The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 371: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

"Boom", when the two palms came into contact, it was like the big bang of the universe, making a huge and strong sound.

Then, with Fusu and Tian Meng as the center, huge waves of air burst out one after another, oscillating towards the surroundings in the form of concentric circles.

That powerful air wave completely destroyed everything around.

"Damn it, what a big air wave." Above the trees, everyone covered their faces with their sleeves, because the sand and gravel rolled up by the air wave, the soil particles would not open their eyes and would avoid them.

It's also fortunate that everyone has kung fu, otherwise, the impact of this huge air wave would also make them suffer a lot.

Fusu and Tianmeng, who were deep in the center of the storm, had their clothes rattling, as if they were about to tear them apart.

"Get down, Fengshen leg", Fusu's right hand's flying sword and left hand's fire cloud palm exerted strength at the same time, and then used Fengshen's leg to push Tian Meng away from the air, and then kicked Tian Meng with one foot.

Tian Meng wanted to dodge, but there was no way to dodge in the air.

"Damn it, he's really strong," Tian Meng thought silently while looking at Fusu in the air.

Tian Guang opened his eyes, and immediately saw Tian Meng who was unavoidable in the air, he thumped in his heart, "Not good", Tian Guang leaped out in an instant, heading towards Tian Meng.

At this time, Fusu's Fengshen leg had descended, and a big foot that looked like a giant dragon's elephant descended from the sky, stepping towards him.

"Whoosh", a trail passed by, Tian Meng was directly rescued by Tian Guang, and moved sideways to the distance.

And Fusu's Fengshen legs stepped down without stopping.

"Bang", a huge footprint left a deep mark on the ground, and the original deep hole on the ground was flattened, replaced by a huge sole.

"En", Fu Su looked aside, only to see Tian Guang and Tian Meng standing together.

"How is it?" Tian Guang supported Tian Meng.

"No problem. Fortunately, you came in time. I still have a large part of my internal energy that I haven't used. In this way, you are the main attacker, and I will assist you. I will consume more of his internal energy." Fusu is too strong, and Tian Meng's internal energy is still weak. More than half of them were defeated by Fusu.

If it wasn't for Tian Guang, Tian Meng would be finished this time.

"Alright, this time I will attack and you will assist." Tian Guang originally wanted Tian Guang to rest, but he didn't expect Tian Meng to propose such a suggestion. After thinking about it, Tian Guang still agreed.

Fusu looked at Tian Guang and Tian Meng who were attacking together, and secretly groaned in his heart. He had used all his strength to defeat Tian Meng so quickly just now.

How to put it, Tian Meng is also a master of the same level as Zongheng, although there are some differences, but the difference is not big.

Fusu had to use all his strength, first the Three Emperors Swordsmanship, then the Fire Cloud Palm, and then the Fengshen Legs. It can be said that in martial arts, Fusu was short of the Five Emperors Fist.

"Come on", although he complained in his heart, Fusu will not be timid, if you want to fight, fight over there.

"Death", Tian Guang can be said to be full of hatred for Fusu, holding a long bronze sword in his hand, and in conjunction with Tian Meng's evil spirits, he attacked Fusu from left to right.

Like a surging river, it is constantly surging.

"Bang", as soon as Fusu swung Tian Guang's sword away, Tian Meng's attack came, and Fusu had to dodge first.

Fusu at this time is equivalent to fighting Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang at the same time.

"To bully the few with more, what a hero, watch my tiger come down the mountain", a loud shout resounded in the dense forest, and then saw a white tiger that was stronger than an elephant rushing out, attacking Tian Guang.

Chapter 547 Master Huang Feihong Foshan Shadowless Foot

The tiger's speed was so fast that not only Tian Guang and Tian Hu were stunned, but even Fusu was stunned.

"Tiger? Damn, why is it so big and can talk?" Fusu was taken aback.

"Bang", the tiger slammed into Tian Guang.

"Damn it", Tian Guang felt very depressed, how could there be so many accidents.

First, Jing Ke was blocked by an unknown sword master, and he was still fighting there, and then another person appeared, what is he doing.

Tian Guang saw the tiger biting towards him, raised the sword in his hand, and blocked it directly.

"Dang", the tiger bit the bronze long sword fiercely.

It was only at this time that Fusu realized that the tiger was not a tiger, but a person.

As the tiger bit the bronze long sword, the huge white tiger slowly dissipated and finally turned into a person.

A man's left leg was bent, and his right foot was stepping on the blade of the bronze long sword.

"Fuck, Huang Feihong", seeing the other person's face, Fu Su couldn't help but feel happy, he didn't expect Huang Feihong to come, it was really great.

"Who are you?" Tian Guang looked at Huang Feihong in front of him, and felt that the other party was not a mediocre person.

"You don't care who I am, look at my Foshan shadowless feet", Huang Feihong kicked on the bronze long sword, his legs changed thousands of times in the air, and each of them was solid legs, densely packed, and there were not many shadows at all where.

It is Huang Feihong's unique skill - Foshan Shadowless Foot.

Of course, there is no such place as Foshan yet, and the current Foshan still belongs to the land of Baiyue.

"Where did the monster come from?" Not only can the internal force be transformed into a tiger, but also such advanced legwork.

"Tian Yuan Mask", Tian Guang stretched out one hand, and a film formed by internal force emerged in front of him.

"Bang bang bang..." All the leg shadows hit it, making a powerful impact sound.

Tian Guang kept thinking about retreating.

Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them, Prince Dan was no exception, Zhang Liang was no exception, Fu Nian was no exception, Zhang Han was no exception, where did this fierce man come from, so awesome.

Everyone's eyes widened, unable to believe the sight in front of them.

The hero of the peasant family was actually blocked by a person he had never seen before.

"I know who he is now", at this moment, a person suddenly said excitedly.

"Who?" Everyone couldn't help turning to the person who spoke.

"He's Huang Feihong," said one person very excitedly.

"Huang Feihong, why haven't I heard of it?"

"Huang Feihong, it's him, the treasurer of Bao Zhilin, a chivalrous man who hates evil and hates evil. Although he is not a member of a hundred schools of thought, he has a very good kung fu. According to legend, since he entered the world, he has never lost a single defeat and is an upright man. , Anxious to the public and good to righteousness, the most disgusting thing is to bully the few with the more, and bully the weak by the strong." Hearing Huang Feihong's name, someone recognized it.

"He is not staying in Baozhilin, what is he doing here?" Some people were not convinced, it was just a coincidence.

"You ask me, how do I know."

Everyone looked at Huang Feihong in front of them, not knowing whether to be angry or happy.

In fact, it was a coincidence that Xu Xiake widely invited talents from all over the world and set up three tests. Huang Feihong also heard about this matter and was very concerned about this prosperous age, so he planned to go to the banks of the Weishui River to meet the talents and experts from all over the world .

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