The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 372: Summoning the Great General

But the tricky thing was that Huang Feihong got lost halfway and ran in the wrong direction. After he corrected it, the meeting was over.

Huang Feihong planned to rest for one night before leaving, but he didn't expect the dense forest to be so lively.

First, the golden light shines all over the sky, which is Fusu's Three Emperors Sword Technique.

Then there was a huge vibration.

Huang Feihong woke up on the spot, and then, what made Huang Feihong speechless was that the voice kept coming, and there was a strong wind and so on.

Huang Feihong knew that there must have been a battle, and the two sides fighting were still the best of the best, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to cause such a big impact.

Huang Feihong was originally here to meet the world's masters, and at this moment his heart was itching unbearably. After weighing it, Huang Feihong went to the place where the vibration was emitted.

But what Huang Feihong didn't expect was that when he got there, he saw two people fighting around a young man, all their moves were death moves.

Seeing this, Huang Feihong became angry on the spot, aren't you a bully?

Huang Feihong used his Wuxiang Jue, imitating the form of a beast, imitating the form of a tiger with his true energy, and charged towards one of them.

So the beginning happened.

"That's enough for me. The net has been laid, how can we let the other party run away?" Gongsun Ming was completely convinced, and without waiting to tell the crowd, he jumped out and attacked Huang Feihong.

"Tian Guang, go and deal with Fusu, leave this person to me," Gongsun Ming said to Tian Guang.

"Okay, be careful, the other party is not mediocre." Tian Guang nodded and gave Huang Feihong to Gongsun Ming.

Gongsun Ming was wearing a white shirt, and he was not very old. He held a folding fan in his hand, and he had an extraordinary bearing. Of course, what was more important was the other party's mouth, which was proficient in the technique of "sophistry".

Chapter 548 Sirius Howling Moon Slash Gold Broken Star Stick

As soon as Gongsun Ming appeared, he had a strong hostility towards Huang Feihong. If it wasn't because of his appearance that the plan had changed, he wouldn't have appeared so soon.

"Die!" Gongsun Ming snorted coldly, and the folding fan in his hand turned into an afterimage, attacking Huang Feihong.

Gongsun Ming used the folding fan as a weapon, which not only looks suave and graceful, but also has a very strong lethality because of the special folding fan.

"Come here", Huang Feihong's eyes lit up, and he shot instantly, "Tiger and Crane Double Shape - Crane Shape", Huang Feihong posed a posture, and his inner strength was released instantly, a huge crane wrapped Huang Feihong in it, the crane Instantly come to life.

"Dang", the crane spread its wings, and a white wing directly blocked Gongsunming's folding fan in front of him.

"The crane pecks its beak", the crane directly lowered its head, and pecked at Gongsun Ming with its huge long beak.

"Swirling", Gongsun Ming slightly raised the folding fan in his hand, and directly knocked the crane's beak aside. Then, Gongsun Ming raised his foot and kicked the crane fiercely.

"Tiger and Crane Double Shape——Tiger Shape", just heard a shout, a huge tiger rushed out from the crane's stomach, and the huge tiger claws attacked Gongsun Ming in front of him.

"Not good." Seeing the white tiger rushing out suddenly, Gongsun Ming immediately retracted his legs, opened the folding fan in his hand, and three poisonous poison needles flew out directly, facing the white tiger's eyes, and attacked with a big mouth.

"The roar of the tiger and the chant of the dragon - roar", a huge roar of the tiger burst out directly from the tiger's mouth, like a huge bell and drum, sending out a powerful sonic attack.

"Om", bursts of ripples oscillated in the air, directly knocking down the silver needle in the air, and then, the tiger turned into an afterimage, attacking Gongsun Ming.

"What a powerful boy", the folding fan in Gongsun Ming's hand directly blocked his body, and the magnificent picture of mountains and rivers appeared on the folding fan.

"Boom", the tiger's head directly hit the folding fan. In fact, Huang Feihong kicked the folding fan, knocking Gongsun Ming into the air.

Gongsun Ming's strength is not weak, he spun in the air, and then landed perfectly on the ground at 360 degrees.

Things happened very quickly, almost instantly, Fusu, Tian Guang, and Tian Meng also fought together.

Fusu's swordsmanship is domineering, Tian Guang's swordsmanship is tyrannical, Tian Meng's swordsmanship is fierce, all three of them have infinitely powerful swordsmanship, so they are extremely fierce.

The figures of the three people could not be seen at all in the air, only the sound of Jin Ge colliding could be heard.

"Om", at this time, a person shot again.

This man was wearing a coarse cloth gown, with short hair, and holding a golden stick in his hand, he looked very majestic.

The whole person is tall and burly, revealing a powerful momentum from top to bottom.

It is also a master.

"Fangfang, you go." Beside the big man, stood a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was wearing a gorgeous brocade robe. The brocade robe was embroidered with cloud patterns with gold threads, revealing a luxurious atmosphere from top to bottom.

It is certain that this person's identity is not ordinary.

"Yes", the man holding the golden stick cupped his hands at the middle-aged man, and headed towards the place where the battle took place.

"Bang", it can be clearly seen that this big man, that is, square, will leave a deep footprint on the trees every time he moves.

After a while, Fang Fang came to the center of the battlefield, took advantage of Fusu's inattention, jumped up high, and slashed towards Fusu with the golden stick in his hand.

Fu Su was taken aback by the sudden appearance of people, but fortunately he knew that there were still people lying in ambush all around and did not dare to relax his vigilance, so when the golden stick was shot, he thought of a countermeasure.

"Get down for me", Fusu gave Tian Guang a Fengshen leg, and Tian Meng a Fire Cloud Palm, although they were blocked by the two people, they separated them and made room for himself.

"Dang", Fusu raised the flying sword in his hand, and directly blocked in front of the opponent.

But Fusu was below, while the opponent was above, and the opponent was using all his strength, while Fusu responded hastily.

So Fusu fell from the sky and slid two meters on the ground before stopping.

At this time, the three of them also fell from the ground.

"The other party is not only fighting with wheels, but also wanting to siege, hateful." Fu Su looked at the three people in front of him and could feel the strength of the three.

"Hmph, shameless villain, not only fighting with wheels, but also beating others, eating me with a knife - Sirius Howling Moon Slash", a voice full of anger sounded, and then, a huge arc of knife was seen towards the two Personal attacks come.

"Golden Broken Star Stick", looking at the huge arc of the knife, Fang Fang stood up directly, and slashed at the arc of the knife fiercely with the golden stick in his hand.

"Bang", Fang Fang took two steps back, and the golden rod kept shaking.

"Master", everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a middle-aged man with a beard and not very well-dressed, holding a Sirius Extinction Knife in his hand, a longbow on his back, and a quiver at his waist, with dozens of arrows in it arrows.

Ordinary in appearance, nothing special in appearance,

But it was such a person that made Tian Guang and others feel like they were facing a big enemy.

Chapter 549: Sirius Extinction Saber Extinction Saber Technique

Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan, a very legendary figure, looked at the crowd in the middle of the field and came to Fusu's side without hesitation.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Liao asked Fusu.

"You are Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan?" Fusu was surprised. He was so lucky that Huang Feihong appeared, but he didn't expect that Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan would also appear.

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