The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 331: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

In addition, there are bone scraping to heal wounds, Yi Shi Hua Rong Dao and so on.

Fusu looked at Guan Yu in front of him, said a few words to him, and then gave birth to him. Because Liu Yifei was there, the system had no claim of its own.

Then, Fusu once again used random summoning opportunities, random summoning opportunities, everything has a chance.

The double summoning card that Fusu wanted most, he could be summoned a few more times at that time, but the chance of doubling the summoning card was even smaller than the chance of summoning special forces.

"Use", Fusu directly chose to use.

Under Liu Yefei's operation, a summoning card was taken out by Liu Yefei.

Looking at the items on the summoning card, Liu Yefei couldn't help sticking out her tongue, because it was not a character summoning card, but an item summoning card, and it was a rare pill summoning card.

"Husband, it's Zhuyan Pill," Liu Yefei tightly held the summoning card in her hand, unwilling to hand it over.

Chapter 491 Ten Years in the Yan Pill Killing God Bai Qi

Hearing Liu Yefei's words, and seeing Liu Yefei's nervous expression, Fusu couldn't help laughing, so you have something to care about.

"Show me first, let me assign," Fusu said to Liu Yefei.

"I don't care, I must have one, or I won't give it to you." Liu Yefei put the summoning card behind her, but didn't take it out.

Fu Su rolled his eyes, "Okay, I promise you", Fu Su looked at Liu Yefei's appearance like a money fan, and couldn't help laughing, it turns out that you couldn't help it.

Under the protection of Fusu, Liu Yefei is still the fairy sister who is full of fairy spirit, not polluted by the outside world, a little ignorant of world affairs, and doesn't seem to care much about anything.

Fusu took the summoning card from Liu Yefeifei's hand, his eyes lit up when he saw it, it turned out to be the 10-year-effective Zhuyan Pill.

And there are actually five of them.

Fusu's eyes lit up immediately.

One year has passed, and two years have passed since Zhao Ji took the Zhuyan Pill. It can be said that the time for Zhuyan Pill is coming soon. Dan gave it to him as a present.

One to Liu Yefei, one to Zhao Ji, and one to Yang Ying.

Fusu still remembered that the last time he summoned Zhuyan Pill, he was summoned by Yang Ying. At that time, Fusu promised the other party to give him a Zhuyan Pill that had a long-lasting effect.

Now that more than a year has passed since the beginning, it is time to cash in.

For the remaining two, Fusu intends to give one to Concubine Yan. As the eldest sister of all the daughters, Concubine Yan should accept it. Fusu intends to give the last ten-year Zhuyan Pill to Empress Xiao.

As long as the system exists, Fusu will have countless Zhuyan Pills in the future, so don't worry about the girls getting old.

Fusu crushed the summoning card, only to see the green skin medicinal gourd directly appearing in Fusu's hand.

"Yefei, here you are", Fusu took a pill from the medicine gourd and handed it to Liu Yefei.

Now Liu Yefei is young and beautiful, and it is the best time in her life, so she doesn't need Zhuyan Pill yet.

Liu Yefei didn't take it, but looked at Fusu, "I don't need it now, you put it in the system space for me first, and when I get old, you have to take it out for me if you want it", Liu Yefei Fei said to Fusu.

"Okay, I promise you," Fusu put Zhuyan Pill back into the medicine gourd.

Two summons, successfully completed.

As the marching speed accelerated, five days later, the Central Army came to the border between Qin and Wei.

Fusu looked at the distant city with emotion, and asked Guo Jia beside him, "This is Yique, right?" Fusu pointed to the large city in front of him and said.

"Yes son," Guo Jia nodded.

Since the State of Wei was successively "surrounded by Wei to save Zhao" and "encircled Wei to save Han" by the State of Qi, it has strengthened the defense around Daliang, the capital city, and built many tall walls relying on the Mohists and the public losers, just to resist the soldiers of Qi and other countries. horse.

