The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1081: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

echoed in everyone's hearts.

"Yes, General Ma Zhao is right. We are not afraid of death. How can we still be afraid of these beasts? Men should strengthen themselves. I am a good man of Great Qin." A guard held the Eight Treasure Dragon weapon in his hand and pointed at the nearest A wolf attacks and goes away.

"I am also a hot-blooded man. I am just a beast. How can I stop Da Qin?" A guard rushed forward again.

At this moment, without any fear, the guards took their weapons and charged directly.

"Poof", one guard after another fell in a pool of blood, but similarly, one lone wolf after another, and the grassland guards one after another also lost their breath.

This is war, life and death, no mercy, no mercy.

When Huo Qubing saw this, he took action with the golden dragon and tiger weapon in his hand, harvesting the lives of his enemies.

Until he met Mao Dun.

The two people looked at each other, with flames gleaming from their eyes, and they attacked each other in unison.

If anyone is the most attractive, it is undoubtedly Lu Zibu.

Lu Zibu is among men, and Red Rabbit is among horses.

Riding a red rabbit horse and holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, he looked majestic.

Lu Zibu was worthy of being the strongest here. Within a few feet of him, everything was corpses.

Then, Lu Zibu saw Mao Dun fighting with Huo Qubing and rushed away to kill him.

When Mao Dun saw this, his face was full of horror. He couldn't defeat Huo Qubing alone, let alone Lu Zibu.

Mao Dun also knew about Lu Zibu's bravery.

The generals fighting in front of the battle have never been defeated.

When Mao Dun saw this, he used his weapon to push away Huo Qubing's golden dragon and tiger weapon, then turned his horse's head and galloped away into the distance.

At this moment, a big man charged directly over and blocked Lu Zibu's way.

This big man was extremely tall, holding a spear in his hand, and he was majestic. His face was full of Luoshen beard, his eyes were blue, and his hair was curly. He turned out to be a Xizhou native.

That is, the descendants of the Moon Wolf in the northern polar regions.

On this man's cheek, there is a slave mark.

This person is very similar to the people of the current Northern Rus country.

After the big man arrived, he looked at Lu Zibu and stopped him directly.

Not to mention, this big man who was descended from the moon wolf was not weak, and he actually fought with Lu Zibu vigorously.

The two horses crossed each other, and Lu Zibu looked at the big man in front of him in surprise.

He originally thought that it was another one that looked good but was useless, but he didn't expect that the opponent's strength was really not weak.

"Interesting, the thief will report his name," Lu Zibu shouted to the big man.

"Hmph, the descendant of the Moon Wolf - Xing", the big man also had a serious look on his face, Lu Zibu was stronger than he thought.

"Da Qin - Lu Zibu", Lu Zibu showed his respect for him and announced his name.

"Kill", after exchanging numbers, the two people fought fiercely together again.

It's really a fight between dragons and tigers. Lu Zibu on the left is shining in the blue sky with bursts of cold light, and Xing on the right is half covered with overlapping light and shadow.

The person on the left, Fang Tian, ​​painted a halberd like a dragon, and the person on the right, a golden sword turned into a bear.

Fang Tian's halberd painting is skill, while the golden sword is strength.

At this moment, Li Guang came over on a tall horse.

Looking at Singer who was fighting with Lu Zibu, he took out his Lingbao bow without any stone arrows and pointed it at Singer.

The long arrow flew across the sky, heading directly towards Singer.

Singh couldn't help but be shocked, and the long arrow in his hand was directly blocked at his throat.

"Dang", there was a crisp sound, and Singer felt his hands numb.

The sword seemed to be about to escape.

"So much strength", Singer couldn't help but be secretly surprised. At this moment, Singer suddenly felt a cold light.

"No," Singer wanted to respond, but it was too late, so he could only close his eyes obediently.

Waiting for death to come.

But surprisingly, he didn't feel any pain.

Singer opened his eyes and found Lu Zibu holding the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in front of his throat.

"I, Lu Zibu, don't even bother to take advantage of others' danger. Let's do it again." Lu Zibu had his own pride.

"Hey", Li Guang was so disappointed.

In the face of national justice, what is the need to be proud! ..

Chapter 1465 Spirit God Halberd Technique vs. War Bear Heavy Attack

When Singh heard Lu Zibu's words, he couldn't help but raise his thumb.

"Okay, this time, it doesn't matter life or death." Singer took a deep breath, filled with pride.

He is also a person who respects the strong.

"Next, I will use my strongest weapon - the Spiritual God Halberd Technique. Be prepared to die." Lu Zibu looked at Singer across from him with cold eyes and tightly grasped the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand.

"It's not certain who will live and who will die. Next, I will use my strongest weapon - the fighting bear to hit hard. Don't die." Singer held the big sword in his hand tightly and said coldly. He looked at Lu Zibu across from him.

"Then come to me, the first form of the Spiritual God Halberd Technique." Lu Zibu's eyes were blood red, and the veins on his hands were bulging out. They were like horned dragons, and there were streaks of red wrapped around Fang Tian's painted halberd. of bloody light.

"War Bear Heavy Attack - Brown Bear", Singer held the big sword with both hands, and a layer of white light shrouded the sword body.

Behind Lu Zibu, the shadow of the spiritual god appeared.

The spirit god had blood-red eyes, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and his whole body was enveloped in a black aura.

On the other side, behind Singer, a huge brown bear stood upright and roared to the sky, the sound waves shaking the world.

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