The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 825: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Fusu looked at the Hai Rui summoning card in his hand and thought about it, but it was still useless.

This guy was tragically wiped out by Fusu before he came to this world.

Fusu felt that Hai Rui was a little pretentious, damn, even more pretentious than him.

Fusu also pretended, but for the sake of the name of "sage".

He did not allow any stain on his imperial hegemony.

Hai Rui also pretends to be famous.

But when Hai Rui was pretending to be a Holy Mother, she kidnapped others morally, but she was not the real Holy Mother.

What's more important is that Fu Su is very capable, while Hai Rui is only very capable.

It can be seen from Hai Rui's case that he did not investigate at all, but followed his own bullshit theory.

"It is better to wrong a younger brother than to wrong an elder brother; it is better to wrong a nephew than to wrong an uncle; it is better to wrong a nephew than to wrong a poor person; it is better to wrong a stubborn person than to wrong an ignorant person."

What is the logic?

Why can a rich man be wronged, why should a younger brother be wronged...

Doesn’t this force honest people to become evil and good people to become evil?

For honest people and good people, if they do bad things, they will not be guilty, but others will take the blame for them, so why don't they do it.

Just like the modern bandit theory, rich people should donate money, and rich people should do charity.


People's money does not come from strong winds, but from starting their own businesses.

It is people's freedom to donate or not, to do charity or not.

Since you are so upright, why don't you lend a helping hand? A dollar is money.

Gather a few to form a large number, gather sand to form a tower.

In Fusu's eyes, Hai Rui was just a troublemaker, and even Zhang Juzheng and others did not dare to reuse him.

Later, after Zhang Juzheng and others passed away, the imperial court lost its backbone, and it was only then that Hai Rui resumed his official position.

It would be better for Hai Rui not to appear than to appear in this world.

Fusu was worried that Hai Rui would pollute the atmosphere of Chu State.

For Fusu, as long as you can make people rich, you can be greedy.

If you have no ability, no matter how clean you are, Fusu will not reuse you.

Do you want all the people to suffer hardship and poverty with you?

After comprehensive consideration, Fusu decided to let "Hai Rui be dismissed from office" instead of summoning him.

(Personally, Lao Wu doesn’t like Hai Rui anyway.)

Fusu threw Hai Rui's summoning card directly into the summoning space.

If you can't remember it, just let Hai Rui die alone in the summoning space.

"System, I want to continue summoning," Fusu continued.

The thirteenth summons and the fourteenth summons were both blank summoning cards.

On the fifteenth summons, Fusu summoned a building - the beacon tower.

Beacon tower, light the beacon fire and convey the message.

It is a pity that Fusu has not yet unified the world, and the talk about the Great Wall is even more nonsense.

The beacon tower is here, but Fusu has no plans to use it for the time being.

The sixteenth summoning card - blank.

For the seventeenth summoning card, Fusu summoned sets of "classroom uniforms", small suits, tight skirts, black stockings...

Chu Yunqiu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I like this," Fusu chuckled and threw the classroom uniform into the system summoning space.

The eighteenth call was blank again.

For the nineteenth time, Chu Yunqiu once again summoned a martial arts secret book - "Zixia Manual".

Cultivate the true energy of Zixia and understand the principles of immortality.

The true Qi of Zixia can condense the purple sun canopy, which is impervious to all laws and can destroy evil and demons.

It can make people gather together to ascend and live forever.

Of course, it's a bit bragging, but this "Zixia Zhenjing" is really awesome.

Although you cannot achieve immortality, you can still extend your life.

It is a Taoist internal skill that cultivates one’s moral character and nourishes one’s nature.

Fusu looked at the "Zixia Zhenjing" but did not learn it, because his "Emperor and Dragon Canon of the Zodiac" was exactly the same.

And it fits him better.

Fusu summoned the "Zixia Scripture" and sent it to the summoning space.

Summoning for the twentieth time, Fusu stretched out his hand and took out a summoning card.

As a burst of divine light bloomed, a diamond summoning card appeared in Fusu's hand.

Fusu's eyes lit up.

Diamond Summoning Card, the top summoning card, is it a character?

Fusu couldn't help but look.

It is indeed a character summoning card, and it is also a beauty summoning card.

It is the beautiful character Li Shishi in "Water Margin" and also a historical character.

Anyone who has watched "Water Margin" should know the name of Li Shishi. She can be said to be the most beautiful woman in "Water Margin".

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