The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 320: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

Lu Bu, styled Fengxian, was the number one general in the Three Kingdoms.

Lu Bu was born brave, with a square sky painted halberd in his hand, no one can beat him on the battlefield. In the past years when he served under Dong Zhuo's camp, Lv Bu was ordered to guard Hulao Pass, the gateway of Luoyang, and he fought alone against the Eighteenth Route's allied forces without any fear.

Later, because of Diao Chan, he was caught in a "beauty trick", and Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo secretly had a rift, until they turned against each other.

Later, under the persuasion of Situ Wangyun, Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo in the name of King Qin, and then set up his own family and became one of the princes who conquered the world.

From the second year of Xingping to the third year of Jian'an, Lu Bu successively moved to Wuguan, Changshan, Hanoi, Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Jianghuai and other places. Nothing can be done.

Throughout the world, apart from a few people such as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, there is no general of Lu Bu's trio.

Before the death of Baimen Tower, all the princes of the world respected and feared Lu Bu. There was a saying that "the red rabbit among the horses, Lu Bu among the people", which shows that Lu Bu is brave.

Character Name - Lu Bu Lu Fengxian

Character Level: Peerless (Advanced)

Fame of the character: The most powerful general in the Three Kingdoms period; Lu Bu among the people, Chitu among the horses Character source: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Three Kingdoms"

Character name: God of War

Character Occupation: Warlord.

The character's mentality: the canon of the heavens, the art of slaughtering the common people

Character martial arts: God of War Halberd, Wushuang Halberd

Character magic weapon: Fang Tian painted a halberd

Character Mount: Red Rabbit Horse

Character characteristics 1; God of War, the more you fight, the braver you are. When you meet a master, your combat power will increase with the number of battle rounds and become stronger and stronger.

Character Trait 2: Instant Kill, for below average first-class masters, 100% instant kill, top first-class master, 50% chance of being instant kill, top master, 30% chance of being instant kill, peerless master, 5% chance The chance of being spiked, the stronger the strength, the lower the chance of being spiked.

God of War's halberd technique, God of War's halberd technique, was born out of Overlord Xiang Yu's halberd technique, and then changed to become his own halberd technique. The God of War's halberd technique has nine strokes, each of which is fierce and fierce, with a murderous aura and bloodthirsty to slaughter the common people feel.

Wushuang halberd method, the halberd method created by Lu Bu, the god of war, according to his own characteristics, is a supreme halberd method.

This was Lu Bu's first shot in this world, and he was quite excited, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly in his hand, and fighting with Tian Guang.

Lu Bu is good at horse fighting, but that doesn't mean he can't fight on foot.

Lu Bu's close combat is also very strong, and its effect can refer to Lu Bu played by Lu Ziqiao in "Love Apartment" against Hattori Hanzo played by Miracle Sekigu.

Tian Guang's weapon is a steel whip, which is a farmer's hundred-grain whip, which is very similar to Yuchi Jingde's bamboo-jointed steel whip, but its shape is more like Jiang Ziya's "spiritual whip" in ancient times.

"Look at the trick", Lu Bu stepped on the ground with one foot, then jumped high, swung the Fang Tian painting halberd in the air in a semi-circle, and slashed at the opponent fiercely.

Fang Tian drew his halberd across the void, as if he wanted to destroy everything.

Tian Guang's face couldn't help but change, the person in front of him was beyond his imagination, Tian Guang raised the Hundred Grain Whip in his hand high, and blocked it above his head.

"Dang", a roar sounded, and the smoke filled the air, making everyone stop.

Tian Guang knelt down alone, and the bluestone slabs on the ground were like spider webs, cracking in all directions, densely packed, forming cracks.

Lu Bu was still in the air at this time, and Fang Tian's painted halberd pressed hard on Tian Guang's body.

Tian Guang was very uncomfortable at this time, and there was a sweat stain on his forehead.

