The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1001: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

The demon fox who was swallowed by the Green Dragon Star was not willing to do so, so he dedicated the dragon spirit of Li Shimin stolen from his soul to the Xinyue Fox in the Twenty-Eight Constellations. Later, the lower realm of Xinyue Fox was Wu Zetian. Without the protection of the Green Dragon Star, the Tang Dynasty was eventually plagued by demons. Only later, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty in the Lower Realm of Tianxi Star finally stabilized the Tang Dynasty, and enjoyed peace and prosperity for several decades.

Lin Chong, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei are all famous generals.

In addition to Li Jing, the second army in the west - Chen Qingzhi.

Famous teachers and generals should not keep themselves in prison, and thousands of troops should avoid white robes.

Fusu also sent three masters to guard Chen Qingzhi. ..

Chapter 1366 White Horse Army Southern Army

The first one is the invincible silver hammer Taibao - Pei Yuanqing. Pei Yuanqing is wearing silver armor and holding a pair of Bagua plum blossom bright silver hammers in his hand. He is majestic and handsome.

Although his appearance is not very scary, his strength is frightening.

Pei Yuanqing, the reincarnation of the eight-armed Nezha, is a clone of Nezha. He is gifted with divine power and possesses peerless martial arts - the Taiyue Hammer Technique. One hammer is like a mountain, one hammer shakes the past and present, one hammer collapses the world, and one hammer shakes the universe.

The second fierce general is also an outstanding man with a white horse and white robe-Changshan Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Zilong, during the Three Kingdoms period, was a brave and brave man.

He holds a silver gentian spear in his hand, and a jade lion that illuminates the night beneath him.

Although he is not known for his strength, he is indeed a true "technical" master.

The third fierce general is also a strong general with a white horse and white robe - Luo Chengluo Gong Gong.

He holds the five-hook god Fei Liang silver spear in his hand, and underneath him is the Chaoshan Yueying lightning white dragon colt, a white horse, a white spear, and white armor, all dressed in white.

As mentioned before, Luo Cheng - White Tiger Star descended to earth. He was Yin Chengxiu in his previous life, Xue Rengui in his later life, Guo Ziyi in his third life, and Yang Yanzhao in his fourth life. Like Zhao Yun, although he was not a powerful general, he was indeed a skilled general.

In this world, he and Zhao Zilong are brothers from the same sect.

In the south of Xiangyuan County, there is a village called Houbao. Legend has it that it was named after the Tang Dynasty general Luo Cheng who surrounded the city and built a fort here when he was guarding Tiexia Pass. The surrounding mountains are undulating with criss-crossing ravines. The famous Silt River flows from the south of the village from west to east, and there is Tiexiaguan in the southeast of the village. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

Luo Cheng was the seventh hero of the Sui Dynasty. He later returned to the Tang Dynasty and served as a commander under King Li Shimin of Qin. A beautiful young man with a white horse and plain clothes, a jade tree facing the wind, and a cold face with a cold gun: a white dragon colt with lightning under his crotch, and a five-hook magical flying spear in his hand. "Wearing a bright silver tiger helmet on his head, plain silver armor on his body, and a plain robe on the outside, his face is as if it has been powdered." At the age of sixteen or seventeen."

He is the son of Yanshan Luo Yi and the cousin of Qin Qiong. He is proficient in marksmanship and is known as the "Victorious General".

Luo Cheng's short life was colorful and interesting. Unfortunately, he fell into the tricks of Liu Heitai and Su Dingfang and died tragically in the mud river.

Liu Heitai was the late leader of the Hebei Uprising Army in the late Sui Dynasty. He was originally a subordinate of Dou Jiande, the leader of the Peasant Uprising Army. After Dou Jiande's death, he summoned all Jiande's subordinates and raised the banner of rebellion. Within half a year, he occupied most of Hebei and recovered the land lost by Dou Jiande. Liu Heitao was proclaimed the Eastern King of the Han Dynasty, and his capital was Mingzhou, which was changed to Yuan Tianzao. Liu Heitai and Li Shimin had a decisive battle. From noon to dusk, the battle was very fierce. In this battle, Luo Cheng took the lead and unfortunately fell into the Ma Ni River. He was shot to death by Liu Heitai and his marshal Su Dingfang's soldiers. To this day, Luo Cheng's horse hoof prints still remain on the stone slabs of the Silt River.

When Luo became the commander-in-chief of Tiexiaguan, he was strict in running the army and was very kind to the soldiers and the people. People praised him. After he was hit by an arrow, and when his life was in danger, he advised the soldiers to leave him alone, retreat quickly, or find a way to survive.

In the muddy river, Luo Cheng threw away the five-hook divine flying spear, abandoned the lightning white dragon colt, and took off the lion helmet and beast belt, calmly and calmly.

