They didn't realize at all that Wei State and Chu State already bordered each other.

Because of the arrival of Fusu, the entire Warring States period has undergone tremendous changes, and history will no longer be history, because Fusu is creating history, and Qin Shimingyue will not be a complete Qin Shimingyue, because Kyushu, a thousand-year-old fierce general and official, is stunning All the beauties gather here.

The unification of the seven kingdoms will be shortened under the promotion of Fusu, and the speed of the demise of the six kingdoms will also be accelerated.

So everything has undergone tremendous changes, and it is undoubtedly sad to look at everything from the previous perspective.

The demise of South Korea has had a completely different impact on the remaining five countries. Wei and Chu are fighting hard, and the two countries are training their troops, as if a war is about to break out.

The purpose of Wei State and Chu State is very simple. If Qin State does not keep its promise, they will join forces to attack Qin State and force the King of Qin to win the government.

Zhao State and Qi State are both better, especially Qi State, which is located on the coast of Sanghai and has no border with Qin State at all, so it is the most calm one among the five countries.

The Yan State is different. Prince Dan of Yan State himself hated Qin State and Fusu. After the demise of South Korea, Prince Dan of Yan State strongly recommended his father Yan Wangxi to guard against Qin State, but unfortunately, there was no With Yan Wangxi's approval, Prince Dan had no choice but to use his power secretly.

Whether it's for himself or for the Mo family, Prince Dan will never allow Qin to profit.

In addition to the Six Kingdoms, there were also different voices within the schools of thought. The situation in the Seven Kingdoms suddenly became a little tense because of the demise of South Korea.

In Xinzheng, Fan Zhongyan dealt with all the time in an orderly manner. On the original Korean border, several legions guarded the border to prevent Wei and Chu from attacking.

In South Korea, a new coup d'état law was implemented to strengthen itself.

But because of Fusu's absence, there was strong resistance, especially in Xinzheng, a place where scholar-bureaucrats were concentrated. The New Deal violated their interests and was severely resisted.

Fan Zhongyan did not have the courage of Fusu, he suppressed everything with a butcher's knife, he chose to compromise, and set his target on the places around Xinzheng, which had experienced the baptism of war, where the gentry absconded and the killed were killed. For Yu Xinzheng, the resistance in these places is too small, and they are not so complicated. Fan Zhongyan can guarantee the implementation of reforms.

It has to be said that Fan Zhongyan is not as good as Zhuge Kongming or Di Renjie. If it was one of them, he would definitely not take that much into account.

If you don’t agree, well, let’s kill until you agree.

Fan Zhongyan himself is Korean, and he is still a small official.

One day, the little people who were trampled under their feet suddenly became superior one day, so how could these proud aristocratic families bear it? Not only did they not cooperate with Fan Zhongyan, but they made things difficult for them. Fan Zhongyan asked for an official position.

Fusu is not guarding in South Korea, which makes the hearts of these gentry go wild again.

And what is Fusu doing at this time, at this time he is lingering with Ehuang Nvying.

Fusu and Ehuangnv Yinghua stayed in Xiaoxiang Valley for a full month.

On this day, Fusu suddenly heard the cry of a crow, and he understood that it was time for him to leave.

Sure enough, not long after, a crow flew over and landed on Fusu's body. At the crow's footsteps, there was a small bamboo tube with a letter inside.

This crow was raised by the black crow.

Chapter 450: Empress E's Ying Went Out of the Deep Valley

Fusu took the letter from the crow's leg and let the crow fly.

People in ancient times used pigeons to convey information, but Fusu is unique in that he uses crows.

There is no way, who made the ink crow best at controlling crows?

Fusu opened the envelope, and told Fusu to come to Xinzheng to sit in the town as soon as possible, and stop floating outside.

After Fusu looked at the contents on the paper, the Fire Cloud Palm activated instantly, burning the paper in his hand.

Since the advent of paper, it has brought great convenience to the people of Kyushu, which is completely reflected in all aspects.

