"Then please trouble Mrs. Mizunuma."

"No, I'm the one who troubled Mr. Saeki."

Takeo Saeki went to the construction site to check around, and after confirming that there was no problem, he led Kiyoko Mizunuma out of the Mizunuma mansion, got into the car, and went to Kiyoko Mizunuma's rented house.

Mizunuma Mansion is not far from Mizunuma Kiyoko's residence, this time Takeo Saeki only took ten minutes to bring Mizunuma Kiyoko to the rental house.

The two got out of the car one after another and walked into the rental house.

In the rental house, Mimiko Mizunuma, who is full of vitality and bright eyes, has a gloomy face, with her head down, and Nanako Mizunuma, who often has bandages on her hands and feet, is there.

Only Mimiko Mizunuma was in the kitchen, and Nanako Mizunuma was sitting at the table outside the kitchen.

Takeo Saeki rolled his eyes around the bandages on Nanako Mizunuma's hands and feet.

Kiyoko Mizunuma on the side explained.

"The child Nanako fell down the stairs again a few days ago, alas, this child is not too young, why is he still so dull?"

Takeo Saeki remained silent.

Mimiko Mizunuma came out carrying a plate of baked cranberry cookies. When she saw Takeo Saeki and Kiyoko Mizunuma, the little black and straight loli smiled very brightly.

"Mother, Mr. Saeki, please come over and eat biscuits. Freshly baked biscuits are the best."

Takeo Saeki and Kiyoko Mizunuma went to the table and sat down.

Mimiko Mizunuma brought three dinner plates and put them away for Kiyoko Mizunuma, Takeo Saeki, and Nanako Mizunuma. There were two cookies in Nanako Mizunuma's dinner plate, and Takeo Saeki and Kiyoko Mizunuma had five cookies each.

At this point, there were more than 20 cookies left in the baking tray. Mimiko Mizunuma brought a few small pouches, divided them into two bags, and put five cookies in them.

Mizunuma Kiyoko said displeased.

"Mimiko, don't run around, if you want to deliver biscuits, mom will deliver them."

Mimiko Mizunuma smiled energetically.

"Mom usually works very hard. It's hard to take a good rest after the holiday. Let Mimiko do these small things for mother."

Mimiko Mizunuma ran out with a bag full of cookies.

Kiyoko Mizunuma originally wanted to catch up, but finally sat down.

Takeo Saeki wondered.

"Ms. Mizunuma, did you just let Mimiko go?"

Mizunuma Kiyoko had a weird face on her face.

"Mr. Saeki, although it's a little hard to understand, but... Mimiko is different..."

Takeo Saeki blinked and repeated.

"Mimiko... different?"

Mizunuma Kiyoko nodded.

"That's right, it's as if Mimiko has a powerful guardian spirit around her, and she doesn't seem to be in danger wherever she goes."

"One time, I went to a cemetery that was said to be haunted in order to hurry. When I went alone, I always felt that something was staring at me, but when Mimiko went with me, I didn't have this feeling."

"Sometimes I feel like Mimiko is by my side, protecting me."

When Kiyoko Mizunuma said these words, there was a smile and pride on her face.

Although Mimiko Mizunuma's origin is very subtle, it is a pain that Kiyoko Mizunuma does not want to recall in her life, but Mimiko Mizunuma has been Kiyoko Mizunuma's most powerful helper until now. Without this obedient, sensible and energetic child, Kiyoko Mizunuma would have been crushed by the pressure of life.

Maybe that's what angels should be like.

Mizunuma Kiyoko loves Mizunuma Mimiko very much.

Saiki Takeo was surprised.

"Is there such a thing?"

No wonder Mizunuma Kiyoko was willing to let Mizunuma Mimiko run around alone.

"Mr. Saeki was also surprised, right? I used to be the same, but after thinking about it, it may be that Mimiko is gentle and kind, and she is loved by the gods, so she will not encounter any danger."

Kiyoko Mizunuma has always believed that if a child like Mimiko Mizunuma cannot be loved by the gods, who else can be loved by the gods?

Kiyoko Mizunuma took several pieces of cranberry biscuits and stuffed them into her mouth.

After eating the third piece, Kiyoko Mizunuma got up.

"Mr. Saeki, I'm going to make cranberry biscuits for you now. Please take them home and give them to your family to taste. There is my full gratitude to you."

Takeo Saeki bowed his head in thanks.

"Trouble, Mrs. Mizunuma's heart, I feel it now."

Kiyoko Mizunuma went to the kitchen, and the sound of kneading and kneading noodles was heard in the kitchen.

Takeo Saeki withdrew his gaze, picked up the cranberry biscuits on his plate, put them in his mouth, and chewed.

The crispy biscuits crumble under the pressure of the teeth, followed by cranberry pulp with a sweet and sour taste.

Because it was a freshly baked biscuit, it tasted like a cold biscuit, and Takeo Saeki couldn't help but pick up another one and put it in his mouth.

Still the same crispy, sweet and sour, delicious!

Mrs. Mizunuma's craftsmanship is unexpectedly good.

When Takeo Saeki ate the third cranberry biscuit, Takeo Saeki felt a strange feeling.

Takeo Saeki raised his head instinctively.

On the dining table floor, Nanako Mizunuma with bandages on her hands and feet stared at Takeo Saeki, her clear eyes were filled with gloom because of her youth.

Takeo Saeki swallowed the biscuit crumbs in his mouth, and met Nanako Mizunuma's eyes.

Nanako Mizunuma and Takeo Saeki looked at each other. After all, the child did not have the concentration of an adult. He turned his head away and his body trembled.

Takeo Saeki put the last two biscuits in his mouth, chewed and said.

