The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 319: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

After investigating everyone's information, it seemed that only Daji, Xiao Shushen, Zhao Feiyan, and Pan Jinlian knew no kung fu, but at this moment, a discovery that made the farmhouse atmosphere and jaw-dropping appeared.

Because the farm boy who was in charge of secretly investigating the information, after seeing Daji's beauty, unexpectedly surrendered his mother under Daji's pomegranate skirt, and told all the information in one go.

I can't wait to dedicate my heart to Daji and dedicate my life to Daji.

After Daji heard what the other party said, she was shocked and hurriedly told Fusu the news.

After Fusu heard it, he was startled and angry. He didn't expect the farmer to pay attention to himself.

The white-eyed wolf is just a white-eyed wolf. He didn't expect to let Ben Leishou go, and the farmer's situation got worse, and he became even more reluctant.

The annoyance in Fusu's heart, well, since that's the case, then let you taste my strength.

This time Fusu made a killing intent.

Chapter 475 Soldiers Against Soldiers Generals Against Generals Fusu's Ambush

The scenery of the northern country is covered with ice for thousands of miles and snow drifts for thousands of miles.

Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing left but wild; the river goes up and down, and suddenly loses its torrential flow.

The mountain dancing silver snake, the original galloping wax figure, wants to compete with Tiangong.

It must be a sunny day, looking at the red dress wrapped in plain clothes, it is extraordinarily enchanting.

The mountains and rivers are so beautiful, attracting countless heroes to bow down.

It's all over, count the romantic figures, and look at the present.

With his hands behind his back, Fusu looked at the picturesque mountains and rivers in the distance, and for a moment he was so fascinated that he recited this poem by Taizu.

Standing on the top floor of Dongjun, Fusu was filled with emotion.

In front of him, there are endless mountains, mountains and mountains, water and water, mountains and rivers alternate with each other, and the trees are lush and green, rendering the mountains into blue.

The mountain goes up the mountain, and the Baishan embraces thousands of emerald greens.

There is water in the water, and the black water is full of red.

Looking at the rolling mountains, Fusu couldn't help thinking of the great battle a year ago.

That battle was very tragic, Fusu's masters basically mobilized and surrounded the farmhouse, but unexpectedly, at the critical moment, people from the Mo family appeared.

Rescued the farmer's people.

The impact of that battle is still being felt to this day.

And after that battle, the farm family retired, and the Mo family could not lurk. It took a year for everyone to calm down slowly.

A year ago, after Fusu learned about the farmer's plan from Daji, he was so frightened and angry that he summoned all the subordinates who hadn't left yet.

Nanxia Zhanzhao, Chinchilla Bai Yutang, Silver Hammer Taibao Pei Yuanqing, Cold Faced Cold Spear Luo Cheng, Leopard Head Lin Chong, Lanling King Gao Changgong, Sun Moon Battle Ax Chituo, White Horse Silver Spear Zhao Zilong and so on.

And this time, Fusu also mobilized Lu Bu, the god of war, and Dian Wei, the god of ghosts.

Fusu wants to set up a world-wide net to deal with the offenders of the farmhouse—to be executed.

Everyone was very excited when they heard that another war broke out. The special one was Pei Yuanqing Chituo. He thought that after leaving the battlefield, there would be a peaceful day, but he didn't expect that he was wrong.

Next, Fusu Rangyan Concubine, Ehuang Nvying, Zi Nu, Xue Nu, Mu Guiying, Li Xiuning and others are ready to protect Daji, Xiao Shushen and others, and must not be taken lightly.

As the eldest sister of everyone, Concubine Yan is also the strongest among the girls, so she is obliged to do so.

Under the charm of Daji, the spy of the farm family promised Daji to deceive everyone and let the master of the farm family be fooled.

It can also be seen from here that Daji is terrifying. Although she has no strength to restrain a chicken, her beauty is worth a million soldiers.

This is truly a country and a city, one woman can reach a hundred cities.

This kind of beauty that confuses the world should not appear in the world at all, it is too monstrous.

Daji is the most beautiful and coquettish among all the girls. Even Empress Xiao, who has served six kings, can't compare to her. Daji is really too bewitching.

The master of the farm family didn't know the actual situation, so he fell into Fusu's trick.

Looking at the many masters who suddenly appeared from the courtyard, Tian Guang, Tian Hu, and Tian Zhong's expressions were extremely ugly.

Especially Tian Zhong, his character is very insidious and cunning. Seeing this situation, he didn't know that he and others were ambushed.

Tian Zhong took a look at the spy from the farm, and felt that the other party would not frame him, because this person had worked in the farm for five or six years, made great contributions, and would never betray the farm.

The faces of Mr. Jin and Mr. Yin were a little ugly.

This kind of scene is already obvious, and I am throwing myself into the trap, "Bastard, didn't you say it was safe?"

The irritable Tian Hu became angry immediately, and walked up to the spy, about to destroy him, but unexpectedly, before Tian Hu could make a move, the farmer's spy would do it.

A poisonous dagger suddenly appeared in his hand, stabbing towards Tian Hu's chest.

"Okay, it really is you, you bastard", Tian Hu was furious, he was still skeptical at first, but now he is sure.

But before Tian Hu could make a move, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the body of the farmer's spy was directly separated, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

Mr. Jin made a move, his swordsmanship was as fast as lightning, sharp and crisp.

Mr. Jin did not speak, looked at the blood dripping from the tip of the sword, turned around, and looked at Fusu opposite.

The murderous look in the eyes is wanton.

"Dian Wei, Lu Bu, Zhan Zhao, Bai Yutang, Chi Tuo, you guys go up," Fusu ordered.

"Yes, sir." Dian Wei took out the double halberds on his back and attacked Tian Hu.

Zhan Zhao drew out his own Longquan sword, and fought with Tian Zhong. Both of them were very good at lightness kung fu, and their swordsmanship was superb, so it was very fierce.

Bai Yutang also drew out the dragon scale sword, and fought with Mr. Jin who pretended to be abnormal.

Bai Yutang has never looked down on Mr. Jin since just now, as if he is so awesome, today I will let you see what it means to be really awesome.

Chi Tuo took out his Leng Yue Han Xing gun and fought against the opposite Mr. Yin.

The last one, Tian Guang, the hero of the peasant family, was left to Lu Bu with a tacit understanding.

On the periphery, Lanling King Gao Changgong, White Horse Silver Spear Zhao Zilong, Marksman Hua Rong, Leopard Head Lin Chong, and Cold Spear Luo Cheng looked at each other warily.

They won't let each other get away.

Chapter 476 Lu Bu Attributes Ultimate Showdown

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