The scalpel also fell, and the crisp sound rang several times in succession after landing.

"Hypoglycemia! Doctor Sanhai has hypoglycemia!"

There was a yell in the emergency room, and several nurses dragged the hypoglycemic doctor aside.

Takeo Saeki: ?°?°?

What with what?

You were almost killed just now, right?

Why don't the people around seem to see the action of killing your own doctor just now? Are you part of a killer group?

If so, what are you doing with so many planes?

Once a scalpel was inserted into the temple, he was dead and couldn't die anymore.

Or is it that your killer organization has inexplicable obsessive-compulsive disorder, and you must be satisfied with an accidental death?

"Stab... stab..."

The light on Takeo Saeki's head flickered, and Takeo Saeki looked at the top of his head blankly, and the surgical shadowless lamp above his head also appeared abnormal.

The lights are flickering, like when the BOSS appears in a horror movie, it seems that you can feel the special lighting effects of the BOSS aura.

Several doctors who were rescuing Takeo Saeki turned a deaf ear, as if they didn't feel anything abnormal about the surgical shadowless lamp above their heads.

Takeo Saeki was really at a loss.

Is it because I have hallucinations or is this world abnormal?

Isn't this group of doctors an obsessive-compulsive disorder killer organization?

You want to make accidental death more perfect?

Such a big shadowless lamp above the head...


The surgical shadowless lamp exploded suddenly, and Tsuyoshi Saeki could even see a large number of fragments turning into white mist and scattered during the explosion. In the scattered white mist, several pieces of sharp glass hit Tsuyoshi Saeki's eyes and neck.

I don’t know if God wanted Takeo Saeki to die, but Takeo Saeki found that there were a few pieces of glass inside the surgical shadowless lamp that exploded.

These glasses hit the eyeballs and the neck, and it is also possible to die.

Takeo Saeki: ?°?°?

It's really inexplicable.

Isn't the emergency room the place to save lives?

In just a few seconds, he faced accidental death three times.

Of course, it may be his own hallucination, because the falling debris passed through Saeki Takeo's body again. Saiki Takeo took a closer look, and the surgical shadowless lamp above his head did not change.

It is quietly providing light.

Takeo Saeki: ?_?

Come on, come on, let's not read it, shall we?

If we don't watch it, this kind of hallucination that makes the heart beat faster will not appear again, right?

Takeo Saeki closed his eyes.

It was pitch black in front of my eyes, but there were sounds of "咻咻咻", "啪啪咔", "咚咚咚" in my ears, as if something intense was happening in an area that Tsuyoshi Saeki couldn't see.

For example, an orthopedic surgeon is doing carpentry with a chainsaw, and the patient is the wood.

Takeo Saeki is out of sight, out of mind, and likes to do whatever he likes outside.

After a while, the strange noise around stopped.

On the contrary, there was the sound of whirring wind blowing by Takeo Saiki's ears, and bursts of vague and familiar voices circling in Takeo Saiki's mind.


"Gangxiong! No matter what! Survive!"


"At all costs..."


Takeo Saeki suddenly opened his eyes.

Takeo Saeki saw a blue sky and birds flying overhead.

Takeo Saeki got up from the ground in a daze.

Didn't I just have an operation in the emergency room?

where is this

Takeo Saeki looked around.

Takeo Saeki saw a garden, which was quite familiar, the garden of the Hishiro Residence, and there was a person standing beside him.

This person is also familiar, it is the cold and indifferent Himuro Kirie.

Himuro Kirie looked at Saeki Takeo's face and said calmly.

"Outlander, what then?"

Takeo Saeki froze.

Hishiro Kirie pursed her lips, and opened them after a few seconds.

"How did you... fish..."

Takeo Saeki: ?°?°?

What with what?

Have you fallen into hallucinations again?

"Fog painting!"

A steady voice came from a distance, covering the entire garden of the ice house.

Takeo Saeki, Himuro Kirie turned his head.

An old priest wearing a priest's uniform and a stern face walked over from the side, and the priest's piercing eyes turned on Himuro Kirie and Saeki Takeo.

Seeing the old priest, Himuro Kirie immediately lowered his head.

The old priest said seriously.

"Wuhui, you have been out for a long time today, you can go back."

Himuro Kirie's lowered head couldn't see the expression, but Saeki Takeo saw Himuro Kirie's hand clenched in front of his lower abdomen.

