The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 307: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

But people are ambitious, just like a fox sees a piece of meat. He wants to eat that piece of meat, but he is worried that there are traps around him. When he is too hungry, he will run away even if there is danger. Go up and eat that piece of meat.

The same is true for people. When there is a piece of meat in front of him, he can restrain himself when he is not hungry, but if he is hungry, he cannot restrain it no matter how much he restrains.

On the south side of the Quhe, Xiang Liang led his Xiang family army, and displayed them on the south bank of the river, practicing every day.

The military strength of Chu State is second only to Qin State among the Seven Kingdoms. In a one-on-one situation, even Qin State has no chance of winning.

So Wang Jian and Meng Wu led an army of 600,000 to attack Chu. You must know that the Chu army at that time was only 400,000, and there were 200,000 more troops.

Moreover, the leader who led the attack on Chu State was the well-known God of War Wang Jian during the Warring States Period. Meng Tian and various elites were under his command, and he destroyed Chu State only now. It can be said that the military strength of Chu State is second only to Qin State.

According to historical records, when Qin State attacked Chu State, another major event happened.

In the 21st year of Qin Wangzheng, Qin general Wang Ben led his army to attack the northern part of Chu State, opened a way to attack Wei, and opened the prelude to the attack on Chu State.

This year, Wang Ben sent scouts to play Yingzheng, and asked King Qin Yingzheng to send troops to reinforce him.

Qin Wang Yingzheng publicly asked Wang Jian in the court, if Wang Jian sent troops to attack Chu, how many troops would he need, Wang Jian truthfully said that he would need at least 600,000 troops.

Qin Wang Yingzheng was very dissatisfied, 600,000, you can become king on your own, you can't give it.

Qin Wang Yingzheng was a little jealous of Wang Jian.

Later, Qin Wang Yingzheng asked Li Xin how many troops you would need to send if you attacked Chu.

Li Xin said that he needed 200,000 yuan.

Qin Wang Yingzheng is so happy, Wang Jian needs 600,000 troops to take Chu, and Li Xin only needs 200,000.

In the end, the king of Qin thought that Wang Jian was old and was cautious in using troops, so he used Li Xin's army to attack the state of Chu.

Wang Jian then resigned, and Qin Wang followed suit and agreed.

Qin Wang Yingzheng dispatched Li Xin and Meng Wu and ordered them to lead an army of 200,000 to attack Chu State in two ways, taking advantage of the internal strife in Chu. In the twenty-second year, Li Xin led an army to attack Pingyu, and Meng Wu led an army to attack Chu, both defeated the Chu army and joined Chengfu.

The king of Chu sent General Xiang Yan to lead his army to resist.

Xiang Yan followed the Qin army with his army and pursued for three days and three nights. Taking advantage of the Qin army's underestimation of the enemy and being unprepared, he launched a surprise attack in Chengfu, defeated the Qin army, occupied two of its camps, and killed 7 captains.

Li Xin fled back with the remnant soldiers, and Qin's first attack failed.

At this time, Zhao Zhengcai, king of Qin, realized that although Chu had been weakened, after all, it still had a certain strength due to its vast land and population, and it could not be easily destroyed.

He went to the home of King Jian of Pinyang in person, asked him to command the troops, and transferred 600,000 troops to his command according to his request.

Wang Jian is also a smart man, knowing that Qin Wang Yingzheng is afraid of him, fearing that he will never return.

Don't talk about Yingzheng, even the other kings are not at ease. With an army of 600,000, the Chu State has only 400,000. Wang Jian can completely stand on his own as king.

In order to eliminate Yingzheng's inner conflict, Wang Jian asked Yingzheng for a lot of land, gold, silver and jewelry, and even asked Yingzheng to take care of his family, and appointed his family as officials, just telling Yingzheng that my family is in your hands , I will not run, and you have given me so many things and rewards, I will not leave.

Twenty-three years later, Wang Jian and Meng Wu led an army of 600,000 to attack Chu again.

After capturing Pingyu, the state of Chu mobilized troops from all over the country and ordered Xiang Yan to lead a decisive battle with the Qin army. Wang Jian adopted the combat policy of standing firm on the wall, avoiding decisive battles, recharging energy, and waiting for opportunities to attack.

The Chu army challenged many times, but finally refused to go out. Wang Jian lived with the soldiers, cared about their diet and daily life, and paid attention to the combination of work and rest. At the same time, he carried out stone throwing and long jump sports to improve the soldiers' physical strength and combat skills.

