When they heard that Fusu had no house to live in because there were too many people coming, the old couple immediately recommended themselves and recommended their own yard.

Originally, there were several guests who came to live here, but the old man's personality was a bit stubborn and a bit xenophobic. When he heard that the other party was not from Qin, he immediately kicked him out.

The other party wanted to kill the couple, but they didn't dare to do it. The whole small village was full of masters, and there were Confucians, Mohists, and Taoists in a narrow sense. I can leave bitterly and find a home.

This also allowed Fusu to take advantage.

"That's right," Fusu gave the big shopkeeper an appreciative look, which almost brought tears to the big shopkeeper's eyes.

Finally the old man settled down.

Then, Fusu settled down Yang Ying and the others.

Although the courtyard is a bit big, there are not many rooms. Fusu and Liu Yefei share a room, Yang Ying, Zi Nu, and Zhen Mi share a room.

In addition, Dian Wei shared a room with Chi Tuo, Guo Jia shared a room with Sikong Zhaixing, and the last four mice shared a room.

There are five rooms in total.

Chapter 521 Martial arts test

After everyone settled down, they visited the owner of the house, that is, the old couple.

The old couple was very respectful to Fusu, and they chatted with Fusu, letting their daughter-in-law talk to Yang Ying and other daughters.

As for the little grandson at home, he went to the yard to watch everyone practice martial arts.

Xu Qing, the mountain mouse, looked at the boy's tiger-headed appearance, and liked it so much that he even taught the little boy martial arts.

Chuanshanshu is good at climbing mountains, but he is really not good at martial arts, so he let the other three brothers watch the jokes on the sidelines.

Later, Che Dishu, who had the best martial arts among the four, couldn't stand it anymore, and came up, saying that his martial arts was second only to the fifth younger brother, and much better than the third.

Later, Zhantianshu and Fanjiangshu also joined in, pointing out the little boy, which seemed to mean that the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River were educating Guo Jing.

The little boy was completely lucky and became the apprentice of the Four Rats. Will Bai Yutang be far behind?

In the evening, the shopkeeper carefully delivered the food to Fusu, and Fusu didn't have to worry about it once.

After Fusu settled down, he didn't break his promise, and invited Fu Nian over for a glass of wine.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and when the day Xu Xiake agreed upon, everyone went to the Weishui River one after another.

During these three days, there were more and more people in the village. Some people even slept directly with their clothes on, and some people slept directly beside the road. The surrounding villages were completely crowded.

During these three days, Fusu also met people from other schools of thought. In addition to Fu Nian, Yan Lu and Zhang Liang of Confucianism, Fusu also met Xiaoyaozi of Taoism. A breath of nature.

I also saw the red pine nuts of Taoism, which made a deep impression on Fusu.

Of course, what made Fusu most happy was that he finally met the Yin Yang family's chief and young masters.

Shao Siming's purple hair, purple eyes, wearing purple stockings, and a white veil, revealing a high aloofness.

It's just that the current Shao Siming is just a little loli, with a delicate body and a soft body. Although she looks beautiful, she is still a child.

Da Si Ming is different, his whole body is as hot as fire, charming, like a royal sister, full of temptation all over his body, very unrestrained, protruding and backward, he needs to have a good figure and good looks.

Especially those pair of jade hands dyed red and fragrant lips like flames had a deep influence on Fusu.

The only thing that made Fusu unhappy was Xing Hun, this little kid who didn't grow up, with his arrogant appearance, made Fusu want to drag his pants and flick his penis.

Of course, Fusu also met the giant of the Mohist family and Jing Ke. If it wasn't for not wanting to affect the following things, the two sides would probably have fought, especially Jing Ke, who didn't know what was going on, and wanted to kill Fusu with his eyes.

After three days, everyone went to the Weishui River one after another.

At this time, Xu Xiake, whom everyone had waited so hard for, finally appeared.

