The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 999: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Ma Chao was there to protect Huo Qubing on the right wing, forming a barrier.

The third unit was Lu Bu, the most powerful general in the Three Kingdoms period. Lu Bu was called the "Flying General". In his early years, when Lu Bu was still in Wuyuan County, he fought against the Xiongnu troops.

It was a pity that Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty passed away, and the entire late Eastern Han Dynasty was in direct turmoil.

And Lu Bu also joined the war. ..

Chapter 1362 Legend Lu Bu Li Jing Buyu

There are many rumors in Wuyuan County about Lu Bu's legendary birth and mythical growth.

According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Zhang of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the Northern Xiongnu invaded the Southern Xiongnu and Han Dynasty territories, Lu Bu's grandfather Lu Hao was ordered to stay at the border fortress.

Ma Yingjie, his wife and children, and his troops were stationed in Wuyuan County, east of the Wufenfen Bridge of Taer Lake in Wuyuan County on the south bank of the North River. They carried out extensive construction, built cities and forts, opened up wasteland for farming, and gradually developed animal husbandry, textile industry, smelting and pottery making, etc. , stick to the border.

After the death of Lu Bu's grandfather, his father Lu Liang succeeded him and married Huang, a native of Buhongwan, Wuyuan County, and the daughter of a wealthy family. Huang is smart and virtuous, knowledgeable about books and etiquette, and good at dyeing and weaving.

Mr. Huang had four daughters and suffered from childlessness.

One day, I followed my husband to Baima Temple to worship Buddha and ask for a son. On the night of her return, Mrs. Huang had a dream. She dreamed of a ferocious tiger rushing towards her. Upon seeing this, Ms. Huang hurriedly called her husband to fight, but the tiger lay docilely beside her.

Not long ago, Huang felt pregnant. She had not given birth for 12 months and was feeling anxious.

Later, Huang moved to the dyeing and weaving workshop, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside the house. Everyone came out one after another, and saw a rainbow reflected in the northwest sky, which was dazzling. This scene was strange. Then the Wuyuan Mountains collapsed and the earth shook.

Huang was about to give birth, but felt unwell, with unbearable pain in her abdomen, pelvic swelling, amniotic fluid overflow, and difficulty walking. She lay down on a piece of cloth and soon gave birth to a baby boy.

The birth of a baby boy was even more strange. But seeing the umbilical cord cut off by itself, his eyes full of energy, and his fists clenched, standing in front of him, Huang was surprised, quickly wiped away the dirt and held him in his arms.

Later, when talking to her husband, Lu Liang was very happy: "My son is a god." Because he was born on the cloth, he was named Lu Bu.

Lu Bu studied calligraphy and painting with his mother since he was a child. He is smart and studious, can understand anything, and has a photographic memory. He is aggressive by nature, extremely strong, and likes to dance with guns and sticks. He is taller and heavier than ordinary people. Children of the same age do not dare to play with him. But far away, only when he is with the girl, he is gentle and considerate, completely different from the other two.

But Lu Bu always liked to be with adults, asking questions and imitating and learning. Since he was five years old, he has often followed the herdsman to herd horses in the wild, and he loves horses. Whenever he sees a horse, he is full of energy and gets extremely excited.

He danced on horseback and held a wooden stick like a warrior. At that time, he could stab pheasants and hares with the stick.

When he was seven years old, he rode alone to chase wild foxes and mountain deer. He never came back empty-handed. He often picked up and played with ponies that were several times heavier than him, sometimes lifting them over his head.

When I was nine years old, I went with my parents to visit my grandfather in Buhong Bay. My grandfather killed sheep for entertainment. The adults failed to catch the sheep in the flock, but he went up and captured two alive. The onlookers were amazed. Grandpa was overjoyed when he saw this and immediately sent them away. With a good horse. From then on, Lu Bu stayed with the horse, cooking it carefully, loving the horse like crazy, and never leaving his hip.

