The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1097: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Liu Shiran looked at Jessica and Zhao Yin'er's eyes and couldn't help but nodded, "I know."

Then, Liu Shiran started talking to the two women.

That year, the Jin soldiers went south again, broke through the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, and captured important towns such as Jiankang. Song Gaozong Zhao Gou, who was hiding in Hangzhou, wanted to escape again.

Han Shizhong met Emperor Gaozong and made an impassioned speech. The country had lost Hebei, Hedong, and Shandong. If it lost Jianghuai, where else could it go? "

Zhao Gou couldn't listen at all, he just wanted to save his life.

Zhao Gou appointed Han Shizhong as the envoy to the west of Zhejiang to defend Zhenjiang, while Zhao Gou followed the surrendering forces and fled to the sea. Zhenjiang was already behind enemy lines at that time. Han Shizhong took the order and led only 8,000 troops to rush to Zhenjiang. The Jin soldiers retreated one after another after looting in the south of the Yangtze River for a while. Han Shizhong was stationed in the Songjiang, Jiangwan, and Haikou areas. When he heard the news of the Jin soldiers' retreat, Han Shizhong immediately divided his troops to guard key areas, preparing to take the opportunity to kill the Jin soldiers.

The ambushing Song soldiers almost captured the Jin soldiers' general Wu Shu alive.

Wu Shu was a warlike general. He wrote a letter of war to Han Shizhong and made an appointment for a battle. Han Shizhong agreed with the enemy on a date to fight in the middle of the river.

Because the Jin soldiers were not used to water warfare, Han Shizhong took advantage of the enemy's weakness and blocked the Yangtze River. He defeated the Jin soldiers in several battles and captured Wu Shu's son-in-law, King Longhu. Wushu did not dare to fight anymore, so he led 100,000 soldiers and horses to retreat into Huangtiandang, trying to escape across the Yangtze River from here.

Huangtiandang is a broken port in the river. It has been abandoned for a long time. There is only a way in but no way out. When Han Shizhong saw that Jin Bing went astray, he seized this rare opportunity. After Jin Bing entered, he immediately led his troops to block the exit.

Wu Shu led his Jin soldiers to be trapped in Huangtian Dang, with no way to advance or retreat. Seeing that one hundred thousand soldiers were about to starve to death in the Dang, Wu Shu sent an envoy to make peace with Han Shizhong, and was willing to return all the looted property and offer a BMW to Han Shizhong. Taking this as a condition and finding another way out, Han Shizhong would not agree to it.

Wu Shu had no choice but to offer a large reward for his advice. Wu Shu spent a lot of money to buy a good strategy from a traitor. There is an Old Stork River in Huangtiandang, which leads directly to the Qinhuai River in Jiankang. It has become silted up due to long-term use. If someone can dig it out, they can escape through the waterway. Wushu sent people to dig the river overnight in an attempt to enter Jiankang through the waterway. Passing through Niutoushan, Yue Fei, who had just recovered Jiankang, stationed his armed department here. When he saw the enemy coming out from here, he immediately mobilized his army to attack fiercely, so Wushu had to retreat to Huangtiandang.

Han Shizhong was prepared to put the enemy to death. He sent people to make iron ropes and hooks to destroy the enemy ships as soon as they encountered them. Seeing that the enemy had no choice but to wait for death, another traitor offered advice to the Jin soldiers, telling them to take advantage of the Song army's sailing ship to concentrate rockets on the sails and burn the Song army's warships, so that they could escape from Huangtiandang.

Wu Shu was overjoyed and followed the plan, and it was indeed effective. Many of the Song army's ships were burned. The Jin soldiers took the opportunity to rush out of Huangtiandang, fled north across the Yangtze River, and retreated to the area north of the Yellow River. Han Shizhong only used 8,000 armed forces to trap 100,000 enemy troops in Huangtiandang. He fought for 48 days and annihilated more than 10,000 enemies.

This battle was of great significance, arousing the anti-gold sentiments of the people in Jianghuai and making the people see that the Jin soldiers were not terrible. Han Shizhong defeated the enemy skillfully in the Battle of Huangtiandang, and his majestic appearance and general style spread throughout the Jianghuai region.

When the two women heard Liu Shiran's words, they couldn't help but look full of admiration, especially Zhao Yin'er.

Fusu couldn't help but smile as he listened to Liu Shiran's explanation to the two women.

"That's right. Han Shizhong is indeed stronger in water fighting ability." Fusu looked at the three girls with a smile on his face.

Then, Fusu gave birth to Han Shizhong.

The identity he arranged for Han Shizhong was a talented general that Zhou Yu had recently recruited.

After Fusu gave birth to Han Shizhong, he then looked at Zhao Yiner and Liu Shiran, "Which one of you will come first?"

Anyway, there are still two opportunities, one to summon a character and one to summon a beauty.

"Yin'er, you come first." Liu Shiran pushed Zhao Yin'er out.

"Okay", Zhao Yin'er thought for a while, didn't refuse, and walked out! ..

Chapter 1484 Master of Mathematics——Zu Chongzhi

Zhao Liying stretched out her delicate hand and pulled out a summoning card.

Following Zhao Liying's movements, a person was pulled out by him.

"This" Zhao Liying was also a little surprised when she looked at the figures above.

