So even if Himuro Otake felt that such a sudden person was abnormal, just based on Saeki Takeo's words, he could hypnotize himself to three points.

Himuro Otake couldn't help but value Takeo Saeki a lot, Himuro Otake said seriously.

"This one, uh..."

Takeo Saeki said seriously.

"Just call me King Arthur."

Ice Room Otake didn't feel any difference, nodded and said.

"Mr. Arthur, did you find the wrong person? I'm just an insignificant member of the Ice Room Clan..."

Takeo Saeki interrupted.

"That's why I'm going to use Mr. Himuro to find someone who has the right to make decisions. Well, just go through it like this, with very little right to speak. Mr. Himuro, do you know the entire sacrifice process of the Rope Ceremony?"

Otake Himuro shook his head blankly.

This is a matter of course. In ancient times, knowledge was monopolized by the upper class in society, and the social illiteracy rate exceeded 90%. For this reason, in many rural areas, you can get a job in the local yamen if you know a few words and study for a while.

The ice room family must also abide by the social rules, monopolizing a lot of knowledge, and only the upper echelons of the family can learn it.

As a result, the Rope Linking Ceremony, which is a mysterious ceremony that concerns the entire family, is hidden, and only a few people in the entire family know about it.

If the law is unknown, the power cannot be measured.

Takeo Saeki thought for a while, and said after brewing the words.

"Mr. Himuro, I will tell you all the content of the Rope Ceremony in my dreams and I have seen. You use these things as a stepping stone and talk to someone in your family who has the right to make decisions. How about it?"

What is the status of the ice room Otake in the ice room clan?

What is the status of the group of young people who went to find Kang Ye in the ice room together with Otake the ice room?

They are all young people who have just grown up, or even not grown up.

Why did they dare to rebel against Kang Ye in the ice room and ask Kang Ye in the ice room to give up his mission?

The reason is simple, they have the support of their elders.

When any group is large, its internal structure will be dispersed and its opinions will be divided.

That is to say, among the ice room clan, there are patriarchs who support the tradition and continue to guard the gate of eternal life, and don’t mind sacrificing the younger generation, and there are also reformers who feel that they have guarded for hundreds of years and have fulfilled their responsibilities.

It's just that the traditional faction is powerful, and the innovative faction dare not directly put forward resistance opinions, so they asked the younger generation to fight against the traditional faction.

This is the same reason that some countries do not end up in war and only find agents in war.

For this reason, Hishiro Dazhu dared to come to the door and Hishiro Kang Ye to raise objections. There must be someone behind it. Only with someone's support can the young people like Hishiro Otake have the confidence to put forward their ideas.

What Takeo Saeki has to do is to win these reformers to his side. With the protection of these reformers, at least he doesn't have to die.

Ice Room Dazhu said solemnly.

"Mr. Arthur, please tell me, I will remember clearly."

Takeo Saeki told what he knew about the rope ceremony.

"The Ritual of the Rope, the first thing to do is to find..."

Himuro Otake memorized while listening, and when he finished listening, Himuro Otake bowed and said.

"I see, Mr. Arthur, please wait a moment, I will go to the elders to tell your prophecy."

Takeo Saeki was very satisfied. When Himuro Otake spoke, he used honorifics, which shows that this person has been persuaded by him.

Oh no, he was convinced by himself.

After all, what Takeo Saeki said was the same as his pursuit.

Chapter 262 Uprising

Half an hour later, in a small room of five square meters.

Saeki Takeo sat on a chair, casually picked up a piece of malt candy at hand and put it in his mouth.

Because he was not sure when the Himuro clan would come to catch him and kill him, Saeki Takeo asked Himuro Otake to take him to a safe place before he left.

Himuro Otake agreed, took Saeki Takeo to a clean small room, and brought tea and snacks.

Now that half an hour has passed, Takeo Saeki heard footsteps approaching.

The footsteps stopped at the door, and then the door opened, and Bingshi Dazhu walked in from the door.

"Mr Arthur."

Himuro Otake is young after all, and the happy expression on his face betrayed the results of the negotiation.

"The elders of my family want to see you."

Himuro Otake made a gesture of invitation.

"I'll take you there."

Takeo Saeki took a sip of tea, got up after getting rid of the sweetness in his mouth.

Himuro Otake turned around and walked out of the small room, followed by Saeki Takeo.

After detouring a few roads, Himuro Otake took Saeki Takeo to the fireplace in "Zero Zero".

The room around the fireplace that used to have to fight against evil spirits is now quite peaceful and warm, but there are no people around, and the whole room looks empty.

Ice Room Dazhu stretched out his hand at the door between the fireplaces.

"Mr. Arthur, please sit down inside, the elders will be here soon."

Takeo Saeki nodded, and then went to the only table in the fireplace and sat down on his knees.

Ice Room Otake backed out and closed the door.

There was a moment of silence around the stove, and Takeo Saeki could clearly hear his own heartbeat and breathing.