"Nanako, the nurse at the hospital you went to told me that you have wounds from being beaten and abused. You have been going to the hospital before because you were not accidentally injured, but because someone abused you."

Nanako Mizunuma, who turned her head away, suddenly turned her head to look at Takeo Saeki, the little guy's eyes were full of fear.

Takeo Saeki swallowed the cranberry cookie in his mouth, and said in a deep voice.

"Is it Mrs. Mizunuma who beat and abused you?"

Mizunuma Nanako opened her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but there was no sound coming out of her mouth.

Takeo Saeki re-exports.

"Or... is it your older sister, Mimiko Mizunuma!?"

The last time Takeo Saeki saw Nanako Mizunuma again, he saw Nanako Mizunuma looking at Mimiko Mizunuma viciously. At that time, Takeo Saeki thought Mrs. Mizunuma's abuse was because she only caught Nanako Mizunuma and Mimiko Mizunuma had never been abused.

That's why Nanako Mizunuma resented Mimiko Mizunuma.

This is also a wonderful social phenomenon. When a bully with absolute power bullies a target, the target may not resent the bully, but resent why the people around her are not in the same situation as her.

Why is she the only one being bullied?

But Tomie's words not long ago gradually broke Takeo Saeki's inherent thinking.

Mimiko Mizunuma, Nanako Mizunuma's older sister...is a demon.

Adults can bully children, and so can children.

Chapter 127 TV Series

Hearing the words "Mizunuma Mimiko", Mizunuma Nanako's eyes straightened.

The little girl seemed to have been given a nine-ring arcane technique to stop time, and her pupils, breathing, and body movements were all frozen for a moment.

But very quickly, this moment was broken again. Fine beads of sweat began to appear on Mizunuma Nanako's forehead, her face turned blue and red, and she kept whimpering and whispering, like the mournful sound of a kicked puppy.

Mizunuma Nanako hugged her chest with both hands, trembling.

"don't want…"

"don't want…"

Mizunuma Nanako's mournful puppy voice was mixed with vague begging for mercy.

Takeo Saeki murmured softly.


PTSD refers to post-traumatic stress disorder. In the words of Takeo Saeki's motherland, he was bitten by a snake once and afraid of well ropes for ten years.

For the soldiers of the Lighthouse Country, they once saw their teammates being shot, and when they returned home, they would vomit and tremble involuntarily when they heard the sound of gunfire, and wanted to find a place to hide.

And Mizunuma Mimiko is the snake that can stimulate Mizunuma Nanako, and the memory of her teammate who made Mizunuma Nanako vomit and tremble was shot.

Even if Takeo Saeki just mentioned Mimiko Mizunuma, Nanako Mizunuma would have a stress response because of her despair.

can't go wrong...

Takeo Saeki sighed.

Just mentioning Mimiko Mizunuma, Nanako Mizunuma can be frightened like this, obviously Mimiko Mizunuma has abused Nanako Mizunuma to the point of psychological shadow.

Compared to before, when she mentioned Kiyoko Mizunuma, Nanako Mizunuma just opened her mouth and didn't speak.

It was obvious who was really behind the abuse.

But this is actually a good thing in a sense.

When the nurse at the hospital took Takeo Saeki out for a chat and asked Takeo Saeki to take care of Kiyoko Mizunuma and stop mistreating Nanako Mizunuma, Takeo Saeki hesitated.

You must know that Nanako Mizunuma and Mimiko Mizunuma are both supported by Kiyoko Mizunuma's work. If Kiyoko Mizunuma has some problems because of bullying, what will happen to the two underage children?

You can't send them to welfare homes, right?

I dare not say that the environment of the orphanage is not good, but Takeo Saeki has heard too much bad news. Comparing the two, Takeo Saeki doesn't know whether it is better to live in an orphanage or by his mother's side.

And if Mizunuma Mimiko was not the one who abused Mizunuma Nanako, but Mizunuma Mimiko, then it would be much better.

No matter what, if the only source of income for the family does not fail, how can the two children have a guaranteed living environment.

Takeo Saeki felt a lot more relaxed.

How to confess this matter to Kiyoko Mizunuma next?

There were footsteps coming out of the kitchen, and Kiyoko Mizunuma came out holding a dinner plate.

"Mr. Saeki, the cookies are baking, you just have to wait for a while, um, I just ate a cookie, I'm thirsty."

Kiyoko Mizunuma walked to the table, took three cups of milk tea from the plate, and gave them to Takeo Saeki, herself, and her daughter Nanako Mizunuma.

Nanako Mizunuma was still sweating profusely and trembling, Kiyoko Mizunuma couldn't help asking.

"Nanako, what's wrong? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Mizunuma Nanako shook her head and remained silent.

Kiyoko Mizunuma reached out and touched Nanako Mizunuma's sweaty forehead.

Not hot.

Mizunuma Kiyoko felt relieved, and looked back at Takeo Saeki.

Takeo Saeki picked up the milk tea that Kiyoko Mizunuma put down, and took a sip.

Takeo Saeki's eyes lit up.

"Mrs. Mizunuma, this milk tea is delicious."

The milky taste of this milk tea is very thick, coupled with a touch of bitterness and sweetness of the tea leaves, the taste of the milk tea is fragrant, sweet and not greasy.

Mizunuma Kiyoko was full of complacency.

"It's really delicious, after all, that child Mimiko made it herself."

Takeo Saeki: ?_?

Kiyoko Mizunuma is showing off her daughter again.

"Mr. Saeki, you may not know that the milk tea outside is very expensive now, the cheaper one is 500 yen, and the more expensive one is more than 800 yen."

Takeo Saeki nodded.

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