After carefully rinsing his body, Saeki Takeo, who had enjoyed enough hot water, came out of the bathroom. When he came out, he hadn't opened the bathroom door, and the sound of Kayako came in again.

"'s only half past two."

Takeo Saeki understood what Kayako meant.

"But half past two is very late."

Takeo Saeki pushed open the main guard door and walked to the main part of the master bedroom.

"...I'll be late for work tomorrow..."

Takeo Saeki stopped.

Kayako stood beside the only bed in the master bedroom, but at this moment Kayako was no longer the wife she used to be, but a lady with glasses, blond hair, cold and proud features (with simple makeup), a tear mole at the corner of her eye, wearing a black-purple dress, and wearing a white doctor's uniform outside.

Full of charm.

Takeo Saeki murmured.

"Akagi Ritsuko..."

Akagi Ritsuko, a character in "Neon Genesis Evangelion", is a super big sister who is even bigger than Katsuragi Misato.

Kayako, who was cosplaying as Ritsuko Akagi, coughed, and expressed the false voice she had learned from fitness trainer Chiba Kirishima during this period of time.

With a glamorous voice, Jiaye pushed the glasses frame next to his temples.

"Have you ever seen a woman? Staring at me like that?"

Takeo Saeki looked upright.

"You thought I would be tempted by you so easily?"

Takeo Saeki took off his yukata.

"Of course, hehehe..."

Chapter 126 Cookies

The next morning, ten o'clock in the morning.

Takeo Saeki got up in a daze, probably because of too much movement, Kayako who was next to Takeo Saeki was woken up, opened his eyes, got up, and when he got up, the golden wig on his head fell off and landed on Kayako's pillow.

Takeo Saeki looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table and sighed.

"I played a little late yesterday, and I didn't get up until ten o'clock."

Kayako said while putting on his clothes.

"I'm going to make some lunch for Gangxiong, Gangxiong, will you go to work after eating?"

"OK, all right."

Takeo Saeki stretched his waist and walked to the bathroom.

Gayoko, who was dressed, stared at Takeo Saeki leaving, and slowly let out the breath he had been holding back since last night.

Kayako, who was waiting for Takeo Saeki to come home yesterday, didn't tell the whole truth.

Takeo Saeki went out in a hurry at night, and Kayako suspected that Takeo Saeki had gone to fool around with other women. For this reason, waiting for her husband to come back at night was not only distressing for her husband to prepare supper, but also wanted to see if her husband had any signs of cheating.

Takeo Saeki came back without his jacket and pants, which made Kayako very strange.

Even if you cheated, what if you lost all your clothes?

Gayeko is a man who has heard of a man who leaves home at night to hang out with his mistress. He wears one set of clothes when he goes out and another when he comes back, but he has never heard of a man who goes out with one set of clothes and comes back with only his underwear left.

So Kayako conducted another test.

Kayako looked at Ritsuko Akagi's white coat and black and purple dress piled on the floor outside the bed.

This was taken off yesterday by Takeo Saeki when he was excited. Because of the force he used, the black and purple dress was torn several times.

Kayako rubbed his legs lightly, his face flushed.

Takeo Saeki's volume was normal yesterday.

They are both old couples and old wives, plus Takeo Saeki has been quite frequent during this period of time, Kayako is very aware of his husband's physical strength and strength. Yesterday Takeo Saiki obviously had no close connection with women other than himself.

So Saeki Takeo did not cheat.

My husband really went to work overtime yesterday. As for why the clothes on his body are gone, although it is a bit unbelievable, but in the case that her husband has not cheated, Kayako thinks that Takeo Saeki really met a drunk and caused the clothes to be broken. What else can he doubt?

You can't just lose your clothes when you encounter a gangster fight on the way, blood splattered on your clothes, right?

Kaya felt deeply guilty.

I actually suspected that my husband was cheating.

I actually suspect that my husband who is so good to me, such a gentle husband, who likes me so much has cheated.

Obviously she has to go out and work hard overtime at night, and she is obviously working hard for her family. As a wife, she is not good at being a firm and strong backing for Takeo Saeki, but she suspects that her husband is unfaithful.

How can there be such a shameless and ignorant person?

Kayako decided to treat Takeo Saiki twice as well in the future.

Gayako put on his clothes and got out of bed, washed up and went down to the first floor to cook.

Because he had to go to work, Jia Coconut made a bowl of noodles and added two poached eggs in just over ten minutes.

Takeo Saeki finished eating comfortably, bid farewell to Kayako and went to the company.

When Takeo Saeki arrived, it was almost lunch time, and there were a lot fewer people in the office area.

Good friend Sato Kojin is still there. When Saeki Takeo returned to his seat, Sato Kokin came up to ask for credit.

"Gangxiong, a few people came to look for you when you were not here, and I said you went to accompany the client."

Takeo Saeki sat down and said gratefully.

"I've invited you for lunch."

Kojin Sato likes Takeo Saeki's straightforward attitude. There are many people in the company who accept other people's kindness and don't say anything. When they encounter problems, they ask others without bringing gifts.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing."

The smile on Sato Kojin's face was like a burst of words.

"Tsuyo, that fellow Natsume was diagnosed with cancer yesterday, and submitted his resignation letter with the president."

Takeo Saeki: "..."

Is something wrong?

How did you get to the point of submitting your resignation?

Sato Kojin's tone became excited.

"When I came in the morning, all the old men in the company were discussing this topic. Many people said that it was Natsume Taku's retribution for not respecting the elders."

Takeo Saeki said in disgust.