Ice room fog painted in resistance.

This resistance made the old priest at Huayuankou's complexion even more unkind.

"Kuei! Come here!"

Himuro Kirie was silent for three seconds, and finally moved his legs, and reached the side of the old priest. The old priest glanced at Takeo Saeki who was still in the garden, and asked a question.

"Who are you and why are you in the ice house?"

Takeo Saeki laughed dryly.

"I'm just an insignificant stranger."

The old priest nodded, without any expression on his face, he just turned his head and left the garden.

Himuro Kirie followed along.

Takeo Saeki stared at the old priest leaving, an unspeakable chill gushed out from his heart, covering his whole body.

The old priest just asked who Takeo Saeki was and why he was in the garden. After Takeo Saeki answered, the old priest didn't respond at all, as if he didn't care about Takeo Saeki.

This lack of response is very interesting. After all, for the dead, it is a waste for you to say a word.

The despicable outsider who hooked up with Himuro Kirie was killed by the Himuro clan.

The inexplicable vague voice just now said that he wanted to live.

A kind of enlightenment emerged in Saeki Takeo's heart.


live! ?

live! !

Takeo Saeki rushed out of the garden without saying a word. There were many Himuro clansmen coming and going outside the garden. Takeo Saeki looked left and right, searching back and forth, but after a while, Takeo Saeki's eyes lit up.

Takeo Saeki saw a few young Himuro clansmen walking over talking and laughing.

Takeo Saeki walked up to the group of young people, several young people looked at Takeo Saeki at the same time, Takeo Saeki asked.

"Do you know who is Himuro Otake?"

A young man with a round face came out and asked doubtfully.

"you know me?"

Takeo Saeki nodded vigorously, of course Takeo Himuro Otake Saeki knew him, this guy united many young people and expressed to Himuro patriarch Yasuya Himuro that he would guard the gate of the eternal life of a bird, and that the whole family run away is the right way.

Of course Takeo Saeki knows the name, but he doesn't know what it looks like.

Takeo Saeki pointed to himself.

"I want to talk to Himuro-san, just the two of us."

The round-faced young man was taken aback for a moment, then nodded again.


The round-faced young man gave the friends around him a look, and the friends dispersed.

The round-faced young man hugged his chest and said with a superior attitude.

"Okay, let's talk, what do you tell me first."

The round-faced young man could tell that Takeo Saeki must be a foreigner from outside. The Himuro family is not small, but after all, there is no industrial system, and many things cannot be manufactured. Therefore, every once in a while, a merchant will arrive at the Himuro mansion to exchange goods with the Himuro mansion.

Takeo Saeki's current attitude probably means that he will show up on time to go to the business, and now he wants to communicate, probably because he wants to discuss the issue of product replacement.

Takeo Saeki took a deep breath, then let it out.

"The time of calamity is coming, right? The Priestess of the Rope is ready."

Ice Room Otake's eyes widened.

Takeo Saeki took a step forward.

"Mr. Himuro, I have the ability to predict dreams. We will fail this rope ceremony, and the entire Himuro clan will be killed by the miasma blown from the underworld. I am here to save you!"

Himuro Otake: "?(°?°)?"

"Uh, I... what did you just... say?"

Himuro Otake was a little dazed, because there was too much information in what Takeo Saeki said just now, and for a while, Ohtake Himuro couldn't hold it. Should he kill Takeo Saiki or listen to Takeo Saeki continue.

Takeo Saeki said hurriedly.

"Mr. Himuro, didn't you understand? The Rope Ritual will fail this time, and the Himuro clan will be exterminated. No one will survive, and everyone will die."

Takeo Saeki licked his lips.

"If the ice room clan wants to survive, they must give up their mission of guarding the Gate of Eternity and go to other places to recuperate!"

Ice Room Otake's body shook violently.

Among other things, Takeo Saeki's words are similar to Himuro Ohtake's thoughts.

Oh no, there is no difference at all!

He just **** feels that his family has guarded the Gate of Eternal Eternity for hundreds of years, so he has done his duty, and no one can criticize him now that he quits.

But the family has been like this for hundreds of years, and the mission has become a tradition, and tradition, if there are no huge changes in reality, it is impossible to change.

Takeo Saeki provided the twist.

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