When he was eleven years old, the Hungarian and Han border people held a large-scale celebration at the White Horse Temple. Lu Bu went with his father to participate. In the horse racing competition, his riding skills were superhuman, the horse was as fast as an arrow, and his majestic appearance showed off, and he won the honor of being a rider in one fell swoop.

The aggressive Lu Bu was watching a wrestling match and saw the wrestlers winning many battles without any opponents. He was dissatisfied and rushed into the arena alone, shouting: "Let me try!"

The winner of the wrestling match saw that he was a boy and didn't take him seriously at all. In an instant, the two of them were wrestling together. After several rounds of competition, Lu Bu knocked to the ground a strongman wrestler who was several times taller and heavier than him. This immediately caused a sensation in the entire arena, and people called him the strongman prodigy.

Since then, the Wuyuan area has become a household name, everyone knows it, and is proud of it. In the fifth year of Xiping reign of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, the Xianbei tribal military alliance expanded with force and launched a plundering war against the Eastern Han Dynasty. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, border generals moved southward in large numbers. At that time, Lu Bu followed his father to the territory of Shanxi and became a subordinate of Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou.

Lu Bu left Wuyuan County from then on and began his legendary life that swept through thousands of armies and ended in a tragic ending.

After Fusu summoned Lu Bu, he formed a cavalry unit around Lu Bu - the Unparalleled Iron Cavalry.

The unparalleled cavalry is worthy of its unparalleled name.

If the trapped camp is the leader of the infantry battalion, then the Wushuang Iron Cavalry is worthy of being the leader of the cavalry battalion.

Lu Bu also relied on the bravery of his unparalleled cavalry to sweep through the Xiongnu and Beihu, guarding Yanmen Pass.

Coupled with Lu Bu's own bravery, he was like a sharp sword, piercing the opponent's heart.

He could just be on Huo Qubing's left wing and act as a sharp knife in Huo Qubing's hand.

Huo Qubing and Yue Fei attacked the Huns from the north.

To the west, Fusu also sent two troops, aiming at the ancient Loulan Kingdom and the Thirty-Six Kingdoms in the Western Regions.

Fusu wanted to bring them all into Da Qin's territory.

The first unit is led by Li Jing. I believe everyone knows Li Jing's abilities.

Li Jing is known as the God of War.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Jing was the number one general in the early Tang Dynasty. He had "civil and military talents" since he was a child, he was also quite enterprising, and he was highly regarded by Yang Su.

Yang Su often pointed to his chair and said, "This is the chair you will sit on in the future." It is a pity that throughout Li Jing's life, why did he only serve as a general and not become a minister?

This has to start with the legend that Li Jing "shined rain on behalf of the Dragon King". ..

Chapter 1363: Clouds and rain bring disaster

When Li Jing was a boy, he often went hunting in Huoshan Mountain near his home. When it got late, he lived in a small village at the foot of Huoshan Mountain. Li Jing was able to hunt a lot of prey every time, and people in the village were surprised by his hunting skills.

One day, when it was getting late, Li Jing was still riding a horse to search in the woods. He suddenly found a herd of deer in front of him. He couldn't help but get excited, so he drove his horse in pursuit.

But after a while, the sun went down, and the forest was dark and unclear. Not only did the deer lose track of them, but they also lost track of where they were. When Li Jing was at a loss and didn't know where he was going, he saw a few lights flashing at the end of the woods. He couldn't help but feel overjoyed and hurried over to meet the lights. When I arrived, I saw that it was a wealthy family with tall walls.

Li Jing got off his horse and knocked on the door. After knocking for a long time, an old man who looked like a servant opened a crack in the door and showed his head. Li Jing hurriedly folded his hands and bowed, confessing that he was a lost person and hoped to stay overnight. The old man looked troubled and said, "All the men in the family have gone out, and only the wife and other female relatives are at home. I'm afraid we can't allow it."

