"Old sir..."

Takeo Saeki's tone was complicated.

"Do you believe in fate?"

He asked in an old voice suspiciously.

"Fate? What do you mean?"

Takeo Saeki sighed.

"I have been able to dream about things in the future since I was a child. I have dreamed about the death of many strangers. I have dreamed about whether the neighbor's children are male or female. I have dreamed that it will be sunny or rainy in a few days, because the past dreams have little to do with me. I have never cared about these things. Until a year ago, I dreamed... I will die..."

After finishing this paragraph, Takeo Saeki was silent for two minutes before speaking.

"I don't want to die, so I have been thinking since then, can the future in the dream be violated, can fate be resisted?"

"Old man, the demise of the ice room clan appeared in my dream. I saw with my own eyes that all of your clan died from the miasma of the underworld, so I was thinking, if I can rescue you and you escape from the doomed end of death..."

"Does it indicate that I can also survive the death ending in the future?"

"Mister, I don't help you because I am a good person, but because I also want to live!"

"I don't want to die!"

Takeo Saeki's words resounded loudly.

Outside the fireplace.

The four priests gathered together, and the oldest priest at the head sighed.

"Do you believe the words of the child inside?"

The other three priests looked at each other, then nodded, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, they have long wanted to do this.

Just like some things, it’s not just because you have good eloquence that you can say it, but some people have this kind of mentality in order to be able to speak it.

The most typical example is health care products for the elderly. Some elderly people are afraid of death and just want to prolong their lives. For this reason, even if many health care products sound unscientific and unreliable, a large number of senior intellectuals and even university professors buy them for pure civil science research products.

There is no other reason, the old man himself is willing to be cheated.

Liars and old people who are willing to lie to themselves can be said to go both ways.

The same goes for Takeo Saeki and the local priests.

The oldest priest sneered.

"So what to do next?"

A priest came out.

"I'm going to find that kid Kang Ye. I have anesthesia over there, which can numb this kid for a few days."

The other two priests also spoke.

"I'm going to mobilize other young people."

"I'll go and drug Kang Ye's fans."

The oldest priest sighed.

"Everyone go, remember to solve it as quickly as possible, and then..."

The eyes of the oldest priest shone brightly.

This was something he had thought about all his life, but never dared to actually do it.

Unexpectedly, he was about to die, but was pushed by the despicable outsider, and made up his mind to do it.

"We... move!"

The oldest priest felt that the pores of his whole body were opened.

Is it such a comfortable thing to realize a dream? !

Chapter 263 Liudao Township

Takeo Saeki waited for two hours between the fireplaces.

Because kneeling is not very comfortable, even if Takeo Saeki always wanted to act aggressively, after his legs and feet started to tingle, he had to get up and walk a few steps to relieve the numbness of the soles of his feet.

After walking a few steps, a voice came from outside the door between the fireplaces.

"Gangxiong! Do you know what you did?"

Then came other noisy voices.

"It's this child who has been taking care of Yan Moai!"

"There is a famine in our village this year, the mountain **** must be angry!"

Takeo Saeki's complexion changed.

This is... the matter of the ice house has been resolved, and there is a copy of Yan Moai?

Takeo Saeki looked around, walked to the corner, picked up a dagger and put it in his arms.

At this time, there was already a knock on the door between the fireplaces, followed by an angry voice.

"Stinky boy, open the door quickly! If you don't open the door again, I will kill you when I come in!"

Takeo Saeki straightened his clothes, walked to the door, and opened it.

The outside of the fireplace room was originally the corridor of the ice house, but now it is an open-air environment. There are a large number of barefoot villagers dressed like beggars standing at the door. The leader of the villagers is a farmer with thick and cracked hands and feet. It looks like a farmer who has worked all year round.

The farmer raised his hand angrily, and slapped Takeo Saeki, but Takeo Saeki dodged, and the farmer said angrily.

"You still dare to hide!?"

Takeo Saeki interrupted.

"If you still want to beat me up, don't you think it's a waste of time?"

When Takeo Saeki said this, a man who was better dressed and even had a pair of shoes came out.

"Stop making trouble, take Gangxiong up the mountain!"

The man who seemed to be Takeo Saeki's father backed away, and others surrounded him. Takeo Saeki was surrounded and left the fireplace with his bundles.

The mountain that the man with the shoes mentioned just now is less than 100 meters behind Takeo Saeki’s house. Walk two kilometers along the road, and you will arrive at a flat land surrounded by twenty or thirty villagers. Among them is a man who is wearing a priest’s uniform and looks aloof.

