The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 691: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

From this aspect, Liu Xiu's talent definitely far surpassed Liu Bei's.

Liu Bei sold straw sandals and was a commoner. Liu Xiu was also a commoner at the beginning, even though they both became emperors.

But Liu Bei's emperor was the weakest of the three countries.

But Liu Xiu was different. He unified the world and established the Eastern Han Dynasty.

From this aspect, Liu Bei is not as good as his ancestor Liu Xiu.

Of course, this time Liu Xiu is not the focus, the focus is Yin Lihua.

When it comes to Liu Xiu and Yin Lihua, there is a famous saying that has been passed down through the ages. That is: "If you are an official, you should be the ruler, and if you are a wife, you should be Yin Lihua."

This sentence was said by Liu Xiu.

It is recorded in the history books that Liu Xiu's emotion comes from the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Queen's Chronicle, Queen Guanglieyin": Guangwu is suitable for the new country, and after hearing about it, it is beautiful and makes her heart happy. Later, when I arrived in Chang'an, I saw that Zhijinwu's chariots and horses were very popular, so he sighed and said: "The official should be Zhijinwu, and the wife should be Yinlihua."

Chapter 1019: Romance Luck: Queen Killer

Yinli was the first wife of Emperor Liu Xiu of Huaguang and the second queen of the Eastern Han Dynasty. A descendant of Guan Zhong, a famous prime minister in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the biological mother of Liu Zhuang, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty.

Yin Lihua was famous for her beauty in history. When Liu Xiu was still a declining royal family that had not yet made its fortune, he admired Yin Lihua's beauty very much. He once sighed: "The wife should be Yin Lihua."

In the last years of Xinmang, the world was in chaos, and Liu Xiuyi raised troops in his hometown. After the Battle of Kunyang, Liu Xiu married Yin Lihua in Wancheng.

After the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yin Lihua was granted the title of noble. In the seventeenth year of Jianwu's reign, Queen Guo Shengtong was deposed and Liu Xiu was granted the title of Queen Yin Lihua.

After Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty came to the throne, he honored Yin Lihua as the empress dowager and reigned for a total of twenty-four years. On the twentieth day of the first month of the seventh year of Yongping, Yin Lihua died at the age of sixty. On the eighth day of February of the same year, he was buried in the original mausoleum with Liu Xiu, and his posthumous title was "Guanglie".

According to the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty": Yin Lihua is respectful and frugal in character, does not like to appreciate treasures, and does not like to laugh and joke. By nature, he is kind and filial, compassionate and loving.

Yin Lihua was born into a prominent family.

The Yin family is the successor of the famous Spring and Autumn Prime Minister Guan Zhong who once assisted Duke Huan of Qi to achieve a generation of hegemony.

When the seventh generation descendant Guan Xiu moved from the state of Qi to the state of Chu, he was granted the title of Doctor Yin, and henceforth took the surname "Yin".

At the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the Yin family moved to Xinye.

The Yin family was a wealthy family in Xinye, Nanyang at that time. The Yin family occupied more than 700 hectares of land, and the scale of their chariots, horses and servants was comparable to that of the feudal princes and kings at that time.

Although wealthy, the Yin family had not had any high-ranking officials for hundreds of years during the Qin and Western Han Dynasties, so they did not have much political power.

Although Yin Lihua had a wealthy family, she was not able to enjoy a peaceful and prosperous life like her ancestors.

The era in which Yin Lihua grew up was an era of great change and turmoil that Ban Gu called the "revolution of heaven and earth."

After Wang Mang's restructuring failed, war broke out and the world was in chaos.

Later, Yin Lihua became Liu Xiu's queen, and the Yin family once again gained power.

It can be said that Yin Lihua has become a winner in life.

According to "Nvhong Yuzhi": Wherever Yin Lihua walked, she was covered with fine Taihua felt, so the skin on the soles of her feet was as delicate and smooth as the palms of her hands.

Fusu didn't expect that Yin Lihua would be summoned.

Fusu felt that he was really "lucky" today, having summoned so many beauties.

First it was Guanyue Diaochan, then sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and now Yin Lihua appears again.

Fusu was really surprised that three beauties were summoned in a row.

Then, Fusu crushed the summoning card in his hand and summoned Yin Lihua.

After a while, a stunningly beautiful woman walked out of the summoning space.

I saw this woman, wearing a gorgeous long skirt. On the long skirt, hundreds of flowers bloomed, which was very gorgeous.

There are peonies, roses, roses, lotus flowers... and the laces are all woven with gold threads.

It can really be said to be a golden thread, and the clothes outside are very luxurious.

Inside the gorgeous dress is a white corset. On the corset, patterns of lotuses, lotus flowers and mandarin ducks are engraved, which is very beautiful.

Wearing a pair of embroidered shoes underneath.

Yin Lihua has a very good figure. She has gained some weight and lost some weight. She is tall and has a forward and backward curve.

She has a devil-like figure and a fairy-like appearance.

Yin Lihua's figure is completely in line with the golden ratio. It would be a pity not to be a model now.

The temples are neatly combed, and the bun is fixed and bound by a golden hairpin.

A head of black and shiny hair without any flaws, pouring down directly from the head like a cloud waterfall.

Smooth and bright.

Fusu looked at Yin Lihua in front of him and had only one feeling: beautiful, so beautiful.

Fusu looked at the other party and felt the shadow of "Queen Xiao" Xiao Shushen from Yin Lihua.

Yes, both of them have been queens.

Xiao Shushen was the queen of Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, and Yin Lihua was the queen of Liu Xiu.

Fusu thought about it carefully and realized that he had actually summoned several queens around him.

Daji was excluded first. Although King Zhou doted on Daji very much, Daji had not made him a queen after all, so Daji was excluded.

Apart from Daji, the first queen summoned by Fusu was none other than Queen Xiao.

Although Queen Xiao Xiao Shushen has not been a queen for a long time, she is definitely the mother of a country.

Secondly, the second queen summoned by Fusu was Zhao Feiyan.

Zhao Feiyan was the second empress of Han Cheng Emperor Liu Ao. Because of her beauty and good at dancing, she fascinated the emperor and surrendered to his pomegranate skirt, so she became the empress soon after.

Although it was a bit miserable afterwards, the fact that the other party was the queen could not be erased.

The third queen character summoned is the Goddess of Luo - Zhen Mi.

Zhen Mi was the wife of Emperor Wen of Wei Cao Pi and the biological mother of Emperor Ming of Wei Cao Rui. After Cao Rui ascended the throne, he honored Zhen as Queen Wenzhao.

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