Li Jing hurriedly bowed to the ground again: "Old Wanwang, please try to report." The old man nodded and turned around to report. After a while, she came out with a happy face and said: "My wife was not willing at first, but seeing that it was getting very late and the young master got lost, she finally agreed to let the young master stay overnight. Young Master, please come with me."

Li Jing hurriedly tied the horse and followed the old man into the front hall to see the madam. After a while, I saw two little maids leading the way, and a woman over fifty years old came slowly. She was wearing a plain green skirt, with an elegant look, and the appearance of a scholar-official. Mrs. Tai exchanged a few words with Li Jing and said that her sons were not at home, so she neglected Li Jing. Later, the Dowager Queen ordered the servants to prepare dinner for Li Jing and arrange a guest room. She also ordered that Li Jing be given a bed, mattress, and quilt with fragrant and clean quilt, which was very particular.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard a hurried knock on the door outside the house, and the servants got up quickly to welcome the guests into the hall. The visitor said: "Here is the heavenly talisman. Let your eldest son send rain. Within seven miles from this mountain, it needs to be completed within five watches. There can be no delay and the rainfall must not be too heavy." The family received the heavenly talisman, and the visitor left immediately.

At this time, the madam had also gotten up to greet him. The family presented the talisman, and the wife suddenly frowned and said to herself: "Both sons are away from home. When the rain talisman arrives, you absolutely cannot refuse, and you will be punished if you violate the time limit, even if you rush now Telling them won't help. And the servants at home don't have this power, so what should we do?"

A little maid standing next to her hurriedly stepped forward and said, "The young man staying tonight is very handsome and looks like an unusual person. Can you please help me?" The wife was overjoyed and hurriedly came to Li Jing's house in person. Outside the bedroom, he knocked on the door softly to wake Li Jing up and invited him to the front hall.

Before Li Jing opened his mouth to ask, the wife confessed: "To be honest with you, sir, this house is not a human house, but a dragon palace. My eldest son is currently traveling to the East China Sea to attend a wedding, while the younger son is on his way to see off his sister. . Just now, I happened to receive a message from Tianfu asking my eldest son to go to Shiyu. If I had to inform him, I am afraid that the journey would be more than 10,000 miles. It would be too late to inform him, but there is no one now. It can be replaced, so I would like to ask you to help spread the rain on his behalf. I wonder if you can agree?"

Li Jing said: "I am an ordinary person, and I can't soar into the clouds. How can I move the clouds and make rain? However, if you can teach me the method, maybe I can give it a try."

The madam was overjoyed and asked the groom to bring in a green horse. She also ordered someone to fetch the rain device, which was a small bottle and tied in front of the saddle. Then he told Li Jing: "Master, when riding a horse, don't tighten the horse's bridle, and let the horse walk by itself. Whenever the horse neighs while walking, take a drop of water from the bottle and put it on the horse's mane. Don't overdo it." ." Li Jingwei said yes.

So Li Jing got on the horse, and the green horse galloped forward, its feet getting higher and higher. Li Jing was surprised that the green horse ran so fast and steadily, and he was already on the clouds unconsciously.

At this time, the wind was as fast as an arrow, and thunder started at every step. Li Jing followed the young horse's neighing as it walked, and followed the instructions of his wife, taking a drop of water from the bottle and dripping it on the horse's mane.

After a while, the lightning clouds opened, and Li Jing saw that he was over the small mountain village where he stayed every time he went hunting. He thought to himself: "I usually disturb this village a lot, and I never know how to repay it. There is no rain this year." , the crops are almost withered. Now that the rain is in my hand, I can give more rain to this village, which can be regarded as repayment." Li Jing thought that just one drop might not be enough, so he sprinkled twenty drops in a row. In an instant, the rain was over, and Li Jing returned to the Dragon Palace on horseback.

At this time, Li Jing didn't know that he had gotten into trouble. He still rode his green horse and came back leisurely in the sky. He seemed very excited and happy.

After Li Jing came back from heaven, he went straight to the Dragon Palace. ..

Chapter 1364 Three Sharp Spears Super Attack Form

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