The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 330: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

The three daughters are Fusu's wives, and no one dares to surpass her.

And behind Fusu, six stood side by side, in no particular order.

They are Guo Jia, Lu Bu, Dian Wei, Qu Yi, Chi Tuo, and Chen Qingzhi.

Guo Jia was riding a little donkey, a little shorter than everyone else. Guo Jia was riding on a little donkey, holding a jug in his hand. A look of intoxication, unusually bohemian.

Next to Guo Jia, Lu Bu was riding a red rabbit horse. He was tall and handsome.

Lu Bu among people and Chitu among horses are by no means in vain.

Lü Bu holds a Fangtian painted halberd, with a metal spear point at one end of the shaft, and crescent-shaped sharp blades on both sides connected to the spear point through two twigs, which can be stabbed or chopped.

Wearing a purple gold crown with three-pronged hair on the head, a Xichuan red cotton robe with hundreds of flowers on the body, a chain armor with a beast face swallowing the head, an exquisite lion belt with armor around the waist, and eight-back protective flags tied behind the back, it is majestic and majestic.

Especially riding on a red rabbit horse, it blends perfectly.

Next to Lu Bu was Chi Tuo, with a naked upper body and a bronzed skin, which looked like a rhinoceros's leather armor. It was very thick, which was caused by Chi Tuo's long-term practice of internal strength.

The current Chi Tuo can be said to be a real copper-skinned iron bone, hard to hurt with a sword.

On Chi Tuo's back, the sun and moon axes are intersected in the shape of "X", with the blades facing outward, and the sun and moon patterns facing outward.

Compared with Chi Tuo a year ago, the current Chi Tuo is more calm and restrained at the same time.

During this year's work, while Chi Tuo asked his master Dianwei for advice, he also asked Pei Yuanqing for advice.

Because the ax is also a powerful weapon, it has something in common with Pei Yuanqing's legs.

In a year's time, Chi Tuo's ax technique has become more sophisticated, and his strength has risen to a higher level.

Next to the resignation is Qu Yi, who is the leader of Xiandeng dead soldiers and a master of martial arts.

Qu Yi's weapons are a longbow, a generation of plume feather arrows, and a long sword at his waist. In addition, there is also a long spear hanging on the horse's body.

Qu Yi, like Hua Rong, is a master of archery, but Qu Yi's arrow skills are not as good as Hua Rong, and he can't reach the kung fu of piercing Yang with a hundred steps. A leadership talent, the Xiandeng soldiers he led shined brilliantly during the Three Kingdoms period.

Qu Yi was wearing bright armor, his face was full of determination, and he was serious.

The last Chen Qingzhi was dressed like a Confucian scholar. Although he was also wearing armor, he did not wear a helmet. Instead, he tied his hair with a long hairpin, with a white cloak flying behind his back, and a sword hanging from his waist, giving him an air of elegance. come.

Chen Qingzhi doesn't look like a general, but like a noble son.

However, even though Chen Qingzhi is dressed like this, his martial power is not weak, especially his swordsmanship, which is similar to that of Zhang Liang, but Chen Qingzhi usually does not show off his swordsmanship. Sand field and long term.

Behind the six people, behind Chen Qingzhi was an all white-robed army, and behind Qu Yi was a black dead soldier.

And behind Lu Bu, Chi Tuo, and Dian Wei, there are elite soldiers wearing masks.

It is densely packed, and 50,000 troops guard it.

After the division of troops, the three main roads to Wei State were full of soldiers.

On the eve of departure, Fusu finally used two summoning opportunities.

Chapter 490: Martial Saint Guan Yunchang, Zhuyan Pill

Fusu has a total of two summons for a while, one is a designated summoning opportunity, and the other is a random summoning opportunity.

Fusu walked into the system space, and with Liu Yefei's help, activated the summoning function.

For the first summoning, Fusu used the designated summoning rights to summon the eternal martial sage—Guan Yu.

There are two famous martial saints in the history of Kyushu, one is Guan Yu Guan Yunchang who is righteous and generous, and the other is Yue Fei and Yue Wumu who serve the country loyally.

Fusu summoned one of the two this time.

Following Liu Yefei's actions, the summoning card of Wu Sheng Guan Yu was summoned.