Fusu looked at Xu Xiake in front of the crowd, and was speechless. He never thought that the character he summoned would be so awesome and stir up the world.

Looking at Xu Xiake, Fusu's eyes are full of complexity, this girl is more powerful than me, I have been in the world for so many years, and I have never caused such turmoil in the world, but the people I summon can do it, they are worthy of my admiration ah.

Xu Xiake sat on a bluestone, behind him was the endlessly flowing Weishui River.

Xu Xiake stroked his hair and beard, looked at the audience, and smiled all over his face: "This is the geographical map of mountains and rivers drawn by me when I go to the world. I know you all want to get it, so I set up three tests. Only those who can pass the three tests can get this treasure," Xu Xiake said, taking out his geographical map of mountains and rivers.

Looking at the geographical map of mountains and rivers in Xu Xiake's hand, everyone couldn't help breathing heavily, and some wanted to grab it.

"Haha, old guy, hand over the things to me." Only a very crazy voice came, and then everyone saw a flying claw flying towards the geographical map of mountains and rivers in Xu Xiake's hand.

Facts have proved that there are still a lot of people who are not afraid of death.

"Bastard", seeing that the flying claws were about to descend, before Xu Xiake got angry, the people around couldn't stand it anymore.

Some attacked flying claws, and some attacked middle-aged men.

Without a stick of incense, the middle-aged man was beaten into a pig's head, and his life and death were unknown.

Looking at the middle-aged man lying on the ground, Fu Su really wanted to ask him, "Is your mind full of shit?"

With so many masters on the scene, even if you can get a geographical map of mountains and rivers, do you think you can run out?

Seeing the miserable appearance of the middle-aged man, some people who also thought of doing something stopped.

Thinking of my impulsiveness just now, these people are all sweating profusely, impulsive, really impulsive, really desire kills people.

Xu Xiake also breathed a sigh of relief seeing that no one would do anything again.

"Okay, then I will announce the first test--Wu now!"

Chapter 522 Shanhe Boxing Competition Rules

The test of martial arts is not about fighting for strength, so Xu Xiake decided to use another method.

I saw Xu Xiake looking at the crowd, "The journey of martial arts is nothing more than evaluation from the four aspects of inner strength, martial arts moves, weapons, and people. People with martial arts talents are buried, and they can only be described as mirrors; some people have advanced martial arts. My heart, but I don’t work hard, and it’s useless, so the content of our assessment today is, I have a boxing book here, called Shanhe Boxing, it’s a boxing that I realized after observing the world, traveling mountains and rivers, and seeing thousands of miles.”

Hearing this, everyone became excited. Tebi is some ordinary people from the rivers and lakes. He can't get the geographical map of mountains and rivers, but he can learn one and a half moves of the mountain and river boxing method, which is enough for the rest of his life. This is the creation of You Sheng. boxing.

Even Fusu couldn't help showing an expression of interest, Shanhe Boxing, sounds so majestic and majestic.

Seeing everyone's performance, Xu Xiake smiled faintly, "You guys are thinking too much, this is just the most basic boxing method in Shanhe boxing. From now on, I will give you three days. After three days, I will select Shanhe boxing here. One of the best practitioners in boxing", Xu Xiake is not stupid, he will not publish the complete version of Shanhe Boxing.

Shanhe Boxing is very domineering, every inch of Shanhe is an inch of heart, if a person with good character gets Shanhe Boxing, it is fine, but if someone with bad conduct gets Shanhe Boxing, it is estimated that there will be a bloody storm in the rivers and lakes.

"How can I calm down the best in cultivation?" Someone couldn't help asking the master.

"Three days later, I will still be here at this place. I will personally evaluate all of you. We only compete in martial arts moves, not internal skills. The more moves I can hold on to, the winner will be the winner." Xu Xiake stroked his beard, and he Will consider each other personally.

"There are so many people, when will we have to wait?" Some people were not convinced.

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