The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 368: Summoning the Great General

"Yuwen Chengdu", Liu Yefei couldn't help exclaiming, with a deep surprise on her face.

Liu Yefei is not very clear about Yuwen Chengdu's strength, but she is very clear about Pei Yuanqing's strength. The Taiyue hammer technique in one hand seems to be able to open up the world and is full of power.

Pei Yuanqing was so powerful as the third fierce general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, so Liu Yefei couldn't imagine how strong he would be as the second fierce general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but it is certain that he must be stronger than Pei Yuanqing.

Thinking of this, Liu Yefei couldn't help but get excited, it's so great, if Yuwen Chengdu can appear in front of Fusu, then everything will be perfectly resolved.

Liu Yefei couldn't wait to tell Fusu the good news.

After Fusu heard it, he was immediately excited. Even if Yuwen Chengdu couldn't help, it was enough to make him happy.

Yuwen Chengdu, the second most powerful general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, except for the "inhuman" Li Yuanba, who is his opponent?

It's a pity that following the wrong person also decided the wrong destiny.

Yu Wencheng is a character in the novels "Shuo Tang Zhuan" and "Xing Tang Biography", a general of the Sui Dynasty, and the son of Yu Wenhuaji, the prime minister of the Sui Dynasty. He was named "Invincible General" by Emperor Sui Yang.

General Tianbao, Yuwen Chengdu, was the pillar of the Great Sui Dynasty, highly valued by Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, he was the second hero in the world, second only to Li Yuanba in military strength, infinitely powerful and unparalleled.

This person is one foot long, with a large waist, a golden face and long beard, tiger eyes and thick eyebrows, and a gold-plated phoenix wing. It weighs three hundred and twenty catties.

He once competed with Li Yuanba, the number one hero in the world, and went up to the Golden Palace with a 300-jin golden lion, without changing his face.

After Yu Wenhuaji usurped the throne, he ordered Yuwen Chengdu to enter the palace to kill Sui Yang Emperor and make him Prince Wu'an.

The Eighteenth Route Anti-King crusade against Yu Wenhuaji, and Yu Wencheng was killed by Li Yuanba, the reincarnation of the golden-winged roc eagle.

According to the rumors, Li Yuanba is the reincarnation of the golden-winged roc eagle, and Yu Wencheng is the reincarnation of Wen Zhong, the god of thunder in the sky. They descended to the earth to experience disaster.

Originally, Yuwen Chengdu still had one year to complete his meritorious deeds, but seeing his achievements and fame, he was destroyed by Li Yuanba, making him fall short.

Although Li Yuanba is extremely powerful and brave, he is not without flaws, which may have something to do with his childhood experience. He is afraid of thunder, and whenever thunder strikes, he will become extremely irritable.

Wen Zhong also knew Li Yuanba's weakness, so he thundered wildly, which made Li Yuanba furious and cursed at the sky.

Wen Zhong struck Li Yuanba directly.

Li Yuanba was so furious that he wanted to throw the golden hammer in his hand into the sky, smashing a big hole in the sky.

But it is a pity that the drum beating urn golden hammer fell again under a thunderbolt.

Everyone knows that the speed is the highest when shooting, and as the altitude rises, the speed becomes smaller and smaller, which is transformed into gravitational potential energy, but when it falls, the speed increases and the gravitational potential energy decreases.

That is to say, when the external resistance is negligible, the falling golden hammer will return to the speed of shooting.

Li Yuanba stood still and looked up at the sky, that is to say, at the moment when the golden hammer for beating the drum and urn fell, it was equivalent to Li Yuanba hitting his head with the golden hammer for beating the drum and urn without leaving any room.

Even the strongest people can't do it.

This is equivalent to holding a hammer and hitting one's own head hard, it is suicide.

In this way, Wen Zhong avenged his great revenge, and the thunder in the sky disappeared.

Before Li Yuanba went down the mountain, Li Yuanba's master had warned him not to kill people who used boring. He promised very well at that time, but Li Yuanba who went crazy, how could he still remember this.

So in the end, Li Yuanba ate his own evil fruit.