The Chu army was unable to fight, and their fighting spirit slackened for a long time, so Xiang Yan had to lead his army to retreat eastward.

Wang Jian seized the opportunity, selected elite soldiers ahead, and pursued them. He defeated the Chu army in Qinan and killed Xiang Yan.

The Qin army took advantage of the momentum and captured many cities in Chu State. In the twenty-fourth year, Wang Jian and Meng Wu led the Qin army to continue to attack the Chu State in depth, breaking through the Chu capital Shouchun in one fell swoop, capturing the king of Chu and killing Chu.

But this time with Fusu and so many civil servants and fierce generals, I don't know how long it will take and how many troops.

Chapter 458: Emperor Xinling Wei Wuji Matchmaker——Fan Zhongyan

To the south of the Quhe is the state of Chu, and the king of Chu appointed Xiang Yan to garrison and attack at this point.

Xiang Yan lived up to the trust of the king of Chu. On the one hand, he was training soldiers, and on the other hand, he built a defensive offensive along the canal. In addition to resisting the Wei army, he also had to resist the Qin army.

On the back of the Quhe is the territory of the State of Wei. The leader of the Wei Army is one of the four princes of the Warring States Period——Wei Wuji, Lord of Xinling.

Lord Xinling Wei Wuji is a very talented and ambitious person, otherwise he would not be one of the four princes of the Warring States Period.

However, unlike Xiang Yan, Xiang Yan was sent by the king of Chu, while Wei Wuji was sent by the king of Wei.

Why is it said to be a distribution, because in the war when Qin State attacked South Korea, Wei Wuji advocated "Lian Han attacked Qin", but was rejected by King Wei.

Wei Wuji has a far-sighteder vision than King Wei. He is very clear that Qin State's appetite is definitely not as simple as that of South Korea. Maybe after swallowing South Korea, the next target is Wei State, so Wei Wuji advised King Wei that after Qin State destroys South Korea, Absolutely will not fulfill his promise.

Because Wei Wang didn't listen to the advice, Wei Wuji said angrily that Wei Wang was short-sighted. This sentence made Wei Wang so angry that people directly kicked Wei Wuji out and asked him to reflect on himself.

I am short-sighted, but you are long-sighted. King Wei is so angry.

Later, the envoys of Qin returned and brought good news. The king of Qin fulfilled his promise. From now on, the land and cities north of the Quhe in South Korea belonged to the State of Wei.

When the news came out, the whole country was excited, and they all praised King Wei for his great achievements.

For a while, Wei Wang was in a high mood.

But at this time, King Wei did not forget about Wei Wuji, and ordered the minister to call Wei Wuji to the hall, and said to Wei Wuji with a smile on his face, "Didn't you say that Qin would not fulfill its promise? Look, isn't it fulfilled? So say , It's you who are short-sighted, not me", Wei Wang began to run on Wei Wuji.

But Wei Wuji had nothing to say, and reality slapped him.

Because he got the land of South Korea, King Wei was very happy. How he said it was "expanding the territory". Under his own governance, the territory of Wei State became the largest in history. In the future history books, he will definitely have his own name. .

The king of Wei guessed right, his name is indeed in the history books, but it is indeed the name of the "king of subjugation".

Looking at Wei Wuji with his head bowed, King Wei felt so happy, it made you shudder.

King Wei was happy and didn't want to kill anyone, but he wouldn't make Wei Wuji feel better, so he sent Wei Wuji to the frontier directly.

For Wei Guo, Quhe is really a frontier.

Wei Wuji didn't say anything, and after bowing his head to thank him, he withdrew from the court.

In fact, Wei Wuji should be grateful to Fusu, because of Fusu's arrival, he got rid of death, because according to the trend of history, Wei Wuji should have died of alcohol and sex more than ten years ago, but he didn't now.

What's even more deceitful is that Wei Wuji's life was saved by Li Shizhen.

You know, Fusu didn't summon Li Shizhen at the beginning, but after summoning Li Shizhen, the system unexpectedly arranged such a period of history.

At that time, Li Shizhen was already well-known among doctors, and many people came to him for treatment, but Wei Wuji was very ill, so he invited experts in doctors, but there was nothing he could do.

There is no way, someone suggested to ask Li Shizhen, a doctor, to make a diagnosis, and treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, what if the other party is really capable?

So Wei Wuji sent someone to Yaogu to invite Li Shizhen. At this time, Li Shizhen was not so arrogant, and saving people was like putting out a fire, so she went happily.

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