The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 390: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

King Lanling failed to attack him, so Hua Rong came to replace him.

The only pity is that Huarong's arrow missed the vital point. If it were replaced by King Lanling's beacon-fire quenching golden spear, it would definitely be dead.

General Wei gritted his teeth, turned his horse's head, and fled in embarrassment.

Chapter 572: Playing a Big Sword in Front of Guan Gong—Courting Death

King Lanling looked at General Wei who was running away, but he didn't chase after him. He sat on the horse, motionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh... oh..." Seeing King Lanling's victory, all the Qin soldiers were excited. They raised their spears in their hands and jumped for joy.

"The general of Qin is going to be rampant, Zhou Liang of Wei is coming." At this moment, a man rushed out of General Wei again, holding a half-moon long knife in his hand, and came straight to King Lanling.

"Use the knife, look at me", Guan Yu lightly clamped the horse's belly, held the Qinglong Yanyue knife, and went to face the battle.

"Guan Gong is playing a big sword in front of him", this allusion was staged in the last years of the Warring States Period.

Zhou Liang did not expect that a big man with a jujube-colored face and a three-foot-long beard would come. However, Zhou Liang was very confident in his own strength, no matter who it was, he would not be afraid.

"Zhou Liang, you have to be careful." Seeing Guan Yu's attack, Wei Ye, who was in Wei Jiang's crowd, shouted to Zhou Liang. No one knew Guan Yu's strength better than him. With one knife after another, Guan Yu's sword skills were like waves. It goes on and on, and one knife is higher than one knife, and one knife is stronger than one knife.

Zhou Liang heard Wei Ye's voice, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Damn it." Seeing that Zhou Liang didn't care, Wei Ye became anxious. He put his legs between the horse's belly and rushed forward. He wanted to save Zhou Liang, because he knew that Zhou Liang was definitely not Guan Yu's opponent.

"If you want to bully less with more, ask me if I agree with the Sirius Extinction Knife in my hand." Looking at Wei Ye who was rushing out, Zhang Liao's eyes couldn't help but light up. At this time, Zhang Liao galloped towards the horse without hesitation.

He wants to become famous in one battle, make contributions, and let everyone know that Fusu has not misunderstood him.

Thinking of this, the Sirius Extinction Knife in Zhang Liao's hand became even hotter, and streaks of black energy continued to wrap around Zhang Liao's Sirius Extinction Knife.

"Let me see how strong you are," Zhang Liao glared.

Zhang Liao and Guan Yu, the pair who did not become life-and-death brothers during the Three Kingdoms period because of factional relations, united in the time and space of Qin Shimingyue.

Looking at Zhou Liang who was rushing towards him, Guan Yu opened his slightly squinted eyes, and a powerful murderous aura burst out directly.

Above the Qinglong Yanyue Dao, the Qinglong went out to sea, and the blue Daogang shrouded Daoshan.

"General Qin is subject to death," Zhou Liang roared, and the long knife in his hand slashed at Guan Yu in an invincible gesture.

"Chunqiu Banyue Slash", looking at the long saber that was about to fall, Guan Yu swung the Qinglong Yanyue Dao in his hand and slashed away.

"Bang", under the attack of Guan Yu Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Zhou Liang and the mount under him couldn't help taking two or three steps back.

"Chunqiu Reincarnation Slash", the second knife in Guan Yu's hand was just attacked by Qinglong Banyue Zhan, and then came one after another. A huge knife gang burst out from Qinglong Yanyue Knife again, and it directly cut Zhou Liang's weapon in two.

However, it was precisely because of the blocking of Zhou Liang's weapons that Zhou Liang escaped.

"Not good", Zhou Liang was shocked, his pupils dilated. He didn't expect the opponent to be so strong. At this time, Zhou Liang understood why Wei Ye was so cautious and even came out to help him. It was not without reason.

Guan Yu looked at the shocked Zhou Liang, and remained indifferent. He was on the battlefield, so he must not be merciful.

"Chunqiu Annihilation Slash", Guan Yu raised the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in Guan Yu's hand, and a Shimizu Qinglong burst out directly from the blade, with a ferocious mouth open, and swallowed Zhou Liang directly into his stomach. Everyone only saw the light of the saber flash, and Zhou Liang was killed. landing.

