The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1000: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

As soon as he entered the door, he found the lady crying in the hall. Li Jing was shocked and quickly stepped forward to ask why. The lady said: "Young master, you misunderstood me. Originally, you and I agreed to only sprinkle one drop at a time. Why did you secretly sprinkle twenty drops once? Do you know that this drop is one foot of water on the ground? That village became flat in the middle of the night." The water is two feet deep, how can anyone survive? I have been punished by God, I was beaten eighty times with a stick, and there are blood marks on my back. And my son will be punished when he comes back, what should I do?" After hearing this, Li Jing was dumbfounded. Ashamed.

Mrs. Tai added: "Young Master is a worldly person, and I can't blame you for not knowing the changes in the clouds and rain. But I'm afraid that Master Long will come to look for you, which will be troublesome, so it's better for you to leave quickly. Please help me this time. There is no reward. I live in the mountains and villages, and there is nothing good, so I will give it to two slaves. You can take both of them, or just one, as you wish."

So he ordered the second slave to come out. A slave came in from the east corridor, looking good-looking and happy; a slave came in from the west corridor, angry and standing in anger. Li Jing said: "I hunt, and I have to fight hard. This slave looks nice, and others will think that I am cowardly. I am really embarrassed to have both slaves. Since the madam is giving me a reward, I will take the angry one." The madam nodded in agreement.

Li Jing then mounted his horse and took his servants to leave and set out on the road. After taking a few steps outside, I looked back and saw that the original Zhumen Mansion had disappeared without a trace. When I looked for my servant, he was also gone.

Li Jing sighed and had no choice but to walk back by himself. Finally, he quickly reached the small village at the foot of Huoshan Mountain. It was already dawn. When he approached the village, all he saw was a vast ocean. Only the tops of the big trees at the entrance of the village were still exposed on the water. There were no people left. .

Later, Li Jing assisted Li Shimin in conquering the Tang Dynasty. His achievements were world-class and he was named a general, but he was never able to become the prime minister. People say that this is because Li Jing did not want to be a slave to Yue.

Shiyan: The prime ministers from Guandong and the generals from Guanxi are exactly what Yununu in the East Corridor and Nununu in the West Corridor mean! The reason why it is said to be a slave is actually a metaphor that Li Jing should be a subordinate. And if Li Jing had taken both slaves at that time, he would probably be the most powerful general in the future.

In addition to Li Jing, Fusu also assigned three subordinates to Li Jing.

The first subordinate is Lin Chong, the leopard head.

Lin Chong is one of the top ten masters among Liangshan's 108 generals.

Lin Chong was good at horse fighting, and also good at charging. With Lin Chong here protecting Li Jing, he could be considered as one more powerful general who could charge into battle.

Lin Chong's nickname is Leopard Head, and his appearance is somewhat similar to Mr. Zhang's. He holds the Lengyue Hanxing Gun in his hand, with little snowflakes and bursts of cold light.

The second subordinate is the Second Master of Wu Sheng Guan, who has the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and the Spring and Autumn Half Moon Slash.

Although Guan Erye's martial arts is not as good as Lu Bu's, it is still at the pinnacle of human limits.

The Qinglong Yanyue Sword, which was as thick as a bowl, possessed the power of a bear and a tiger. Guan Yu was at Li Jing's side and once again armed Li Jing with a sharp spear.

The third subordinate is Huanhou Zhang Sanye, the eight-foot-long snake spear, the incarnation of the ancient dragon python.

Although Mr. Zhang has a rough face, there is something subtle in his roughness. Moreover, although Mr. Zhang is brave enough to be worthless, he also has his own ideas.

The presence of Mr. Zhang once again added a sharp spear to Li Jing.

It can be said that Fusu added three weapons to Li Jing to form a super attack state.

Mr. Zhang is from the lower realm of the Black Tiger Star in the sky, and the zhangba snake spear in his hand is transformed from the ancient dragon python.

Of course, this is just Kyushu folklore, just a legend and cannot be taken as true.

Because of folklore, there are many versions.

Speaking of the Black Tiger Star, everyone may not be familiar with it, but when it comes to the White Tiger Star, the twin star of the Black Tiger Star, everyone must be familiar with it.