"It's really forcibly putting gold on my face. If there is retribution, how come Xichi Ying and Dafeng Zheshu didn't get cancer."

Because the whole company now believes that Natsume Taku is sent by the president. Therefore, Dafeng Zheshu, Nishike Sakura, and Natsume Taku have become the face of the company president. The three of them are ashamed, and the president is ashamed. The three of them are proud, and the president can maintain his majesty.

For this reason, even if Natsume Taku did something irreversible, he only fired Nishike Sakura and Dafeng Zheshu, who were retained by President Maeda and continued to direct the project of President Nishike.

A colleague across from Takeo Saeki's desk stood up, confused.

"I also heard about Natsume Takuya getting cancer and resigning. Hey, don't you think there's something wrong with this?"

Takeo Saeki was startled, does this colleague know something?

Sato Kojin asked curiously.

"What's wrong?"

The colleague on the opposite side touched his chin and said.

"It is reasonable to say that something like cancer has been discovered, shouldn't we go to other better hospitals for a diagnosis?"

Sato Kokina was happy.

"How do you know that Natsume didn't go to other hospitals for examination? Maybe Natsume Taku was found to have cancer a month ago. Until now, he has confirmed that there is no misdiagnosis many times, so he came to the company to submit his resignation letter in despair."

The colleague on the opposite side was surprised.

"That's right. I thought that Natsume Taku had only done one test. How could a normal person be sure that he would die from a terminal illness if he did it once."

Unfortunately, Natsume Taku is indeed dead.

Takeo Saeki turned on the computer, entered the browser, and browsed all the local news.

Somewhat miraculously, there was no news of Natsume Taku and the security guard committing suicide.

Yesterday, Natsume Taku jumped off the fifth floor of the police station and died with his head on the ground. The security guard snatched the kitchen knife from the policeman, stabbed himself in the neck, and committed suicide.

As a suicide that occurred with the intervention of local law enforcement agencies, it should have brought a huge amount of traffic, but I didn't see any movement on the Internet.

On the contrary, the suicide case of the president of Kawakami Tile Company, Kawakami Tainaru and Tsuchimikado Chihiro of a tile factory in the suburbs was reported, but the news did not see any description of the case about "the goddess abandoned me" and "the master doesn't want me anymore".

Tsuyoshi Saeki only saw news that Kawakami's Kawakami Tile Company suffered a sharp drop in revenue due to poor management, and Kawakami, who was under increasing pressure, could not withstand the mid-life crisis and hanged himself.

And Chihiro Tsuchimikado committed suicide because the Sanna tiles he sold killed someone, and he couldn't bear the guilt.

In short, they all committed suicide because of their own factors, and this kind of suicide is considered routine in the Neon country. Except for Takeo Saeki who knows the inside story, other people in the Neon country will not take a second look.

So the death of four people yesterday, in Takeo Saeki's homeland, is not only a shock to the whole country, but also a big event that can cause a commotion, so it passed so lightly?

Takeo Saeki finally understood why the police in Wano Country could be so useless.

Really cover up.

Half an hour later, Sato Xiaojin and other colleagues went to have lunch one after another. Saeki Takeo sat at his work station and played Lianliankan and other small games for a while, and then left the company to check the construction situation at the construction site under his jurisdiction.

Most of the construction sites are normal, and Takeo Saeki just walks up and confirms that there is no problem, then leaves, and then goes to the next one.

When we arrived at Mizunuma Mansion, an accident happened.

Takeo Saeki met his client, Kiyoko Mizunuma, at Mizunuma Residence.

This handsome married woman was watching the workers installing the wooden floor in the living room. When Takeo Saeki entered the construction site, Kiyoko Mizunuma turned around. Seeing that it was Takeo Saeki, Kiyoko Mizunuma bowed.

"Mr. Saeki, good afternoon."

Takeo Saeki returned the salute.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Mizunuma, huh? Is Mrs. Mizunuma off today?"

Mizunuma Kiyoko straightened up and said respectfully.

"Yes, the company is on holiday, today and tomorrow are closed."

Saiki Takeo said sincerely.

"Well, Mrs. Mizunuma usually works very hard, so take a good rest these days."

Kiyoko Mizunuma is a young girl, the mother of a lolita, one child is already tired enough, and the two children, Takeo Saeki, dare not think about how hard and stressful Kiyoko Mizunuma is in his daily life.

Mizunuma Kiyoko laughed.

"I will take a good rest. By the way, Mr. Saeki, I heard from Mimiko that when Mimiko came to inspect the construction site a few days ago, you took the trouble to send Mimiko back to the hospital many times, and even gave you gifts?"

Takeo Saeki nodded slightly.

"This is what I should do. Also, Mrs. Mizunuma should persuade Mimiko to stop running around. Such a cute child will really be in danger walking on the road."

There are not many things in the neon country, but there are many idiots.

Mizunuma Kiyoko looked serious.

"Actually, I've talked to Mimiko about this many times, but Mimiko doesn't listen. Well, Mr. Saeki, are you free this afternoon?"

Takeo Saeki wondered.

"Ms. Mizunuma, is something wrong?"

"It's like this. Today I made some cranberry cookies. I originally planned to give them to the children, but since Mr. Saeki is here, I'll make some for Mr. Saeki too."

Kiyoko Mizunuma bowed to Takeo Saeki again.

"Take it as a thank you gift from Mr. Saeki for escorting Mimiko back many times. Please takeo Saeki don't refuse."

Anyway, it's still early, Saiki Takeo responded.

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