The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 350: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

The granary knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing are sufficient to know the honor and disgrace. Only when everyone's material life is improved can they have time and leisure to entertain.

In the Six Kingdoms, apart from Fusu's rule, there are still many places where there is no food.

Chapter 518 The Three Tests of the Kyushu Heavy Treasure

Zhen Mi was pressed in front of the table by Yang Ying and Zi Nu, two people who like to play mahjong, and then began to learn in style.

After playing a few rounds, Zhen Mi learned and gradually became interested.

Happy when you win, regret when you lose, this thing is addictive.

From time to time, the sound of rubbing mahjong and the laughter of the girls came from the room, and they got along very well.

In the next few days, the entire Wei army seemed to be a little scared. They put down their flags and drums, and did nothing. They arranged horse-repelling posts, inverted spurs, and dug holes around the barracks to prevent the Qin army from sneaking in.

Looking at the Wei army blocking the door, Fusu was not in a hurry. The city had sufficient supplies, water and food, and he was not afraid of a protracted war.

The two sides fell into a stalemate all of a sudden, but then, a sensational event in Kyushu came out.

Someone met Xu Xiake, a traveler in Weishui, the birthplace of Jiang Ziya. In him, someone saw the legendary treasure of Kyushu-the geographical map of mountains and rivers.

According to the rumors, whoever got the geographical map of mountains and rivers could unify the world. It not only recorded all kinds of geography of mountains and rivers, but also recorded the defense and formation of troops of the seven kingdoms.

On the geographical map of mountains and rivers, the information is very complete, not only the geography of Kyushu, but also the information of Baiyue.

So not only the people of the Seven Kingdoms want it, but also the people of the Baiyue Land.

All of a sudden, thousands of waves were stirred up, and the people of the Seven Kingdoms were all excited, and dispatched experts one after another.

And the rulers of various countries united with masters from various schools of thought, and also began to go to Weishui.

But at this moment, a piece of news spread throughout the world again.

Xu Xiake, the holy traveler, issued an announcement that he would set up three tests on the banks of the Weishui River, and choose the best one among them.

The final winner can get the geographical map of mountains and rivers that he has drawn over the years.

As soon as this news came out, the whole world changed in an instant, and one after another inquired about You Sheng's three tests.

You Sheng didn't give a shit either.

The first test is "Wu". This is a world that respects Wu. Only with strong force can we protect the geographical map of mountains and rivers.

Moreover, Xu Xiake is also a top expert. He doesn't know how many dangerous situations he has been through these years, how many dangers he has encountered, and he has a deep understanding of the importance of martial arts. into the belly of the beast.

So the first assessment is Wu.

But Xu Xiake's assessment is different from others, he doesn't know how to fight, he has his own test method.

The second test is "literature". Apart from traveling and exploring, Xu Xiake also likes documentaries very much. He likes to record what he sees and hears for future generations to study.

Therefore, in addition to martial arts, there must also be literature.

As for how to test the text, Xu Xiake already knew it in his heart, so he didn't make it public.

The last test is also the most important. Xu Xiake realized an endgame by the Weishui River, and he couldn't figure it out. He hoped to find someone who could solve it.

This is also the reason why Xu Xiake wants to appear in this world.

After the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

In addition to dispatching masters, countries have begun to mobilize talented people from all over the world. Some countries have issued recruitment orders. As long as they can get geographical maps of mountains and rivers, they can reward them with ten thousand taels of gold and thousands of hectares of fertile land.

All of a sudden, some anonymous masters gathered to respond.

And some people who are indifferent to fame and fortune are also moved when they see such a grand event. They are not interested in the geographical map of mountains and rivers, but they are interested in all the arrogances who participated in the event.

Fu Nian, a Confucianist, took his two juniors to Weishui in person, and he wanted to meet outstanding figures from various schools of thought.

He didn't hide from the Mo family anymore, Prince Dan brought Jing Ke here, both of them are masters of decision-making, they can escape even in unexpected situations.

Xia Kui of the farm family brought his right-hand assistant Tian Meng, and a little girl to the Weishui River. This little girl is none other than Tian Yan, the future think tank of the farm family, and Tian Meng is also Tian Hu's elder brother. Yan Hetian Ci's father, because of something he didn't come last time, wanted to see Fusu this time.