And Yique is one of the strengthened cities.

As a vanguard city against the Qin State, the importance of Yique is self-evident, just like the Yanmen Pass of later generations. As long as the Hu people break through the Yanmen Pass, they will reach the hinterland of Kyushu.

Fusu looked at Yique City in front of him, at the closed gate of Yique City, and at the Wei soldiers waiting in full force on the city wall, he suddenly felt proud, "Back then, Bai Qi, the great general of the Qin State, in order to open the east and enter the Central Plains Leading hundreds of thousands of Qin troops in Yique, this is the place." Fusu stretched out his hand and pointed to the city of Yique in front of him.

"Annihilated hundreds of thousands of allied forces from South Korea, Wei, and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The power shocked the world. Bai Qi took advantage of the victory and chased after him. He wiped out more than 240,000 allied forces from South Korea and Wei, captured Yique, and captured several cities in Wei and South Korea. Most of the area east of Anyi.

After the war, the elites of Wei and South Korea were completely lost, and they no longer had the strength to resist Qin alone. Today, I will lead an army of 50,000 to capture Yique, and go deep into the hinterland," Fusu said with confidence on his face.

Although Fusu only has 50,000 soldiers and horses, all of them are elite soldiers, and besides the Fusu Middle Army, there are two other teams. In order to resist the left and right armies, the Qin Army is bound to divide its troops.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the main force of Wei State is in the south, and it is restrained by Wang Jian.

Although Wang Jian was defeated, he was not injured and his strength was still there. What's more, Wang Jian restrained Lord Xinling, which was the most important thing.

"I have analyzed this war. The Han and Wei armies are too indecisive. Not only do they not take the initiative to send troops, but they also wait and see each other. No one wants to be the first bird. The general Bai Qi seized the weakness and clamped down on the main force of the coalition with a small number of troops. The Han army attacked the weaker Wei army with the main force.

Unprepared, the Wei army rushed to the battle and was defeated immediately.

The Han army was overwhelmed, and the flanks were exposed. They were flanked by the Qin army and fled in defeat.

It can be said that they are destined to be losers in this war," Guo Jia said with a smile.

"Okay, I know you are good, order the soldiers to rest where they are, light a fire and cook, and when they have enough rest, attack the city," Fusu said.

"My lord, don't be so anxious." Guo Jia smiled mysteriously and pulled Fusu back.

Chapter 492 Drunk Life, Dreaming of Death, Guard——Wei Wujiang

Being held back by Guo Jia, Fusu's face was full of surprise, what was he doing.

Seeing Fusu's puzzled look, Guo Jia smiled mysteriously.

"My lord, please listen to what Feng Xiao said one by one." Guo Jia turned and looked at Yique City in the distance. , we can be sure that the source of water in the city of Yique must be this river," the country said with great certainty.

"Since Wei Wuji can use poison against General Wang Jian, why don't we repay him in the same way, and use poison against Wei Jun, so that we will get twice the result with half the effort," Guo Guo said with a smile.

"No." Fusu immediately denied Guo Jia's attention. The wisdom he had accumulated through hard work must not be ruined by this. Fusu is a man who is going to become a great emperor, so how can he allow stains.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Fusu will never allow his glorious image to be damaged. He will be called a "God" by the people.

"My lord..." Guo Jia became impatient. With such a good opportunity, he might even be able to capture Yique City without a single soldier. How could he give up? So Guo Jia wanted to persuade Fusu again.

Now is the time for war, not for women's benevolence.

"No", Fusu directly refused, "If it was an army, I would never consider it too right, but there are hundreds of thousands, or even millions of Liming people in Yique City, absolutely not", although Fusu knew that he It is undoubtedly unfair to Qin Bing to do so, and many families will be destroyed because of this, but there is no way.

At this moment, Fu Su suddenly remembered a trick he used against Ji Wuye back then.

"But..." Fu Su paused.

"But what?" Guo Jia thought that Fusu would change his mind.

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