After seeing Takeo Saiki, the priest raised his chin slightly, showing a look of disgust.

This person is the priest of the local Six Paths Shrine, in charge of local sacrifices and religious beliefs.

Takeo Saeki was driven to the edge of the palace secretary of the Rokudo Shrine. When he arrived here, Takeo Saeki could already see a big pit in front of him. In the pit, three people were tied up, namely Enma Ai and Enma Ai's parents.

Yan Moai's parents were crying and whimpering intermittently. Only Yan Moai raised her head stubbornly, watching Takeo Saiki and the people on the edge of the pit.

Takeo Saeki sighed, and Yan Moai below said in surprise.

"Aren't you Sentaro?"

Takeo Saeki's body shook, Enma Ai below...

The priest of the nearby Six Paths Shrine suddenly spoke.

"Sacrificing to the gods, we can pray for good weather in the coming year, and a good harvest is our contract with the gods. Now, someone actually tore up this sacred contract!"

The priest of Rokudo Shrine glanced at Takeo Saeki.

"Takao Saeki! You actually saved Yan Moai in private, do you know what you did? You killed us all!"

There is a rule in Liudao Township, Yan Moai’s hometown, that every seven years a virgin must be sacrificed to the mountain god. This sacrifice is not to kill the girl directly, but to exile the girl in the mountain forest after dressing up. Generally speaking, the exiled girl will die violently within a few days.

But Yan Moai's cousin Xiantaro didn't want Yan Moai to die like this, so he would send food and clothes to Yan Moai every once in a while, and promised to take care of Yan Moai for the rest of his life and never betray Yan Moai.

Under this care, even after several years, Yan Moai lived well.

It just so happened that the harvest in the village was not good in one year, which caused a food shortage. In addition, someone discovered that Yan Moai was still alive, so Xiantaro who rescued Yan Moai was put on a moral barbecue grill.

Xiantaro was driven to the mountain to bury Yan Moai and his parents alive.

In the original plot, Xiantaro couldn't withstand the pressure of his father and the people around him, and buried Yan Moai and his parents alive.


Yan Moai, who was kneeling in the pit, found a comfortable position and leaned forward, staring playfully at Takeo Saeki on the pit.

The noise reappeared as in memory.

"Takeo Saeki! You have to be ashamed, be ashamed!"

"Now is the time for your redemption!"

"Hurry up and bury Yan Moai alive!"

"Lord Mountain God, please forgive us for being rude..."

"What are you still standing there for? Here you go!"

A shovel was thrown in front of Takeo Saeki, and Takeo Saeki bent down and picked up the shovel from the ground.

Are you coming?

This fate is doomed, inevitable betrayal.

Yan Moai closed her eyes, and the shoveled stones would hurt if they fell into her eyes.

"OK OK."

Takeo Saeki on the pothole held a shovel in one hand, but turned to a group of outraged villagers around him.

"What the **** are you thinking?"

Takeo Saeki pointed to Enma Ai and her parents in the pothole.

"You idiots don't really think that this year's famine is caused by Yan Moai's death?"

The palace secretary of Liudao Shrine stepped forward and said seriously.

"Takao Saeki! Do you want to be buried alive too?"

Takeo Saeki looked foolish.

"Do you know why I dare to keep sending clothes and food to Yan Mosang so that she can survive?"

The priest of the Rokudo Shrine opened his mouth to speak, but Takeo Saeki spoke.

"Because Yan Mosang is already my woman!"

The priest of the Six Paths Shrine: "?(°?°)?"

Surrounding villagers: 〃?A?)(??д?`

Yan Moai in the pit: ?°?°?

Takeo Saeki raised his chin proudly.

"I, I have long since wiped out Yan Mo's favorite food and played with it all over my body. I have already ruined your so-called sacrifices to the mountain gods."

Surrounding villagers: ?Д?三?Д?)奥"

Yan Moai in the pit: ?_?

The palace secretary of Liudao Shrine stood up and said angrily.

"Takao Saeki, do you know what you're talking about?"

Saiki Takeo said loudly.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about. When I finished playing Yan Moai, Ai Sang was chosen as a sacrifice. Do you know how panicked I was?"

Takeo Saeki patted his chest hard.

"I'm afraid that Lord Mountain God will punish me if he knows what I did wrong!"


Takeo Saeki tried all the villagers.

"I'm not dead! After Ai Sang gave sacrifices to the mountain god, I lived a very good and comfortable life, but I was still afraid, so after a while, I went to the mountain to look for Yan Mosang again."

"In the next few years, I couldn't help it. I played all the things I hadn't played before one after another, but did you see that I was punished?"

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