, can the medicine be recovered?"

Xue Hanche sighed and said: "The medicine sold by Yaowanggu cannot be recovered. After all, this person paid for it, but this medicine seems to be a medicine to save someone, but Yaowanggu does not produce it. The secret medicine is an antidote, so even if it is to save people, it will not completely remove the effect of the secret medicine, but it can also partially relieve it."

Hearing Xue Hanche's words, Gu Ningshuang's expression changed. She might need to write a letter to her sister to tell her about the situation.

Ye Luo Yunhuang patted Gu Ningshuang's hand and said, "Don't worry, tell your sister first and see what's going on. If Xue Hanche has any news, it will also come to us."

Gu Ningshuang nodded.

Xue Hanche could not delay for too long, and left soon after.

And Gu Ningshuang also quickly wrote a letter to her sister and explained the situation in detail in the letter.

Then she quickly asked the dead man to send the letter out.


South China

Luo Family Luo House

After Gu Ningxin and Luo Lingchuan came back from the forest that day, they slept well in the bedroom.

After a good night's sleep and waking up, Luo Lingchuan arranged for someone to prepare food for her.

Now, Gu Ningxin is slowly getting used to Luo Lingchuan's meticulous care.

She stayed in Luo's house, discussed matters with Luo Lingchuan, and stared at the movements of the eldest princess.

Within two days, Gu Ningxin also received a letter from her sister.

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