The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 930: There are traces to follow

Every time Gu Ningxin received a letter from her sister, she would be very excited and excited.

Gu Ningxin didn't even bother to eat, so she quickly stood up and took the letter to go back to the house to see.

Luo Lingchuan looked at her movements and said, "Eat first!"

Gu Ningxin said, "I'm full."

In fact, Gu Ningxin only ate half of the meal. She couldn't wait to read the letter sent by her sister.

Gu Ningxin said, took the letter and ran back to the bedroom.

She is used to reading her sister's letter in her bedroom in a quiet environment.

After opening the letter, at the beginning, as always, greetings and caring words, and my sister said some daily things in Dongxia.

The following sister began to say something.

After reading it, Gu Ningxin's expression changed.

According to the time, that is to say, Chu Hen is likely to have given the eldest princess the purchased medicine, and the eldest princess will wake up soon.

Although the effect of the drug has not been completely lifted, the eldest princess will definitely wake up.

Now that she wants to approach the eldest princess and drug the eldest princess, it is not so simple.

It is said that Chu Hen will definitely guard against it.

Unexpectedly, there is a Valley of the Kings of Medicine in this world, and Chu Hen can actually use a lot of money to go to the Valley of the Kings of Medicine for medicine.

In fact, there is a Yaowanggu pharmacy at the foot of the Yaowanggu Mountain. Because someone was looking for medicine at that time, the steward of the Yaowanggu pharmacy did not think much about it.

Thinking that the solution is to save people, it shouldn't be a big problem.

And the person in charge at the time didn't know who Chu Hen was.

That's why the medicine was sold to Chu Hen.

Of course, Chu Hen didn't go directly to the Princess Mansion to deliver medicine, and he also prevented him from being exposed.

And when he fought against Luo Lingchuan and Gu Ningxin in the forest, he was injured by a weapon.

He can't reveal himself for the time being, he needs to recuperate and wait for Feifei to wake up.

But thinking of the recent events, Chu Hen's eyes flashed fiercely.

Over the years, he and Feifei have secretly cultivated some forces, which are reserved for critical use.

He didn't intend to sit still, this time when Feifei woke up, he wanted to persuade Feifei to take action.


After reading the letter sent by her sister, Gu Ningxin's face changed. She quickly ran out of the room to find Luo Lingchuan, "Brother Luo, I have something important to tell you."

Luo Lingchuan nodded, "Let's go to the study and talk."

Now the study has almost become a place where two people talk secretly.

Gu Ningxin told Luo Lingchuan everything about Nanhuaguo that her sister said in the letter.

"So the eldest princess will wake up soon, brother Luo, are we going to prepare?"

Luo Lingchuan's eyes sank, and his expression also froze, "It seems that this time Chu Hen did not directly qualify. He gave the medicine to the eldest princess through someone else."

"Chu Hen didn't show up? Then he must have contact with someone, and give the eldest princess the medicine through this person's hand."

Luo Lingchuan explained: "At that time, in order to catch Chu Hen, I dispatched additional personnel. There are traces of whoever appeared around the eldest princess's room and who has been in contact with the eldest princess."

Luo Lingchuan checked all the messages sent by his subordinates.

Then he quickly locked on two suspect targets, and immediately arranged for his subordinates to bring them out for interrogation when the two were out of the house.

Luo Lingchuan does things very fast.

Soon one of them recruited everything she knew.

Luo Lingchuan quickly took someone to search Chu Hen at the place he said.

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