Later Xiang Yu was stronger, but who made Xiang Yu too young now? Xiang Yu is just Shao Yu now, he has not grown to the peak yet.

"Give it to me!" Lu Bu then roared, and raised the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, and directly lifted the Baigu whip away. The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand moved again, and attacked Tian Guang's neck.

"Dang", at this moment, Tian Guang's Hundred Grains Whip actually blocked Lu Bu's Fang Tian Painting Halberd.

"Oh, interesting, let's see my move again." Fang Tian's painting halberd in Lu Bu's hand changed his moves again and again, turning into a whirlwind.

Dangdangdang... The sound of Jin Ge's clashing sounded continuously. The battle between Lu Bu and Tian Guang was so intense that they couldn't see each other's trajectories clearly. The weapons and moves in their hands were constantly changing. They were the most intense battle among the crowd.

On the other side, the battle between Dian Wei and Tian Hu was also extremely fierce.

Tian Hu is also a person with profound internal skills, his hands are like steel and iron bones, and he fought with Dian Wei.

One looks like a madman, the other looks like a tiger. Both of them have a hot temper, and their moves are very fierce.

Both Dian Wei and Tian Hu like to fight head-to-head, so it is very spectacular.

Pei Yuanqing watched from the sidelines, feeling itchy in his heart, forbearance, no matter how much I can bear it, I couldn't help it, and rushed out, "Brother Dian, get out of the way, let me play for a while", Pei Yuanqing directly joined the battle circle, will Dian Wei squeezed out.

Dian Wei didn't even bother to besiege with the crowd. Seeing Pei Yuanqing rushing up, he could only stand aside helplessly.

Fusu watched Pei Yuanqing's movements and couldn't help but shook his head.

Pei Yuanqing is no weaker than Dianwei, the Eight Diagrams Plum Blossom Bright Silver Hammer in his hand is powerful and heavy, coupled with the Taiyue Hammer Technique, even if you are steel and iron, I can turn you into scum!

Chapter 477: Fierce Fight, Quick Decision

PS: I was suddenly delayed by something in the afternoon. I'm sorry everyone, there is nothing I can do about it. Brothers all understand that there are some things that cannot be controlled by themselves!

In front of Pei Yuanqing, Tian Hu, who had been hanging very much, suddenly turned into a turtle with a shrunken head. Disabled.

Tian Hu could only dodge while dodging, very aggrieved.

The best way to deal with steel and iron bones is to be stronger than him, harder than him, no matter how strong the iron head is, a hammer will make you a big bag.

The Eight Diagrams Plum Blossom Bright Silver Hammer in Pei Yuanqing's hand is the iron hammer.

If Li Yuanba comes, no matter what kind of steel and iron you are, just go down with a hammer, and you will be guaranteed to become a meat.

Zhan Zhao and Tian Zhong were engaged in a swordsmanship duel there, Tian Zhong's swordsmanship was very strong and very sharp, coupled with his superb lightness kung fu, the speed of the battle between the two was very fast.

Zhan Zhao's Tianlong swordsmanship is also very brilliant, it is a top-notch swordsmanship.

Two long swords collided in the void.

"Swipe", Tian Zhong appeared on Zhan Zhao's left side in an instant, and the long sword in his hand attacked Zhan Zhao's waist. The sharp blade was shining with a deep cold light.

"So fast", Zhan Zhao's eyes narrowed, his footsteps lightened, and he glanced at the sky, only to see the phantom staying in place, and Zhan Zhao's figure had already appeared in the air.

"Eight dragons", Zhan Zhao waved the long sword in his hand, and long dragons appeared in the void, and instantly appeared around Tian Zhong, attacking the opponent.

Eight dragons block the Quartet.

Tian Zhong's face couldn't help changing, he squatted down slightly, kicked his legs on the ground, and with the help of bounce and light work, he appeared in the sky instantly.

"Swipe", a half-moon-shaped sword energy swayed from the tip of Tian Zhong's sword, and attacked the eight dragons.

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