Fusu looked at Xiangfeizhu outside and sighed silently.

Early the next morning, when Ehuang woke up, he found that Fusu beside him had disappeared. Ehuang couldn't help being a little surprised, because Fusu had never gotten up so early before.

Ehuang put on her palace gown and stepped down from the bamboo couch, but found an unopened letter on the table, with a line of words written on the letter-Ehuang Nv Yingqin.

I don't know why, after reading this letter, Ehuang suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and his face suddenly turned pale. Ehuang searched the whole room, but he didn't find Fusu's figure.

Ehuang knew that what he was most worried about had happened. No wonder Fusu behaved so abnormally yesterday, no wonder Fusu worked so hard last night. It turned out that everything was because Fusu was about to leave.

Ehuang came to the house with the letter and woke up Nvying who was still sleeping.

"Sister, sister, wake up quickly," Ehuang sat by the bed, showing a wry smile.

She and her sister were still arguing about who Fusu loves more, but now that Fusu is gone, all these arguments seem so ridiculous.

Only when you lose, can you know how to cherish.

"Sister", Nvying sat up, "What's wrong with you?"

"Look for yourself," Ehuang handed the letter to Nvying.

Nvying looked at the letter in Ehuang's hand, she didn't know why, and she was a little flustered. After reading the letter, Nvying couldn't help being stunned.

"Husband actually left", the letter slipped from Nvying's hand, she never thought that Fusu would leave without saying goodbye, this bastard.

"Sister, we..." Nvying looked helplessly at Ehuang in front of her.

"I plan to go out to find her, how about you?" Ehuang said very solemnly, with a determined look on his face.

"If you want to abandon us, it's not that simple." Ehuang snorted coldly. This month, he took advantage of all the advantages of his two sisters, and after eating them all, he just left without saying goodbye. It's really beautiful , Ehuang would absolutely not allow Fusu to do this.

"But sister, we don't know where he went. Moreover, this dead man has refused to tell us his real identity until now, and has always asked us to call him husband, husband. Could it be that he is a descendant of Lao Tzu? A Taoist youth talented", Nvying couldn't help asking Ehuang.

"This..." Ehuang didn't know either, Fusu was indeed a little mysterious, and more importantly, they had never heard of the name "husband".

There are so many young talents above the rivers and lakes, when will a young talent named "husband" appear.

"I don't know, but my sister, although the Kyushu Continent is big, people like my husband will definitely not come from unknown people. The goal of our departure this time is those young talents and Taoists in the world. Put it first," Ehuang stood up and said domineeringly.

"Sister, I support you this time, and I will go too." This time, Nvying did not contradict her sister, but strengthened her united front.

If Fusu knew that because he made Ehuang and Nvying call him "husband", he reminded them of "Lao Tzu", I wonder if he would laugh.

Let’s not talk about whether Lao Tzu has descendants, even if there are, Lao Tzu’s descendants should have the surname Li.

It has to be said that women who fall in love are "mentally retarded" and they don't think too much about it.

Fusu didn't know, because he left without saying goodbye, two terrifying women left the valley, and their first target was on the Taoist clan.

Renzong of Taoism pays attention to birth, while Tianzong pays attention to joining the world. People of Renzong are common in Jianghu, but people of Tianzong are pitifully rare in Jianghu, so the first goal of Ehuang and Nvying is Renzong.

After a three-day journey, Fusu returned to Xinzheng City. After hearing the report from his subordinates, Fusu had a gloomy expression on his face. He didn't expect that someone would dare to stroke his beard. He really didn't want to live.

He didn't expect that the Korean gentry would be so bold that they dared to fight against him. It seemed that he hadn't seen blood in this period of time, and these people had already forgotten the taste of blood.

Although Fusu hated these people, he had to put it aside first, because there were more important things he needed to deal with.

Yingzheng's black dragon scroll has been handed over to him, and the troops living on the borders of Wei and Chu will be withdrawn, and two-fifths of the eastern half of South Korea will be given up to Wei and Chu.

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