This feeling is very bad, and Takeo Saeki feels that this extreme tranquility may be the elders of Himuro Ohtake hanging himself.

But this hanging didn't last long, within five minutes, Takeo Saeki heard an old voice coming from all directions.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Arthur."

Takeo Saeki was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Waiting for a long time is already rude. Are you not even willing to meet at this moment?"

The old voice responded.

"Mr. Arthur, please forgive my caution and... doubts about you."

Takeo Saeki smiled.

"Doubts? Doubts about my prophetic dream?"


The old voice is quite playful.

"Mr. Arthur, that kid from Dazhu told me what you know. I'm surprised. The rope ceremony is a secret that only a few people in our family know, but you know the whole process very well."

"Do you... really have the ability to predict dreams?"

Saeki Takeo asked back.

"Does the old gentleman think that I am someone else, sent by the high-level of the ice room clan to test the old gentleman?"

Outside the fireplace.

The four oldest priests sat in the corner between the fireplaces. The spiritual powers of the four priests collided with each other. After a discussion, an old man with white beard and hair asked Takeo Saeki.

"It doesn't matter. Although the old man is old, he knows the situation in the family very well. Mr. Arthur is not like other old guys. You don't even have an accent from our area."

Inside the furnace.

Saiki Takeo said slowly.

"So? You believe that I have the ability to predict dreams, right? In my dream, I saw that child Himuro Kirie, after being divided by five horses, did not turn into an evil spirit capable of guarding the gate of the eternal world. The whole ceremony failed. The imperial mirror shattered into five pieces, and all the Hishiro people perished."

This time there was a long silence before the old voice came.

"Mr. Arthur... Is your precognitive dream... really that accurate?"

Takeo Saeki thought about it. When he was with Kirie Himuro before, Takeo Saeki occasionally heard Kirie Himuro talk about some things in their family. He didn't say much, but they were all about the priests in the family, and even the patriarch Yasuya Himuro.

After all, Himuro Kirie could only see these people.

to this end…

Takeo Saeki said.

"In my dream, I occasionally caught a glimpse of an old gentleman named Himuro Daryo who had hemorrhoids, and blood would bleed when he got a tuba..."


Takeo Saeki continued to push.

"I could also see a young man who had been injured as a child and had a fall scar on his calf."

This was made up by Takeo Saeki. Anyway, the Himuro clan has a population of several hundred, so it is quite normal for someone with a scar on his leg.

An old voice spoke.

"Scar? It should be that kid from Takeda...Mr. Arthur..."

Takeo Saeki interrupted.

"Enough, enough, you talk so much, talk so much, what are you afraid of?"

Takeo Saeki's voice increased so much that it made Takeo Saeki look a little annoyed.

"Come on, let me analyze it for you. First of all, I dreamed that the Rope Ceremony with the ice room Kiri as a sacrifice failed. The entire ice room family was wiped out by the miasma of the underworld blown out by the gate of eternal life. Everyone, including the kings who listened to me outside, was left. Such a glorious ice room family has become a history that no one knows."

"If you don't believe my words, you have to bet on whether or not Himuro Kirie can successfully sacrifice. If you win, you survive, and a bunch of younger generations will die every year to fill the pit. If you lose, the whole family will be wiped out."

"And you believe it. If you run away now, no one will die. You will be able to recuperate in a safe place in the future, and you will never have to worry about the Gate of Eternity."

"Two choices, one is to gamble, and the whole family is to bet on, and the other is not to gamble, as long as you do it, you will be 100% successful!"

"As far as this choice is concerned, I don't understand why you are hesitating and hesitating. A normal person knows which side to choose, right?"

The people outside the door fell silent.

Takeo Saeki waited slowly.

To be honest, Takeo Saeki feels that his chances of success are quite high, because the young people of the Himuro clan have been encouraged by the older generation to resist Yasuya Himuro. It can be seen that the contradiction between the reformers and the traditionalists can no longer be bridged.

And Takeo Saeki’s current behavior is because he is afraid that you will be cold. He hangs yellow robes on the reformers, catches a few talking foxes and barks outside every day, throws fish stuffed with cloth strips into the kitchen at home every day, and throws white snakes in front of you for you to chop.

At night, find a few strong guys and throw the stone man into your river.

The previous campaign has been done for you, Your Majesty, it's time for you to revolt!

This time the silence ended earlier than Takeo Saeki expected.

The old voice trembled.

"Mr. Arthur... I have a doubt in my heart, can you answer it?"

Takeo Saeki straightened his back.

"Excuse me."

The old voice was a little anxious.

"I believe that Mr. Arthur has the ability to predict dreams, and I also believe that Mr. Arthur can predict the content of dreams, but..."

The old voice dragged on for a long time.

"Mr. Arthur, why do you want to help us? Are you a saint?"

I'm coming.

What Takeo Saeki waited for was a problem.

We are all adults, you can believe that there are good people in this world, but you can't put your hope in good people.

Defenses can not do without!

For this reason, Takeo Saeki, who had expected this question a long time ago, also thought of an excuse.

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