The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 366: Summoning the Great General

Because it was night, and it was in the woods, the light was very bad, Fusu only paid attention to the surrounding situation again, and didn't care about the things under his feet at all.

This caused Bailong to step into the trap.

"Fire Cloud Palm", Fusu pressed hard on the trap under him, those exposed bamboo sticks were instantly smoothed by Fusu's Fire Cloud Palm and turned into dust.

And the white dragon landed on the ground safely.

"Cry", Bailong is so angry that he has fallen into such a garbage trap, but before Bailong and Fu Susong can breathe a sigh of relief, a huge bamboo raft suddenly covered their heads.

The bamboo raft is full of ferocious bamboo tips, heading towards Fusu and Bailonggai, if this is true, Fusu will definitely become a hot pot coal, a hornet's nest, full of holes all over his body.

Li Yuanfang looked at the bamboo raft above his head, his eyes froze, he really thought I was a soy saucer.

"Swipe", a cold light suddenly appeared, and I saw the chain knife in Li Yuanfang's hand slashing out directly.

Like a moat, each splits Yin and Yang.

Li Yuanfang's natural moat knife technique was truly revealed at this moment.

The end of the world is so close, and the end of the world is so close. For Li Yuanfang, even if it is as long as the end of the world, Li Yuanfang will cut it with one blow.

The sharp bamboo raft made of wooden stakes was torn apart when Li Yuanfang fell down.

"What a fast knife", Fusu's sword has just been unsheathed at this time, and Fusu's swordsmanship is domineering, while Li Yuanfang's swordsmanship is speedy, with a fast strike speed, just like Fu Hongxue's swordsman in martial arts novels It's like drawing a knife and chopping.

"Bailong, jump on it", Fusu was really angry in his heart, grandma, if I don't show off my power, I will treat myself as a sick cat.

"Crying", Bailong couldn't help but sneezed, his limbs suddenly jumped up, and he jumped out of the deep pit.

However, the opponent's attack did not stop.

Just as Bailong stepped out of the deep pit, a huge wooden stake attacked directly, with an unrivaled momentum, continuous and interlocking.

Fusu's expression remained unchanged, and he directly struck out with the flying sword in his hand, cutting the wooden stake into two pieces.

Fusu's face was solemn, and if he could arrange the mechanism like this, then there was only one possibility, the Mo family took action, and even the Gongshu family also contributed to it.

Although the various schools of thought are cooperating with the Seven Kingdoms, it is a cooperative relationship after all. They are also secretly accumulating strength and want to grow stronger.

Fusu gently closed his eyes, listening to the breathing of all things.

Li Yuanfang rode Hellfire to Fusu's side, and guarded Fusu's side tightly, the chain knife in his hand screaming continuously.

Fusu closely sensed the surrounding situation, and couldn't help being startled by this perception.

There were more people than he had imagined, and he felt a few familiar breaths from it.

Chapter 540: Dize Killing Formation - Call of the Jedi

These familiar auras include Prince Dan who once fought against him, who is now the Mohist giant. Others don't know the true identity of the Mohist giant, but Fusu knows it very well.

Beside Prince Dan, there is another murderous aura, which should belong to Jing Ke.

On the other side not far away is the breath of the farmer Tian Guang, who was hit by Fusu's Fire Cloud Palm last time, and has just recovered now.

In addition to Tian Guang, there is also Tian Meng, an existence no less than Gai Nie.

After what happened last time, the Mohist family and the farmer's family, together with Fusu, came to ambush Fusu. Fusu understands this very well, but the Confucianists also came, which is a bit inappropriate.

Could it be because of Zhang Liang's relationship.

In addition to the Mo family and the peasant family, there are also Gongsun Ming from the Gongsun family, and Fusu doesn't know the rest.

"Be careful," Fusu said to Li Yuanfang.

"En", Li Yuanfang nodded, and he also felt the solemn atmosphere, even the murderous intent of death.

Fusu now only hopes that the speed of Zhan Zhao, Bai Yutang and others will be faster. With so many masters, even if they are exhausted, they can be exhausted to death.

What's more, the farmer also has the Dize killing formation, which exists in the rumors, and Fusu has never seen a killing formation.

The rumor of Dize killing array was created by Shennong's understanding of the twenty-four climate changes of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It was named after the twenty-four solar terms of vernal equinox, white dew, Jingzhe, and grain rain.

Originally, it taught his disciples to memorize the changes in spring plowing and autumn harvest. Later, Shennong discovered the law of the evolution of life and death, and then figured out a set of brilliant and exquisite martial arts tactics.

More importantly, it can be activated as long as there are more than two people. The more people, the more powerful it is. If there is a disciple guarding each of the twenty-four positions, even the top masters will be unable to escape. As long as each guards his position, It can be strangled slowly.

The Dize killing array has four cores, which are Chun Sheng, Xia Rong, Qiu Ku, and Dong Mie. As long as the four cores are well guarded, they can defend against everything.

Moreover, the Dize Killing Formation can be used for plundering and killing. The Sixth Hall Master of the farm family once used the Dize Twenty-Four to hunt and kill the god of war Bai Qi.

This is also what Fusu is very afraid of.

Ying Zhengxiong has a broad mind and a long-term vision. After he got the geographical map of mountains and rivers from Fusu, he received the news.

In order to be safe, Ying Zheng not only sent a 30,000-strong soldier to meet Fusu, but also sent someone to order Zhang Han to lead the Shadow Secret Guard and Iron Eagle Swordsman to meet Fusu.

In Yingzheng's heart, Fusu is more important than the geographical map of mountains and rivers, because Fusu has too many talents.

So much so that Ying Zheng wanted to grab it.

But Yingzheng knows that Fusu is his capital to conquer the world, and he can't let Fusu do anything, otherwise the Great Qin will be in chaos.

Before the "Three Great Tests" began, Zhang Han had already come to Weishui. There were three goals at the beginning. The first one was to catch a wanted criminal from two empires. I am also very happy; the second is to ensure the safety of the people of Daqin, the Wei River belongs to the territory of Daqin, and as soldiers of Daqin, it is their duty to protect their families and the country; the third is for the geographical map of mountains and rivers.

If Master Li Si got it, it's fine, but if it's got by scholars or other people, then one result of freedom is - killing.

Zhang Han didn't expect that Fusu would come, and he was so awesome that he broke three rounds in a row, making the talents of all schools and the world's major sects feel overshadowed.

Da Qin's face was greatly expanded.

Zhang Han is very smart. He knows that everyone will lie in ambush in order to obtain the geographical map of mountains and rivers.

So Zhang Han wanted to "mantis catch the cicada, the oriole is behind", and Fu Su was treated by Zhang Han as a poor cicada.

Zhang Han wants to use Fusu to catch a few more big fish. Of course, the premise is that Fusu is not in danger, otherwise the loss outweighs the gain.

Zhang Han is very important.

To be precise, in Fusu's perception, part of it was Zhang Han and his shadow guard, the Iron Eagle Swordsman.

This is why Fusu feels that there are so many people, because a large part of them are their own people.

Fusu opened his eyes, his face was a little ugly, grandma, they are too ruthless, they sent so many people, and so many masters.

Fusu gritted his teeth, looked at his summoning points, there were three hundred and twenty summoning points.

"That's enough, I'm going to go against the sky this time." Fusu planned to spend all the 320 summoning points.

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