The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1098: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

He is a master maker.

Moreover, Zu Chongzhi's production is no worse than others.

Zu Chongzhi designed and manufactured water mills, guide cars driven by copper parts, thousand-mile ships, timers, etc.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Ma Jun once built a compass, but it was lost again in the Jin Dynasty.

At the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Yu attacked Chang'an and obtained many artifacts from the rulers of the Later Qin Dynasty, including a compass. However, "the number of machines was not precise, and although it was called a compass, most of it was not corrected, and the steps needed to be corrected by human efforts."

During the reign of Emperor Shengming of the Southern Song Dynasty, Xiao Daocheng assisted the government and "asked Chongzhi to pursue the ancient method. Chongzhi modified the copper machine to make endless turns and consistent direction, which was unprecedented since Ma Jun." The internal mechanism of the compass made by Zu Chongzhi The parts are all made of copper. Its structure is exquisite and its operation is flexible. No matter how it turns, the hand of the wooden man always points south.

Zu Chongzhi improved the water grinding mill.

In the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty, Du Yu improved and invented the "continuous machine grinding mill" and "water-rotating continuous grinding mill". A continuous mill can drive several stone pestles to grind rice together; a water-rotating continuous mill can drive eight mills to grind rice at the same time. Zu Chongzhi further improved on this basis and combined the water hammer and water mill, which further improved the production efficiency.

Zu Chongzhi also designed and built a thousand-mile boat. According to historical records, "Another thousand-mile boat was built and tested on the Xinting River. It traveled more than a hundred miles a day."

It may be caused by the principle of using wheels to push water forward, and can travel more than a hundred miles a day.

Zu Chongzhi once made "Qi". This kind of utensil is used to hold water. "If it is in the middle, it will be right, and if it is full, it will be full."

During the Yongming Dynasty of the Southern Qi Dynasty, Xiao Ziliang, the king of Wenxuan in Jingling, "loved the ancient times and rushed to make a teacup to offer it."

Zu Chongzhi also left many stories, which are still sung throughout the ages.

Zu Chongzhi was a man who "worked hard for perfection". In Zu Chongzhi's time, abacus had not yet appeared. The calculation tool commonly used by people was called abacus, which was a small square or flat stick a few inches long. There were bamboo, wood, iron, Made of various materials such as jade.

Various numbers can be represented by different ways of placing chips, which is called the counting method. The more digits there are to calculate, the larger the area required for placement. Calculating with an arithmetic chip is not like using a pen. The pen calculation can be left on the paper, but the arithmetic must be re-swung to perform a new calculation after each calculation. The calculation results can only be written down with a pen, and more intuitive graphics and calculation formulas cannot be obtained. .

Therefore, as long as there is an error, such as a miscalculation or an error in the calculation, you can only start from the beginning.

In order to obtain the precise value of pi, Zu Chongzhi needed to perform more than ten steps of calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root calculation of decimals with nine significant digits, and each step had to be repeated more than ten times. The square root operation is performed fifty times, and the final calculated number reaches sixteen or seven decimal places.

However, Zu Chongzhi's life was not smooth sailing, and he also encountered many setbacks and difficulties.

In the sixth year of the Ming Dynasty in the Southern Song Dynasty, Zu Chongzhi sent the carefully compiled Daming Calendar to Emperor Xiaowu of the Song Dynasty and asked for its promulgation and implementation.

Emperor Xiaowu of the Song Dynasty ordered officials who knew the calendar to discuss the pros and cons of this calendar.

During the discussion, Zu Chongzhi encountered opposition represented by Dai Faxing, and Zu Chongzhi wrote an article to refute it.

In the "Calendar", he wrote two famous sayings: "I would like to hear clear evidence and verify the facts", "False words are derogatory, and stealing is not something to be afraid of."

In order to distinguish right from wrong, he is willing to discuss each other with clear evidence. As for those baseless accusations, he is not afraid at all.

Dai Faxing believed that the method by which the tradition of the calendar was continued was "made by the ancients" and was "unchangeable throughout the ages"; he scolded Zu Chongzhi for "falsely accusing heaven and memorizing scriptures" and believed that astronomy and calendars were "not measured by ordinary people" and "unexpected". A superficial consideration can lead to a thorough investigation."

Zu Chongzhi disagreed.

He retorted that one should not "believe in the past but doubt the present". It would not make sense if "although the ancient methods are sparse, they should always be used"! The movements of the sun, the moon and the five stars are "not miraculous, they are tangible and can be detected, and they can be calculated and deduced." As long as precise observation and research are carried out, what Mencius said, "A day of a thousand years can be achieved by sitting down" is completely achievable.

Southern History once recorded: Chongzhijie Zhonglu Bosai was the only one at that time, and no one could match it.

For Zu Chongzhi, Fusu was quite impressed.

Before he traveled through time, he also knew some things about Zu Chongzhi.

In memory of him, the International Union of Astronomers named a crater on the moon "Zuchong's Crater".

To commemorate him, the Purple Mountain Observatory named the asteroid discovered with the international permanent number 1888 as "Zuchong Star".

In addition, Zu Chongzhi was also made into a silver coin with a face value of five yuan, a fineness of 90, and a circulation of 30,000 coins. The commemorative coin has the national emblem on the front and Zu Chongzhi on the back. It has a diameter of 36 mm and a weight of 22 grams. It has been collected by many collectors! ..

Chapter 1486 An unexpected figure—Cixi

Fusu looked at the summoning card in his hand, a look of joy appeared on his face, and then he crushed the summoning card in his hand.

Summon Zu Chongzhi.

There is no doubt that Fusu arranged Zu Chongzhi into the "Tiangong Pavilion".

Seeing this, Liu Shishi's eyes had already changed.

It was an excitement, it was a desire.

Then, Liu Shishi looked at Fusu eagerly, his eyes seeming to say, it's my turn, it's my turn.

Fusu couldn't help but feel happy when he looked at Liu Shishi's longing eyes.

He didn't expect that Liu Shishi would show such a face.

However, the character summoning privilege has been used up, and there is only one "beauty summoning privilege" left.

Therefore, Fusu used the beauty summoning privilege.

But Fusu didn't tell Liu Shishi.

Stunning beauty is also a person, she is just a woman.

Following Fusu's order, summoning cards appeared directly in front of everyone.

Then, under Fusu's encouraging eyes, Liu Shishi stepped forward and drew a summoning card from it.

When the figures above appeared, Liu Shishi couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Oh my god, it's actually a woman." Liu Shishi's face was full of astonishment, as if she couldn't believe it.

She never expected that a woman would be summoned. Is this okay?

"Who is it?" After hearing Liu Shishi's words, Zhao Liying and Jessica's eyes suddenly lit up.

They all asked.

It turned out to be a woman, why didn't they summon her.

"You must know this woman. She is the famous Lafayette Cixi." Liu Shishi looked at the two women and Fusu and said a name.

"What? Cixi!" Fusu and Liu Shishi looked shocked.

Only Jessica was a little confused, because he didn't know who Cixi was.

"Well, who is Cixi?" Jessica couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Fusu was still in shock.

He thought of many consequences, but he didn't think of Cixi.

Because this person's reputation is too loud.

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