The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 303: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

Chapter 451 Mobilizing the Legion Wife——Madam Hu

Being able to use the Black Dragon Scroll by Ying Zheng must be an important thing, so Fusu had to put other things aside.

Looking at the memorial in his hand, Fusu snorted coldly, "Let you live for a while longer, and I will make you pay the price you deserve after this matter is dealt with." Fusu put the memorial aside, then picked up the With a blank sheet of paper, troops were dispatched.

South Korea now has three major armies, and it is enough to shrink its combat power now.

Fusu dispatched all the Mengtian Army stationed on the border of Wei State and the Tan Daoji Army stationed on the border of Chu State, and then lived in the Guanshan area.

Fusu doesn't care about the rest of the matter. I have already vacated the space. How to allocate it is up to you. Whether you want to agree on the above-mentioned division is up to you.

Originally, Fusu wanted Chu and Wei to take this opportunity to fight, but unexpectedly, the two countries were not fooled.

On the border between Wei and Chu, Wei Wuji, Lord of Xinling in Wei State, and Xiang Yan from the Xiang Clan of Chu State made a move.

Since this little trick is useless, I have to strengthen myself.

So, Fusu brandished his butcher knife. Fusu was a man of swift action. Since he decided to do it, he would not hesitate. Fusu directly ordered Lanling King Gao Changgong to be in charge of this matter. According to the gentry on the list, they would be cleaned one by one.

He wants to tell the world that his authority cannot be challenged, not by anyone else.

And these people and gentry who refuse to cooperate have only one result-killing.

Since ancient times, there has been no change without bloodshed. Fusu wants to blaze a path for change, so that the people behind him can learn from it and don't try to challenge his authority.

People who know the current affairs cooperated one after another. They not only survived, but also got rewards from Fusu, while those who were ignorant of the current affairs either absconded or were killed.

Typical "stick and carrot" policy.

When Fusu was carrying out the policy, in Xinzheng City, in an unremarkable dwelling, an old man held a piece of paper in his hand and read the content on it.

"It's really stupid. I don't have eyes, and I messed with Fusu, but I want us to be buried with him, hum." The old man directly lit the white paper in his hand and threw it aside.

Looking at the burning white paper, the old man remained motionless, but he couldn't help thinking of Fusu's figure in his eyes.

He swore that unless he was 100% sure to kill Fusu, he would never appear in front of Fusu.

This old man is the coir raincoat man.

In addition to him, in the most prosperous manor in Xinzheng City, a rich and fat man also set the envelope in his hand on fire.

"Blood Yihou, don't blame my brother for not helping you. I am now a young master. Since we have been together for so many years, I will pretend that I didn't see this letter. Whether it is life or death, don't blame me in the future. Brother won't help you anymore", this little fat man is the Emerald Tiger.

After learning about Fusu's policy, Emerald Tiger handed over all the land without saying anything.

He has a lot of wealth, but he doesn't care about those lands at all. Unlike other gentry, he doesn't expect the land to get rich.

To the surprise of Emerald Tiger, because of his great contribution and cooperation, not only did he not suffer any harm, but he was also exempted from taxes by Fusu, and more importantly, he was awarded the title of "Honorary Pioneer" title.

With this title, the Emerald Tiger instantly became much taller.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are at the bottom. With this title of "Honorary Pioneer", the Emerald Tiger has suddenly become a "scholar" stage, and the Emerald Tiger has face for life.

More importantly, unlike other people, Fusu encourages business and respects businessmen very much, which makes Jade Tiger feel a feeling that he has never experienced before, so Jade Tiger resolutely joins Fusu.

Of course not as an emerald tiger, but as a businessman.

He wants to take Fusu's car and go farther and farther.

Inside the palace, the tide banshee, that is, Meiji, looked at the letter in her hand, sneered, and smashed it directly.

"Sister, what's the matter?" On the opposite side of Meiji, there was also a stunning woman, wearing a light green palace dress, pouring down on the ground, and wearing a pair of beautiful embroidered shoes on her feet, she was slim and graceful.