Fusu crushed it excitedly, only to see a nine-foot-tall man appearing inside the system space.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" describes, "Guan Yu is nine feet long, his beard is two feet long, his face is heavy like jujubes, his lips are like fat, red phoenix eyes, and lying silkworm eyebrows. His appearance is dignified and majestic." Its red phoenix eyes and lying silkworm eyebrows are rare in the world. The phoenix eyes are powerful, and the lying silkworms are like fog, heroic and domineering.

Guan Yu was wearing a green coarse cloth shirt, a, er... green hat, a beard like long hair, a date-colored face, and he was not angry.

The only pity is that the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in Guan Yu's hand is not in his hand, which makes Fusu feel very sorry.

Is Guan Yu without the Qinglongyanyue knife still Guan Yu?

There is a saying that is good, the knife is in the people, and the knife destroys people.

Fusu hurriedly used the summon point to buy the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in the system space.

Then hand it over to Guan Yunchang.

Guan Yu was a man of great righteousness, and he took the Qinglong Yanyue Saber from Fusu's hand with a grateful expression on his face.

Looking at the big man in front of him who was taller than himself, Fusu couldn't help thinking of the other party's information.

Guan Yu is a native of Jiexian County, Hedong County, which is now Dongjun County. He was a famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. ".

After the Battle of Chibi, Liu Bei assisted Zhou Yu of the Eastern Wu to attack Cao Ren in Nanjun, and did not send Guan Yu to the north to block Cao Cao's reinforcements. After Cao Ren retreated, Guan Yu was appointed as the prefect of Xiangyang by Liu Bei. Liu Bei entered Yizhou, while Guan Yu stayed in Jingzhou.

In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an, Guan Yu besieged Xiangfan, and Cao Cao sent Yu Jin to reinforce him. Guan Yu captured Yu Jin, beheaded Pang De, and shocked Kyushu. Later, Cao Cao sent Xu Huang to reinforce, and Lu Meng of Eastern Wu attacked Jingzhou again. Guan Yu was defeated and killed.

After Guan Yu's death, he was gradually deified and honored as "Guan Gong" by the people, also known as the bearded man.

During the Shenzong period of the Ming Dynasty, Guan Yu was granted the title of "The Great Emperor of the Three Realms, the Great God of Subduing Demons, Weiyuan Town, Tianzun Guansheng", and in the Qing Dynasty, he was regarded as "the Great Emperor of Loyalty, God, Martial, Lingyou, Benevolence, Bravery and Power". ", as famous as "Wen Sheng" Confucius.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" respects him as the first of the "Five Tiger Generals" of the Shu Kingdom.

In the thousand years after his death, Guan Yu was sealed again and again, reaching a supreme height.

There are many legends left by Guan Yu.

Riding alone for thousands of miles, passing five passes and killing six generals: In the fifth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao sent Liu Dai and Wang Zhong to attack Liu Bei, but was defeated by Liu Bei. When he surrendered, Cao Cao treated him generously and appointed him as a partial general.

Later, Yuan Shao sent generals Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Guo Tu to attack Liu Yanyu, the prefect of Dongjun County, at Baima. Cao Cao personally led the army to rescue, and ordered Zhang Liao and Guan Yu to be the forwards.

Guan Yu saw Yan Liang's cape, rode his horse and charged, beheaded Yan Liang among the ten thousand troops, and returned with the head of the Yuan army. No one could stop Yuan Jun's generals, the siege of the white horse was broken, and Guan Yu was named "Han Shouting Marquis".

At that time, Cao Cao asked Zhang Liao to use favors to test Guan Yu in order to know whether Guan Yu had the intention to stay for a long time.

Guan Yu sighed to Zhang Liao: "I know Duke Cao's great love for me, but I have received the kindness of General Liu Bei, and I swear to die together and not to betray it. I will never stay. I will leave after I have made contributions to Duke Cao. go."

Zhang Liao told Cao Cao that Cao Cao knew that Guan Yu would leave, so he rewarded him heavily and wanted to keep him, but Guan Yu denied Cao Cao's reward, left a letter to say goodbye, and returned to Liu Bei.

Cao Cao's left and right wanted to chase and kill him, but Cao Cao believed that each of them wanted to stop him.

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