After Luo Cheng died, the villagers of Houbao collected Luo Cheng's armor, silver gun and other relics. Taizu of the Later Song Dynasty ordered the construction of Longjian Temple in Changlong Village. People used their remaining funds to build Yuliang Temple in Houbao Village. They built the main hall at the entrance to Tiexiaguan and hid Luo Cheng's armor, silver spear and other relics there. Inside,

It became the famous "Luocheng Cave".

The depth of the cave is unfathomable. There are two stone doors at the entrance, with two lines of words written on them: "If you want the stone doors to open, you have to wait for the original person to come."

Years pass by, and thousands of years pass by in the blink of an eye.

Fusu arranged the three of them together just to prank them.

All three of them are wearing white horses, white robes and white armor.

Sparkling silver, handsome and attractive.

Moreover, the three of them all have "creamy little boy" looks.

Add in Chen Qingzhi who likes to wear white robes, and the combination is perfect.

There really is another "white robe army" formed.

Baima Yicong joined the White Robe Army and formed a supreme force.

There are also two armies in the south!

The first army!

Led by Xie Xuan, the peerless commander of Beifu soldiers.

Xie Xuan was able to win the "Battle of Feishui", defeating more with less, not only by the Beifu army, but also by his excellent command and strategy.

Because the former Qin Dynasty was strong, the borders of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were often invaded by northern armies. The imperial court ordered a person to be selected who was talented in literature and capable of leading the army to resist foreign enemies.

Xie An braved public outrage and recommended his nephew Xie Xuan to the court.

When this result came out, even Xi Chao, who was at odds with Xie Xuan, was positive. He believed that Xie Xuan would definitely win with his own army.

Xie Xuanzheng recruited soldiers from three states and trained them rigorously. All of them were good at fighting. Before the war began, even Tian Hong, the messenger, had noble integrity and even delivered the order to death.

Xie Xuan won the first battle with the former Qin Fu Jian's army.

In desperation, Fu Jian retreated to the north of Feishui River, relying on Feishui as a natural barrier to wait for an opportunity to capture Xie Xuan's troops.

Xie Xuan devised a strategy and told Fu Jian on the opposite side to wait until they crossed the Feishui River before fighting again. Fu Jian planned to retreat first, and then drive Xie Xuan's army into the water when it crossed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the army retreated, the whole army began to flee in all directions and was completely defeated. Xie Xuan took the opportunity to defeat Fu Jian, who was rampant for a while. ..

Chapter 1367: Xie Xuan’s Men

The two words “wind and cranes roaring” and “every tree and tree are fighting” were handed down from the Battle of Feishui.

During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Fu Jian decided to conquer the Eastern Jin Dynasty regardless of the opposition of his officials.

In August, Fu Jian led more than 600,000 infantry, 270,000 cavalry, and more than 30,000 Yulin troops. Thousands of miles back and forth, facing each other with banners and drums, they were approaching the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Emperor Wu of Jin adopted the ideas of Xie An, Huan Chong and others and resisted resolutely. He sent generals Xie Shi, Xie Xuan and others with 80,000 troops to march westward along the Huaihe River to resist the Qin army; he also sent general Hu Bin with 5,000 naval troops to reinforce the strategic location of Shouyang.

On the 10th and 18th of the same year, the Qin army's vanguard captured Shouyang. Halfway through, Hu Bin's navy learned that Shouyang had been lost and retreated to Xiashi.

In order to prevent the main force of the Jin army from advancing westward, the Qin army sent another 50,000 troops to Luojian and set up a wooden fence at Luokou to block the traffic on the Huaihe River.

Hu Bin was trapped in Xiashi and ran out of food. He was in a very difficult situation and wrote a letter asking Xie Shi for reinforcements.

Unexpectedly, Hu Bin's letter was captured by the Qin army. Fu Jian believed that the Jin army had very few troops and was in very short supply of food, and should attack quickly, so he left the main force in Xiangcheng and rushed to Shouyang with 8,000 cavalry.

Fu Jian first sent Shangshu Zhu Xu to the Jin army to persuade them to surrender. Zhu Xu was originally a general who defended Xiangyang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was captured when Xiangyang fell. After Zhu Xu arrived at the Jin army, he not only did not persuade him to surrender, but instead revealed the situation of the Qin army and suggested that if all the Qin army's millions arrived, it would be difficult for the Jin army to resist, so they should quickly attack its forward before it arrived. , the army will collapse.

Jin generals Xie Shi and Xie Xuan followed Zhu Xu's suggestion and sent Liu Laozhi with 5,000 elite troops to attack Luojian in November.

Liu Laozhi divided his troops to the side of the Qin army, cut off the enemy's retreat, personally led his troops to cross Luojian, and attacked the Qin army's camp at night. The Qin army could not resist. General Liang Cheng was killed in battle, and 50,000 Qin soldiers were routed. They rushed to cross the Huai River and drowned more than 15,000 people.

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