With a cute and pitiful look on his face, people can't help but want to take care of each other, with a beautiful hairpin on his head, and an unusually hot figure.

This is a person who makes all men have a desire to protect.

This woman is Meiji's younger sister, Zuo Sima, Liu Yi's wife.

"It's okay", Meiji didn't tell her sister, she didn't want to involve her in this vortex.

"Oh", seeing that her sister was unwilling to say anything, Madam Hu didn't ask, she lowered her head and drank water.

"Sister, are there any good operas and novels recently?" Mei Ji asked her sister.

"Well, there's a new set of Chinese opera recently released, called Tianxian Pei, I think it's pretty good, I can watch it when my sister is bored," Mrs. Hu introduced to her sister.

Chapter 452 The Charm Conspiracy Two Women Serve a Husband

When Mei Ji heard her sister's introduction, she showed interest on her face.

"Heavenly Companion, why haven't I heard of it, tell me about it", Mei Ji is also a person who likes to watch opera very much, it can be said that she is as obsessed with her sister, and the two often go to opera together.

"I heard that this fairy tale is a novelist's masterpiece, and then it was adapted into dance music. The plot is very good, and I can't forget it to this day. It is about the Jade Emperor in the sky who has seven daughters. He feels the loneliness and desertedness of the heaven. Let's go together. Magpie bridge to play.

Then I saw scenes in the world, such as farmers plowing fields, woodcutters chopping firewood, fishermen casting nets, men and women getting married, and I felt envious and longing for the world.

When she saw Dong Yonghan studying hard in the world, and heard the eldest sister tell about Dong Yong's father who was seriously ill and had no money to treat him, the beautiful, kind and rebellious Seven Fairies immediately respected and pityed her, and quietly opened her mouth with the adopted daughter of the Queen Mother. Conspired, stole down to the mortal world, and helped Dong Yong.

Both Seven Fairies and Zhang Qiaozui fell in love with Dong Yong, who is simple, honest, filial, kind, knowledgeable and handsome.

Because of his father's death from illness, Dong Yong's family was poor, so he had to sell himself to bury his father, and became a domestic slave in the family of a dude, Fu Guanbao.

At this time, an accident happened again. The Seventh Fairy had a soft spot for Fu Guanbao's slave Dong Yong, but Fu Guanbao fell in love with the Seventh Fairy and came to propose marriage many times, but was rejected.

Later, Duo Convenience came up with a poisonous plan, planning to secretly kill Dong Yong and take the Seventh Fairy as his wife."

"Ah", upon hearing this, Mei Ji couldn't help but exclaimed, her eyes fixed on Mrs. Hu, at this moment she had completely entered into it.

Mrs. Hu continued, "As I said just now, Zhang Qiaozui also has feelings for Dong Yong, so he was jealous of the Seventh Fairy, and proposed a "martial arts contest" to marry the Seventh Fairy on the same day.

But it's a pity that Chenglong Kuai's son-in-law is a habit of stealing, so Zhang Qiaozui set a trap again, deliberately sitting in the wrong sedan chair.

As a result, Zhang Qiaozui was carried into Fu's mansion and worshiped with Fu Guanbao. The Seventh Fairy was carried to the habitual thief's home.

Later, the Seven Fairies ran out of the den of thieves and rescued Dong Yong who was about to be killed by Fu Guan Baojia Ding in the suburbs, and the two got married and tied the knot," Madam Hu said to her sister.

"This is one of the episodes, and the rest of the episodes haven't started yet. I heard that Seven Fairies and Dong Yong will suffer a lot," Madam Hu sighed.

"Sister, when will the next time start? Let's go together." Meiji held her sister's hand.

"Okay, I'll call you when the time comes, and it's from your son..." Mrs. Hu hesitated.

"It's okay, call me when the time comes," Meiji's eyes flashed with an inexplicable look.

"Okay," Madam Hu nodded.

Seeing the back of her sister leaving, Mei Ji couldn't help muttering to herself, "Sister, don't blame me, Liu Yi is going to be finished soon, instead of being punished, it's better to serve the young master with me."

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