The public loser's public vengeance, the famous family's Gongsun Ming, the Yinyang family's star soul with the master and the young master. (Uh...was the star soul born?)

The Xiaoyaozi of the Renzong of Taoism and the Chisongzi of the Tianzong of Taoism, at this time, the "Battle between Heaven and Man" of Taoism every five years has not yet begun.

They all headed towards the banks of the Weishui River.

Above the rivers and lakes, all the masters also went there one after another.

Wei Zhuang took Baifeng Wushuang Canglang King, and Qin Wang sent Li Si, Meng Yi and Gai Nie.

Because of the war between Qin State and Wei State, Qi State and Chu State, many people could not move, such as Wang Jian of Qin State, Wei Wuji of Wei State, Xiang Clan of Chu State, etc. Because of the war, their countries The Lord can only send someone else instead.

Fusu is no exception, but Fusu's civil servants and fierce generals are like clouds, so he is not worried at all.

Fusu took Chen Qingzhi as the marshal, then took Lu Bu and Guan Yu as the vanguard, and Qu Yi and Xiandeng the dead men as the wings, commanding everything.

And Fusu took the opportunity to take the three ministers Dian Wei, Chi Tuo, Guo Jia and the four rats among the five rats, as well as Sikong Zhaixing who was hiding in the dark, and finally took Yang Ying, Liu Yefei, Zi Nu and the four daughters of Luoshen, Heading towards the banks of the Weishui River.

Chapter 519 Heading to the Bank of the Weishui River

Fusu was wearing a white long gown, holding a folding fan in his hand, and on his waist, Emperor Zhuanxu's soaring sword hung obliquely, with a purple gold crown on his head, and white Qingyun boots under his feet, elegant and elegant, like a handsome young man , left behind and independent.

Beside Fusu, Yang Ying was wearing a Qiankun geography skirt, with jade hairpins and golden forks on her head, binding her beautiful hair. The snow-white jade neck was like a swan, slender and soft, and the skirt depicted mountains and rivers. The pattern of the carp, riding on the body of Treading Xue Yanyun, with a sweet smile on his face.

Beside Yang Ying, a sword hung on the horse's body, the whole body was blood red, it was Yang Ying's Rose Sword.

Beside Yang Ying is Liu Yefei, dressed in white clothes better than snow, her black and beautiful hair is bound by two white silk ribbons, it is not stained with dust, like a waterfall pouring down, three thousand black hairs hang down, and she gently closes her mouth , riding on a white horse, holding a lady sword in his hand, his whole body is filled with fairy air.

On the other side of Fusu are Luoshen and Zinu.

At this time, Luoshen still covered her face with a veil, only her big bright eyes were exposed outside, pure and bright, like two peerless gemstones inlaid on them, without any impurities, long eyelashes, beautiful long hair, Qianqian pulled the reins with her hands, and there was a warm breath like water all over her body.

Next to Luoshen is the purple girl, wearing a purple cheongsam, surrounded by purple chain snakes and soft swords, which are perfectly integrated with the clothes. Her red phoenix eyes and melon-seeded face make her more attractive and beautiful when she looks at her. The mysterious pattern on the waist adds a touch of mysterious beauty.

Five people lined up in front.

Behind him, Dian Wei, Guo Jia and others followed closely.

On the far left is Guo Jia, wearing a blue robe, with a crown facing the sky on his head, holding a black folding fan in his hand, and a wine gourd in the other hand, riding a small black hair stove, drinking, While humming, it's a pleasure.

Among them, he is the most leisurely.

Beside Guo Jia is Dian Wei, dressed in coarse cloth, the muscles on his arms are exposed, very ferocious, his big rough hands are holding the rein tightly, and a pair of double halberds are pinned to his waist. Dian Wei's berserk weapon - bloodthirsty double halberds, in addition, there is a circle of small short halberds around his waist, like darts, Dian Wei used this small short halberds to kill many people.

Tian Hu, a master farmer, even lost one eye under this short halberd.

On the other side of Dianwei is Chi Tuo, with a bare back, and his skin is the color of bronze, as if poured into bronze, with a metallic color, which is the effect of horizontal training of external skills to a certain extent.

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