The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1080: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

There is also Li Guang, who has unparalleled archery skills.

Ma Zhao, the top military general during the Three Kingdoms period.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

The war is about to break out.

Following Huo Qubing's lead, the guards behind him rushed forward like a black torrent.

"When the smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north

The dragon flag rolls, the horse neighs, the sword energy is like frost

My heart is like the vast water of the Yellow River

Who can resist in twenty years?

Crazy with hatred, the long sword is directed towards

How many loyal brothers and sisters are buried in other places?

Why would you die to serve your family and country?

I can't bear to sigh and feel even more speechless and my eyes are filled with blood and tears.

The horse's hoof goes south and people look north

Looking north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying

I am willing to defend the land and restore the borders

The majestic Qin Dynasty wants to make all directions

Come to congratulate


At this time, the loud singing sounded again, and the morale of the Qin army was overwhelming!

Everyone had an aura of despair on their faces.

When Mao Dun heard Qin Jun's singing and looked at the condensed morale, he frowned deeply.

It’s not easy to deal with.

But no matter how difficult it is to deal with, they will fight to the end.

"My sons, we are the descendants of the Wolf God. We have grown up on this grassland since we were young. This is our home. We must protect our home to the death. Brothers, kill me," Mao Dun roared loudly. , and then charged directly up with all the guards.

"Aww", at this moment, the sound of wolves howling suddenly sounded from behind Maodun, and then, one after another, wild wolves charged directly towards the Qin army.

"Wolf", seeing this, some of the guards couldn't help but show timid eyes, and their morale couldn't help but drop.

Because in the hearts of everyone, wolves are more terrifying than guards.

After all, I have been in awe of creatures like wolves since I was a child.

In addition to people, some horses could not help but show panic expressions.

They are also afraid.

"Don't be afraid, just wash it for me." Huo Qubing couldn't help but frown when he saw this.

He didn't expect that there were wolves.

"Archers, shoot for me," Li Guang commanded from behind.

"Swish, swish, swish", a barrage of arrows shot towards the wolves in front of them like crazy. ..

Chapter 1464 The Descendants of the Moon Wolf Confrontation

When these wolves saw this, they moved and evaded one after another.

But these arrows were too dense, and the level of these archers was not low, so the wolves fell to the ground one after another and kept killing them.

Many people were killed, but more people escaped and roared at the Qin army.

When Ma Zhao saw this, he gritted his teeth and said, "Brothers, we are not even afraid of death. How can we be afraid of these beasts? Brothers, muster up the courage and kill." Ma Zhao held his Eight Treasure Dragon Weapon, Charge directly.

Because of the blood of the Winged Serpent, Ma Zhao's Eight Treasure Dragon weapon became even more powerful.

"Facing the waves with pride

Hot blood is like the red sunlight

Courage is like iron and bone is like fine steel

A broad mind and a far-sighted vision

I work hard to be a good man

To be a good man, you must improve yourself every day

A hot-blooded man is brighter than the sun

Let the sea and the sky gather energy for me

To create a new world for my ideals

Look at the tall blue waves

Look again at the vast blue sky and the majestic

I am a man and I should strengthen myself

Stand strong and stand tall, let’s all be pillars and good men

Use my hundred points of heat to shine out a thousand points of light

be a good man

hot-blooded enteric fever

Brighter than the sun!


As Ma Zhao flew out, he sang loudly, and the voice full of excitement directly broke through the sky.

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