The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 351: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

On Chi Tuo's back, there are two heavy double axes, one is a sun ax and the other is a moon axe, crossed together.

Don't look ordinary on the outside, but if you really fight, you can kill the opponent with an axe.

Next to Chi Tuo is a handsome and outrageous young man, but don't be fooled by his appearance, this guy's real appearance is not like this, as for why he looks like this, of course it is because of Yi Rongcheng.

That's right, this ridiculously handsome man is exactly Sikong Zhaixing.

And beside Sikong Zhaixing, there are four other people, who are more affectionate than Jin Jian, although they are not real brothers, but they are better than real brothers, they are the four mice of Zhakong Island, each with extraordinary abilities.

Because the Weishui River is on the border of Qin State, the land of Qin State was very uneven during this period.

Especially some people, relying on their own strength, are used to being arrogant and oppressing good people on the border of Qin State.

There are also some people who can't understand Qin's domineering, so they want to add some obstacles to Qin and wreak havoc in Qin's base camp.

Anyway, there are so many people, and if you are careful, you don't know who did it. In this regard, the people in Wei State did the most.

The last group of people had a grudge against Fusu, they could not take revenge on Fusu, and set their targets on the common people.

Therefore, in order to avoid causing more adverse effects, Ying Zheng had to send a large army to suppress it in various cities, and even sent some masters to suppress it.

But even so, it is still unavoidable that everyone has a destructive heart.

Along the way, Fusu encountered many people who bully the good and fear the evil, and let them clean them up.

To be precise, Yang Ying took care of it. After such a long time, he still hasn't extinguished his heart of being a heroine.

When encountering danger, Yang Ying and Liu Yefei will combine their swords together to show their supernatural power. If they encounter a master, Chi Lian will make a move.

Fusu was also happy and at ease, and he had the right to let the three of them practice.

Most Yang Ying can solve it, but there are also some that cannot be solved.

For example, when everyone was eating, one person saw the faces of Yang Ying and other women, and even came up to flirt with them openly. Fusu and others were so angry at that time.

Especially Dian Wei and Chi Tuo, the two wanted to chop each other off.

But at this moment, Yang Ying blinked at the crowd, wanting to play tricks on the other party, but did not expect the other party's strength to be quite strong, and suffered a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Liu Yefei and Zi Nu made a timely move and captured each other, and then there was no follow-up. In order not to affect everyone's interest in eating, they were pulled out by Chi Tuo and chopped with an axe.

Chapter 520: Three Confucian Young Masters Boarding Farm

As the distance from Weishui got closer, everyone encountered more and more masters, and the masters they encountered became stronger and stronger.

Fusu, as the eldest son of Daqin, traveled unimpeded along the way, and no one dared to stop him, so his speed was much faster than other people in the rivers and lakes.

After half a month's journey, everyone finally arrived at the bank of the Weishui River.

The nearest villages by the Weishui River were extremely noisy at this time, and the hotels and farmyards were full of people from all walks of life and from all over the world.

Several villages are extremely lively.

Of course, the stronger the strength, the higher the position you get.

There are a lot of people in Fusu, so we need to find a big place or a big yard.

When Fusu came to the village, the hotel was already full of people.

Fusu's speed is fast, but the speed of Zhuzi Baijia is even faster. They set off early, and they don't mind meddling on the road.

So when Fusu came to the hotel, the room had already been rented out.

When the owner of the hotel knew that the person who came was Daqin's son Fusu, he slapped himself in the face with hatred. He blamed himself for being stupid. How could he, as Daqin's son and the number one master in the world, be able to do so in such a grand occasion? Not to participate?

I was blindfolded by interests, and I only thought about making money, but I forgot about it.

The shopkeeper almost hated himself to death. To him, the people in this room were not as important as Fusu.

It is conceivable that if the news of today spreads out, I will not have a better life in the future.

So the shopkeeper wanted to make amends, and let Fusu live in all the rooms of himself and Xiaoer and others.

Fusu was not too domineering, and there were not enough rooms, so he refused.

Just when Fusu was about to leave, a voice stopped him.

"Elder Prince," a voice full of air sounded.

Fusu turned around involuntarily, his eyes lit up, "Mr. Fu Nian", Fusu arched his hands, at the last wedding, Fusu met him, came here on behalf of the Confucianism, and even gave a congratulatory gift .

At this time, there are two people following Fu Nian, they are Yan Lu and Zhang Liang.

Zi Nu and Zhang Liang met each other and nodded.

"Zifang, I never thought we would meet again," Fusu cupped his hands at Zhang Liang.

"This should be Mr. Yan Lu, as expected, he is very handsome," Fu Su admired.

Hearing Fusu's words, Yan Lu actually blushed, making everyone laugh secretly.

"What did the eldest son say, Yan Lu is really ashamed." Yan Lu sighed silently.

"My lord, I wonder if I can have a drink." Fu Nian paid great attention to etiquette, and no one could find fault with his words and deeds.

"This..." Fu Su hesitated a bit, he hadn't found his place yet, so Fu Su pondered for a while.

"Well, I'll find a place to live first, and when I find a place to live, I'll treat you to a drink. After all, this is also the place of Qin State. I am the host, and you are the guests," Fusu said with a smile.

"I didn't expect the eldest son to have no place to live yet, it's because Fu Nian was so abrupt," Fu Nian was slightly startled.

"Elder Master, Eldest Master", at this moment, the shopkeeper ran over sweating profusely.

"My lord, I've found a place to live for you." The shopkeeper's face was full of smiles.

"Oh, where?".

"My lord, come with me. It's a big independent courtyard. I found it with great difficulty." The shopkeeper looked like asking for credit.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Fu Su nodded, then turned around and cupped hands with the three Fu Nian behind him, bid farewell and left.

Looking at the big yard in front of him, Fusu's eyes widened. How could such a big yard be full of people? It's unbelievable.

He only understood from the shopkeeper's inquiry.

The owner of this yard is an old couple. Besides them, there is a daughter-in-law and a young grandson. A member of the Hua Rong Divine Shooting Battalion.

Because he followed his father to hunt in the mountains since he was a child, he has a very strong body and a talent for archery, so he was favored by Hua Rong.

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