Guan Yu stood holding the saber, narrowing his eyes slightly, stroking his three-foot beard with his left hand, riding on the Qinglong Xiaoyue horse, and an immovable aura burst out of Guan Yu.

Martial Saint, worthy of being a Martial Saint, the eternally legendary Guan Erye, with his unmoving aura, most of the people present were overwhelmed.

Guan Yu glanced at Wei Ye, but didn't make a move. He didn't bother to fight with others, not to mention that the opponent was still his own defeated opponent.

Guan Yu snorted coldly, turned his horse's head, and returned in the direction of Qin Jun.

Everyone looked at Guan Yu with admiration on their faces. It was admiration. It was clean and neat without any fancy. He killed General Wei with three swords, just like a god-man.

"This... this..." Wei Wuji's eyes widened with disbelief.

He knew Zhou Liang's ability well. Although his subordinates were not the strongest, they were not the worst either. He never expected that after three rounds and three strikes, he would become a dead soul under the sword. Why couldn't Wei Wuji be surprised.

Everyone who didn't know Guan Yu was shocked, they didn't expect that the man in front of him was so strong.

"Who is this person?" Wei Wuji asked the people around him.

"Back to the general, this person is... is... a big jujube seller named Guan Yu", General Wei said. How embarrassing.

"What, a jujube seller?" Wei Wuji was a little confused when he heard the news.

Chapter 573 Three vs Three

Not only Wei Wuji was dumbfounded, everyone who heard the news was dumbfounded.

"A jujube seller? Are you sure you didn't lie to us?" Everyone didn't believe it.

"General, my subordinates dare not lie to the general. According to the information collected by my subordinates, the other party is indeed a jujube seller. Guan Yu, a native of Zhao Guo, had to start fleeing because of loyalty in the early years. To support his wife and children, the other party started a jujube business, because he was wanted, so the other party went into exile. He used to appear in Yan, Qi, and Wei countries. Some time ago, he sold dates in Yique City in our Wei country. When I met Fusu who was shopping, he was found by Fusu, and he was shocked as a heavenly man, and he took him back to the government office. After that, Guan Yu became a general under his command, and his subordinates didn't know about it. The people in Fusu's hands are so powerful", and the intelligence collectors were also a little speechless.

"This..." Wei Wuji was a little speechless, and he sighed for a long time: "Such a good talent should belong to our Wei country, but now they are in Qin country, and they are all idiots." Wei Wuji was very angry .

He looked towards the center of the field, and Zhang Liao, who was indistinguishable from Wei Ye, asked, "Who is this? It can't be unknown." Wei Wuji pointed to Zhang Liao and asked the other party.

"Uh..." The cold sweat broke out on the intelligence officer's face, because he didn't know what to say.

"Why, is there something unspeakable to hide? Tell me." Looking at the other party's embarrassed expression, Wei Wuji had a premonition in his heart.

"General, the other party is a hunter named Zhang Liao," the intelligence officer said Zhang Liao's name.

"Zhang Liao? I know his name." Wei Wuji paused as he stroked his beard. He knew Zhang Liao's name. Wei Guo also participated in the besieging of Fusu. At that time, he even sent two experts, but he didn't expect , What was supposed to be a sure thing, was destroyed by masters who appeared one after another, and Zhang Liao was one of them.

Later, after this incident ended, Zhang Liao's name spread throughout the world.

In the center of the battlefield, Zhang Liao and Wei Ye were fighting fiercely there, and the Sirius Extinction Knife in their hands slashed out attacks one after another.

Ten rounds, twenty rounds, thirty rounds...

The battle between the two continued to escalate, until the thirty-fifth round, Zhang Liao saw the timing, and attacked the opponent's chest with the Sirius Extinction Knife in his hand.

Zhang Liao's saber technique was steady and ruthless, taking advantage of the opponent's breathing time, he wiped out with one blow.

"Not good", Wei Ye is not only strong, but also very lucky. He has many wounds on his body, but there is no fatal wound.

And between life and death, Wei Ye learned how to survive.

After Zhang Liao's Tianlang Extinction Knife attacked, he did not follow others' example to block it with weapons, because he knew that he couldn't stop it at all.

So Wei Ye flashed back directly.

"Swipe", the knife light suddenly appeared, and drops of blood sprinkled in the air.

A huge wound appeared on Wei Ye's chest.

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