Chapter 543 Calling the Tiger of the Han Dynasty——Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan

PS: (The fifth child likes this picture very much, and the fifth child likes this person even more, the beauty is out of the bath, so beautiful)

Yuwen Chengdu once lifted a 5,048-jin bronze tripod and defeated Kuohai, the fourth largest in the world, Yunzhao, the fifth fifth in the world, and Tianxi, the sixth fifth in the world.

Yu Wencheng is a tough guy with strong bones. In Chang'an City, he killed Qin Qiong alone and everyone fled in fear; Go; at the foot of Siming Mountain, there is no fear in the face of the siege of the Three Heroes.

A gold and iron horse, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger. If it weren't for the appearance of Li Yuanba, the words "Invincible Bravery" must be well-deserved.

Li Yuanba's persistence is a kind of innate belligerence and arrogance; while Yu Wencheng's persistence is because he is the brave and invincible General Tianbao, who bears the trust of the monarch and the expectations of his father.

Two people, different starting points, the same dedication.

Even though he is a talented general who is gentle, martial, and brave, and even though he has almost a clear conscience in his actions throughout his life, his family background has already doomed him to a tragic ending. Perhaps this ending is for Yu Wencheng, when he understood what his father did, he had already realized something.

A man must do what he does not do.

The country is destroyed, the family is destroyed, and the army is fighting alone. For the sake of the remaining backbone, knowing that it will be defeated, we must hold on to our weapons and fight to the death! It's not about life or death, it's about dignity.

Looking at Yuwen Chengdu, it was only at this time that Fusu remembered that it seemed that Yuwen Chengdu's magical weapon—the phoenix-winged gilt boring was in his own hands, and it was now placed inside the system space.

Thinking of this, Fusu directly asked Liu Yefei to take out the gold-plated phoenix wings from the system space.

The gold-plated phoenix wing weighs about three hundred and twenty catties, and not everyone can pick it up. If it weren't for the status of a system elf, Liu Yefei would not be able to pick up such a heavy magic weapon.

Liu Yefei took out the gold-plated phoenix wings in his hand, let it float in mid-air, and then crushed the summoning card in his hand.

After a while, Yu Wencheng's figure appeared in everyone's sight.

With a body length of one foot, a large waist, a golden face and long beard, tiger eyes and thick eyebrows, wearing a double phoenix gold helmet, a lock gold armor, and a pair of gold boots, the whole person is extremely powerful and domineering.

This person is Yuwen Chengdu.

After Yuwen Chengdu appeared, he opened his eyes, looked at Liu Yefei in front of him, and a message came in.

"Yuwen Chengdu pays homage to his wife." At this time, Yuwen Chengdu certainly understands Liu Yefei's identity and the existence of Fusu.

"Well, my husband asked me to give it to you." Liu Yefei waved her hand and threw the gold-plated phoenix wings in front of Yu Wencheng.

Yu Wencheng looked at the gold-plated phoenix wings flying over, and stretched out his hand to catch it directly.

Looking at the phoenix-winged gold-plated boring in front of him, Yu Wencheng suddenly felt a sense of intimacy spontaneously. Holding the phoenix-winged gold-plated boring in his hand, he felt that the other party was like his own flesh and blood.

Yuwen Chengdu has never had such a feeling, as if he met his good friend for many years.

"Mrs. Xie, Mr. Xie", Yu Wencheng waved a few times and said happily.

"Well, I hope you can help my husband." Liu Yefei looked worried, and at this moment, she didn't care about talking to Yu Wencheng, and waved her hand directly to give birth to him.

Finally, Liu Yefei picked up the last summoning card.

"Om", a bright light flashed, and a picture slowly appeared on the summoning card.

On the screen, a middle-aged man with a beard is riding a tall horse, wearing a goose feather armor, holding a long knife in his hand, wearing armor, and his eyes are piercing.

"This is..." Liu Yefei didn't recognize the other party, so she could only look at the name.

"Husband, it's Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan." Liu Yefei jumped up, how could she not have heard of Zhang Liao's name.

"Zhang Liao", Fusu couldn't help being happy.

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