The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1020: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Yes." Fusu nodded.

The person in front of me is a saint.

The identity assigned to Wang Yangming by Fusu was that of General Wang Jian's younger brother.

Finally, Fusu looked at Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Qiaoen, with a smile on his face.

"Two, we meet again." Fusu's face was full of smiles.

"Who are you?" Gao Yuanyuan looked at Fusu in front of her with alert eyes.

"Me? I am the Emperor of Great Qin - Fusu." Fusu looked at the two women with a smile. He was looking forward to their appearance.

"You are talking nonsense, how could Fusu be the emperor?" Chen Qiaoen retorted. Everyone knew that Fusu was killed by his brother Hu Hai, how could he become the emperor.

"Why can't I become the emperor?" Fusu walked towards the two women.

"Don't come here." The two women walked back, but they found that they seemed to be under a immobilizing spell and could not move at all.

Fusu smiled faintly, walked up to Chen Qiaoen, stretched out his hand, and lifted the other person's chin.

Fusu looked at the other party's delicate cheeks and somewhat frightened eyes, and felt very funny. Then, Fusu waved his hand, and a stream of information rushed into the minds of the two women like a torrent.

The two women were stunned on the spot.

Fusu didn't do anything, just watched quietly.

Not long after, the two women opened their hazy eyes.

Looking at Fusu in front of him.

"Real or false", the two women seemed unable to accept the information in their minds.

"Didn't you see it?" Fusu said with a smile.

After hearing Fusu's words, the two women were silent. After a long time, Gao Yuanyuan spoke, looking at Fusu in front of her with complicated eyes.

"So, we were also summoned by you," Gao Yuanyuan asked again.

"Not bad", Fusu nodded.

"So, the previous sisters Mimi and Binbin were also summoned by you?" Gao Yuanyuan asked again.

"Indeed, you saw it." Fusu looked at the two women in front of him.

"Sure enough, it's you." Chen Qiaoen and Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm going to take you to another place next." Fusu stretched out his hand, and then disappeared directly in front of everyone with the two women.

Following Fusu's movements, the world spun and everyone disappeared directly into the summoning space.

Chen Qiaoen and Gao Yuanyuan looked at the scenery in front of them with incredible looks in their eyes.

This is simply a magical method.

"Okay, I'll take you around for a while." Then, Fusu came out with Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Qiaoen.

Although everyone was surprised by the two beauties around Fusu, they did not dare to ask any more questions.

Fusu was their king, and even the emperor of Qin. If they went to question Fusu, they were not seeking death.

Then, Fusu took the two girls around various places in Afang Palace.

The entire Epang Palace occupies a very huge area, and people are strolling everywhere.

Finally, Fusu took the two women to where Fan Binbin and the others lived.

"Oh my god", Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Qiaoen's eyes widened when they saw the people inside clearly.

There were not only Fan Binbin and Yang Mi, but also Yang Ying, Liu Tao and Liu Yifei, which was beyond their imagination! ..

Chapter 1392 Attacking Baiyue in the South and Occupying Ryukyu in the East

When Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Qiaoen arrived, the girls were playing in the yard.

In this era, there are no computers, no mobile phones, and no Internet, but there are more fun things.

That is martial arts.

I believe that there is no modern person who does not have a "martial arts dream", to travel to the ends of the world with a sword, punish evil and promote good, and fight against injustice.

In the heart of a woman, there is also a dream of a heroine.

Especially those who often film martial arts dramas.

My heart is full of yearning for the so-called "jianghu".

Therefore, in this era without computer networks, besides playing mahjong, the girls turned their attention to practicing martial arts.

Each of the girls has a beautiful kung fu, and they were all summoned by Fusu from the summoning space.

Jade Girl Sword Technique, Bing Xin Jue, Luo Ying Shen Sword Palm, etc. are constantly being practiced in the garden.

When Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Qiaoen arrived, Liu Tao was dancing in the garden, using the Fallen Sword Palm.

I saw Liu Tao wearing a white long skirt and dancing with his hands, falling and colorful, beautiful and moving.

Liu Tao himself is very beautiful, and coupled with the colorful fallen flowers around him, he is like a fairy in the flowers, a beauty who comes to earth in nine days. She is really beautiful.

I saw Liu Tao with a faint smile on his face, and he was alluring with his smile.

Its shape is as graceful as a startling giant, and graceful as a wandering dragon. The autumn chrysanthemums are shining brightly, and the spring pines are blooming brightly. It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and flutters like the snow covered by the flowing wind.

When Fusu saw this, he couldn't help but clapped his hands.

"Pa bang bang" a burst of applause came from outside.

Everyone couldn't help but look back.

After seeing Fusu, all the girls showed happy expressions, but when they saw Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Qiaoen next to Fusu, all the girls couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Oh my god, Yuanyuan, Qiaoen, it's you," the girls said with incredulous expressions.

"Hello, I really didn't expect to meet you here." Gao Yuanyuan looked at the girls and said with a smile.

Judging from the state of the girls, they were living a good life.

"Sister Yuanyuan," Liu Yifei saw Gao Yuanyuan and walked up directly.

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