In ancient my country, there were four constellations, the green dragon, the white tiger, and the red bird and the basalt. Among them, the green dragon was for joy and auspiciousness, and the white tiger was for war and disaster.

The black tiger is neither evil nor good. If you follow the green dragon to the lower realm, the country will be prosperous and prosperous, and the people will be strong. If you follow the white tiger to the lower realm, the world will be in mourning.

What's worse is that the white tiger and the black tiger star are natural enemies. They will fight to death when they meet. If they start fighting, there will be constant disasters in the world.

Therefore, according to the regulations of the heaven, White Tiger Star and Black Tiger Star are prohibited from going down to the realm together.

The only time the white tiger and the black tiger descended to the realm together was during the Tang Dynasty.

The Great Emperors of the Five Sacred Mountains gathered once a century. Huang Feihu, the Great Emperor of Dongyue, drank too much and boasted during the banquet that he was in charge of the eighteen levels of hell, life and death on earth, and that there was nothing he could not do. He boasted that he was the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains.

This angered the Beiyue Emperor Chong Heihu. This list of gods enshrined eight gods, which were further divided into the upper four and the lower four. Leihuowendou was the upper four with higher status. Most of them were moral people who had cultivated immortality from all walks of life. Three mountains and five mountains, Bu Yu Xing Yun, God of Good and Evil, etc. are the lower four parts whose identities are slightly lower, and they are mainly loyal ministers and righteous men in the world.

Chong Heihu saw Lao Huang being so pretentious, so he encouraged him: "If you have the ability to let the white tiger and the black tiger go down to the world together, I will recognize you as the leader of the five mountains."

Huang Feihu was already drunk and agreed immediately. Only when I got home did I realize that I was really drunk. Can the White Tiger Star and the Black Tiger Star go down to the next world together? But if they really can't do it, it's really not good-looking. In the future, they will definitely become the laughing stock of the gods of the three mountains and five mountains. I am helpless. , his eldest son Binglinggong Huang Tianhua gave him a harmful idea, letting the white tiger and the black tiger go down to the world together. ..

Chapter 1365 Two Tigers Come to the World White-robed Chen Qingzhi

By the way, what ideas did Huang Tianhua give Huang Feihu?

At that time, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty was still in Jinyang, and his father Li Yuan had not yet raised an army to proclaim himself emperor. He was still a young man. One time when he went out to play, he met a stunning beauty on the road. Li Shimin didn't know what the evil was, and he was fascinated by her. He took this girl home and vowed to marry her. For several months, he was so inseparable that he even refused to marry his first wife.

Just when Li Shimin and the beautiful girl he picked up on the roadside were making love to his concubine in the back garden, disaster struck from the sky. A green python fell from the sky and swallowed the girl in one bite.

The green python swallowed the girl and refused to leave. It even bared its teeth at Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was shocked and shot the green python in one eye with a bow and arrow. The python suffered pain and turned into a blue light.

Li Shimin didn't know that his arrow would bring disaster.

The green python was originally transformed from the Green Dragon Star in the sky. The Green Dragon is the main symbol of celebration and auspiciousness. It is also the guardian star of the emperor in the world. It is responsible for the safety of the real dragon and the emperor in the world and prevents monsters and ghosts from invading the emperor.

But when Li Shimin met a beautiful woman on the road that day, the Green Dragon Star heard that the White Tiger Star was going to the lower world. Because the Sui Dynasty was raging with wars everywhere at that time, the White Tiger Star, who was in charge of the bloody war, wanted to go down and join in the fun. The Green Dragon Star became anxious, thinking that this was really The Dragon Emperor Li Shimin was born, and the Tang Dynasty was about to dominate the world. The White Tiger Star came to the world, and he didn't know how long it would take, so he went up to the world to stop him.

White Tiger Star has no dealings with Qinglong Star, so can he listen to him?

The two of them were arguing in the sky, and they were arguing all the way to the Jade Emperor. All the gods felt that it was more important than less, and they all supported the Qinglong star. The White Tiger star was angry, and happened to see what was happening below. He couldn't help teasing Qinglongxing and said: "Thanks to you for being an emperor, your real dragon emperor is almost killed by goblins. If he is really dead, I will see how you can bring peace to the world."