"It turned out to be him." Although the figure above is not a strong general or a counselor, he is indeed a very famous figure in Chinese history.

It played a vital role in the development of Chinese mathematics.

This person is - Zu Chongzhi.

Fusu couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the figure above. He didn't expect to summon this person.

Zu Chongzhi was born in Jiankang and his ancestral home is Qiu County, Fanyang County. He was an outstanding mathematician and astronomer during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Zu Chongzhi studied natural science throughout his life, and his main contributions were in mathematics, astronomy, calendar and mechanical manufacturing. Based on the precise method of exploring pi pioneered by Liu Hui, he first calculated the "pi" to the seventh decimal place, that is, between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. The "zu rate" he proposed made a significant contribution to the study of mathematics.

It was not until the sixteenth century that the Arab mathematician Alqasi broke this record.

The Daming Calendar written by him was the most scientific and progressive calendar at that time, and provided correct methods for later generations of astronomical research.

His main works include Anbian Lunzhu Shushu Shudiyijie Liyi and so on.

At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, large-scale wars broke out in the north. Zu Chongzhi's ancestors migrated from Hebei to Jiangnan and settled in Jiangnan. Zu Chongzhi was born in the south of the Yangtze River. His grandfather Zuchang was a great craftsman in the Liu Song Dynasty and an official in charge of civil engineering projects in the imperial court. His father Zu Shuozhi was an "invitation from the imperial court" and was very knowledgeable. He was often invited to participate in royal ceremonies and banquets.

Zu Chongzhi received a good family education since he was a child. His grandfather told him about "the passage of time", and his father led him to read classics. The influence of his family and his own diligence made him have a strong interest in natural science, literature, philosophy, especially astronomy. In his youth, he had gained a reputation for erudition.

Zu Chongzhi once said in his writings that since a very young age, he had "specialized in mathematics and searched for ancient and modern times."

He collected and investigated almost all kinds of documents, records, and materials from ancient times to the time when he lived.

At the same time, he advocated never "falsely pushing forward the ancients", never binding himself to the outdated and erroneous conclusions of the ancients, and personally conducting precise measurements and careful calculations.

As he himself said, he always "measures the rules personally, observes the omissions carefully, sees every detail, and is at a loss to make plans."

Because of Zu Chongzhi's reputation as an erudite scholar, he was sent by Emperor Xiaowu of the Southern Song Dynasty to the Hualin Academy of Sciences, the academic research institution of the imperial court at that time, to do research, and later to serve at Zongmingguan.

At that time, Zhongmingguan was the highest scientific research and academic institution in the country, equivalent to the current Chinese Academy of Sciences. There are five subjects in Zongmingguan: literature, history, Confucianism, Taoism, and Yin and Yang. It implements a subject-specific teaching system and invites famous scholars from various places to teach. Zu Chongzhi is one of them.

Zu Chongzhi calculated the true value of pi to the seventh decimal place, and was therefore selected by the World Records Association as the first scientist in the world to calculate the value of pi to the seventh decimal place.

Zu Chongzhi's accurate calculation of the value of pi was a major contribution to China and even the world. Later generations named the "approximate rate" after him as "Zu Chongzhi's pi", or "Zu rate" for short.

In addition to his mathematical contributions, Zu Chongzhi also reformed the leap method.

In ancient times, Chinese calendarists set nineteen years as the unit for calculating leap years, called "one chapter", and there were seven leap years in each chapter.

That is to say, among the nineteen years, seven of them must be thirteen months. This leap method has been used for more than a thousand years.

Later, Zhao Nuan of the Northern Liang Dynasty created the Yuanshi Calendar, which broke the restrictions of the calendar and stipulated that 221 leap months should be inserted in the middle of six hundred years.

Zu Chongzhi absorbed Zhao Nuan's theory and added his own observations. He believed that there were too many leaps in the seventeenth year, and there was a difference of one day every two hundred years, and there were not even two hundred and twenty-one leaps in Zhao Guan's six hundred years. Very accurate.

Therefore, Zu Chongzhi proposed a new leap method.

Zu Chongzhi's leap week is extremely precise. According to his calculation, the length of a tropical year is 365.2428141 days, which is only 46 seconds different from today's calculation. It was not until the Tongtian Calendar of the Southern Song Dynasty that more accurate data were adopted.

Zu Chongzhi proposed for the first time in the history of Chinese astronomy that the length of time for the moon to pass through the same intersection of the ecliptic and the ecliptic twice consecutively is 27.2123 days, which is only one hundred thousandth of a day, or less than 1 second, from the current calculated value. Due to solar eclipses , lunar eclipses, all occur near the yellow and white nodes, so Zu Chongzhi’s monthly length of the node is of great significance for the prediction of solar and lunar eclipses.

After calculating the number of days in the nodal month, you can more accurately calculate the time when a solar or lunar eclipse will occur. In the Daming Calendar he formulated, Zu Chongzhi used the nodal months to calculate the times of solar and lunar eclipses that were more accurate than in the past, and were very close to the actual times of solar and lunar eclipses. ..

Chapter 1485 The ancestor of pi, the wizard

Zu Chongzhi has to be said to be a wizard.

Like Zhang Heng, the maker of the seismometer, and Xu Guangqi and others, they are all proficient in astronomy, geography, and manufacturing.

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