The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 692: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

She is also a queen, but she is in the palace and her end is a bit miserable.

Of course, forget about Xi Shi and Mrs. Xi, because there was no such thing as a queen at that time.

In addition to the current Yin Lihua, Fusu already has four "mothers of a country" around him.

It can be called the "Queen Killer"!

Chapter 1020: Attributes of a prosperous husband and fate of women

In addition to being the mother of a nation, Fusu also has several queens who are already doting on him.

For example, Daji was the most favored being by King Zhou, and Xi Shi was the most favored being by King Wu Fu Chai. As for the queen, Mrs. Youxi, in the Spring and Autumn Period, in order to compete for him, the country was destroyed, the mountains and rivers were gone, and Cai Yan Cai Wenji, Cai Yan Cai Wenji became the woman of the Xiongnu Chanyu...

In addition to the summoned characters, there is a queen-like existence beside Fusu, that is Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji is now Fusu's woman, and she has given birth to a daughter to Fusu.

Thinking of this, Fusu's face was full of pride and dismay. If someone were to see him in front of him, he would definitely shout loudly - who else, who else!

Yin Lihua looked at Fusu, her eyes glowing, "Yin Lihua, meet the eldest son." Yin Lihua's eyes were beautiful, as if she could speak.

And Yin Lihua's voice is like an oriole coming out of the valley, crisp and sweet, like the tinkling of spring water, the sound is very beautiful.

If such a woman lives in modern society, you can be sure that she will definitely be a king of singers.

With these external conditions and this voice, I have nothing to say, really nothing to say.

"Lihua, please get up." Fusu stepped forward and helped Yin Lihua up.

Fusu, who is determined to become the "Queen Killer", "Beloved Concubine Killer" and "Queen Killer", still has a long way to go.

Over the past five thousand years of China, there have been more than tens of thousands of beauties.

Therefore, Afang Palace became the place where Fusu's "golden house hides his beauties" and Fusu's harem.

In the future, after Fusu unified the seven kingdoms, all the beauties from the seven kingdoms would gather in Afang Palace.

Fusu's remaining task is to extend his life and practice the "Huangdi Neijing", otherwise, he will be in trouble if he doesn't have everything.

This is something Fusu will never allow.

Fortunately, Fusu is young, not yet twenty years old, and there are still great years waiting for him.

After Fusu helped Yin Lihua up in front of him, Yin Lihua's figure slowly faded.

Then, he disappeared in front of Fusu.

Fusu looked at Yin Lihua's slowly fading figure.

The corners of Fusu's mouth couldn't help but curved, "Lihua, we will meet soon."

After meeting Yin Lihua, Fusu somewhat understood why Liu Xiu would sigh with emotion, "When you marry Yin Lihua, you should marry Yin Lihua."

This woman is definitely very human.

She is beautiful, gentle, and looks like a good wife and mother. More importantly, she has a prosperous husband!

There have been many prosperous women in history, but one of the most famous is undoubtedly the queen - Ma Dajiao!

Zhu Yuanzhang's queen.

According to rumors, Zhu Yuanzhang slowly became the emperor with the support of Ma Dajiao. It can be said that the fate of Queen Ma Dajiao changed Zhu Yuanzhang's fate, turning him from a small gangster to the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. the founding emperor.

Now, when Fusu saw Yin Lihua, he understood that Yin Lihua was also a prosperous person.

Such a woman gets married, starts a business, and her business goes smoothly, and she pursues an official career, and her official career rises step by step, and she becomes an ordinary person, has children and grandchildren, and is rich and powerful.

It can be said that anyone would marry such a woman, and they would marry her openly.

Among the girls summoned, none had a prosperous destiny, and Yin Lihua was the first.

Among all the girls in Fusu, there is something like that. Although they are not considered kefus, they are definitely not Wangfus.

For example, take Daji. What happened to Daji after King Zhou attacked him?

The country was ruined and the family was destroyed, and the Shang Dynasty was destroyed.

King Zhou's wife died and his children were separated, the queen's eyes were gouged out, and her son became an enemy. In the end, a fire broke out and he was buried in Lutai, which was sad and lamentable.

Not to mention Xi Shi and Zheng Dan.

After the two girls were brought into the palace by King Wu Fu Chai, the Wu Kingdom of the Five Hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period plummeted, and was finally destroyed by King Gou Jian of Yue.

All the prosperity has become a passing thing.

There is also Mrs. Xi, who is as beautiful as a flower, but she has attracted the hatred of the country and ruined herself.

There is also Empress Xiao and so on. They all have one word - country subjugation.

They all have the appearance of "bringing disaster to the country and the people".

In addition, there are also some "Kefu" existences. Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say this, but it is the fact.

For example, Diao Chan followed Diao Chan and Dong Zhuo, but both of them were killed, as well as Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

Da Qiao's husband Sun Ce died in an assassination, while Xiao Qiao's husband Zhou Yu (in the novel) was angered to death by Zhuge Liang.

There was also Chen Yuanyuan, first Chongzhen destroyed the country, then Li Zicheng, Li Zicheng destroyed the country, and Wu Sangui was killed by Emperor Kangxi who reduced the three vassals.

But Fusu didn't have much worry or fear about this. He had a tough life and was not afraid of being defeated by the women.

On the contrary, he will use his own fate to change the fate of everyone.

Who says that only women can influence men, men can also influence men.

It depends on who is stronger.

Fusu was full of confidence in himself.

After giving birth to General Yin Lihua, Fusu started the summons again!

Chapter 1021 Summoning—The Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties Appeared

Following Fusu's movements, summoning cards appeared in front of Fusu one after another, and Fusu directly drew one from them.

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