The Qinglongxing looked down and saw a fox demon in the lower world pestering Li Shimin. A lot of the dragon energy in Li Shimin's body was drained away by the fox demon, but the Qinglongxing was so anxious that he turned into a green python and killed the demon in one bite. After the demon fox swallowed it, he turned around and wanted to express his gratitude to Li Shimin and teach him a few words.

He himself forgot that he was transformed into a green python at this time. As a result, Li Shimin thought that he was going to harm him, so he shot his eye with an arrow. Qinglongxing suffered a big loss, and he was angry and anxious. He yelled that Li Shimin would repay kindness with revenge, and he was not a thing. .

But he forgot that he was incarnate as a green python, and how did Li Shimin recognize him with his naked eyes. The more angry the Green Dragon Star became, he was the majestic God of the Four Symbols and shot an arrow at a mortal emperor. If he didn't give him a retribution, he would not Know the cause and effect.

Then a blue light turned into the lower realm.

When he went down to the lower realm, all the gods in the sky had a headache. Li Shimin was too capable of causing trouble. When he was worried, he heard someone laughing and said: I want to go down to the lower realm, but you stopped me. Now you go down to the lower realm, but I also want you to be unable to succeed. . Everyone turned around, but it was White Tiger Star. After Bai Huxing finished speaking, he turned into a white light and went to the lower realm.

Since then, there have been legends about Qinglong Star, Sannuo Tang, White Tiger Star and Sanbao Tang in the Tang Dynasty.

The first incarnation of Qinglong Star was transformed into Shan Xiongxin, and the thirty-six heroes of Wagang Village refused to surrender to the Tang Dynasty. They were in a state of turmoil. However, they met Luo Cheng, the reincarnation of White Tiger Star, and they opposed him at every turn, until the end. , and did not bring down Datang.

In order to avenge this, he was reincarnated as Su Dingfang after his death, and shot Luo Cheng to death in the Silk River, letting out a bad breath.

In the end, he was killed by Luo Cheng's son Luo Tong.

When he was reincarnated, he found that the Chinese emperor had been unified by the Tang Dynasty, so he was reincarnated in Goryeo as Gaisuwen, and the White Tiger Star was also reincarnated as Xue Rengui. At this time, all the gods in the sky were troubled by the Qinglong Star. He entrusted Jiutian Xuannv to accept Lao Xue as his disciple. Li Jing, the King of Tota, also specially gave Lao Xue the Qiankun Bow and Sky-shaking Arrow, the treasures of Zhenguan in Chengtang Pass. As a result, Gai Suwen was shot to death by Xue Rengui, but this The arrow was too powerful, and it also hurt the Qinglongxing's soul. Since the Tang Dynasty, the emperors of subsequent Chinese dynasties have become more and more incompetent. It is said that it is related to the Qinglongxing's injury.

After the White Tiger Star drove away the Green Dragon Star, it became more and more enjoyable to play in the lower realm and refused to return to the upper realm. This made everyone in the sky anxious.

Emperor Dongyue took the opportunity to suggest that the White Tiger Star's other rival, the Black Tiger Star, should be sent to the lower realm, which would fulfill the boast he had made back then.

Everyone in the sky has no choice but to adopt this method. However, the White Tiger Star is in good luck at this time. If the Black Tiger Star does not have support in the early stage of reincarnation, it will be difficult for him to grow up. In the end, Taibai Jinxing came up with a bad idea and let the Black Tiger Star The lower realm of the star is the son of the white tiger star. As the saying goes, a tiger cannot eat its seeds if it is poisoned, so Xue Dingshan, the black tiger star, makes a brilliant appearance.

This is why when Xue Dingshan grew up to nine years old, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady sent the Immortal Tiger down the mountain to pick up Xue Dingshan to learn martial arts. However, he happened to meet Xue Rengui who was returning home to visit relatives. He mistakenly thought that the tiger wanted to eat people, so he shot the tiger, and the result was that The arrow accidentally hit his son Xue Dingshan. In the end, Xue Rengui was trapped in the White Tiger Formation by Yang Fan. Xue Dingshan went to rescue him, but he shot his father to death with an arrow.

Among all the emperors, only Li Shimin was repeatedly harassed by demons and ghosts. Even the ghost of Jiancheng Yuanji came to trouble him, so he had to ask Qin Qiong Jingde to be the door god.

It was because he offended Qinglongxing.

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