The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 826: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Li Shishi was a brothel singer in the late Northern Song Dynasty and a native of Tokyo, which is now Kaifeng.

Although Li Shishi is a brothel girl, she is very talented, and there is an endless stream of people pursuing her.

Fusu was very curious, whether the Li Shishi he summoned was the Li Shishi in "Water Margin" or the Li Shishi in history.

Although both are the same person, there are obvious differences!

Chapter 1166 Fascinating thousands of Master Li and his secret crush

Li Shishi in history is mostly seen in unofficial histories and notebook novels. According to rumors, Li Shishi was deeply loved by Song Huizong. It can be said that she was Song Huizong's woman outside. Moreover, Li Shishi was also favored by Zhou Bangyan, a famous poet in the Song Dynasty.

Zhou Bangyan, a famous Chinese poet, left many popular poems.

In "Water Margin", Li Shishi was still liked by Song Huizong, but instead of Zhou Bangyan, there was an extra Yan Qing.

Gao Qiu and others encouraged Song Huizong and vowed not to leak the news.

At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, Song Huizong was taken prisoner, and the whereabouts of Li Shishi became an eternal mystery.

Some people say that she donated money to help the Song army fight against the Jin Dynasty, and she became a Taoist priest in Ciyunguan. Some people say that she was robbed by the Jin army. She was disheveled and refused to wash or change clothes when she went to see the Jin people. When they were unprepared, she committed suicide by swallowing a gold hairpin; Some people also say that she randomly married a businessman as a concubine and later drowned in the Qiantang River.

The teacher in history was born with a good bel canto voice, and with the madam’s patient training and careful guidance, children under the age of fifteen were already outstanding.

There are countless historical celebrities who have interacted with Li Shishi, including Song Weizong Zhao Ji and Zhou Bangyan.

In addition to the two people, there are also famous poets in the Northern Song Dynasty such as Zhang Xian, Yan Jidao, Qin Guan, etc. It can be said that they were famous for a while.

It can be said that Li Shishi was the most famous "big star" at that time.

What Li Shishi is best at is "small singing", and he sings many "long and short sentences", which are today's Song lyrics.

Fusu looked at the content behind the summoning card and nodded silently.

This should be the Li Shishi in history.

Fusu didn't know what to say to Master Li.

Li Shishi is indeed a great beauty, with a good voice, high talent, talent, good at singing and dancing, and has fascinated many talented people.

Li Shishi is a legendary woman.

Fusu also yearned for Master Li very much, so he directly crushed the summoning card in his hand and summoned Master Li.

After a while, a woman wearing a silk skirt appeared in the summoning space.

Fusu looked at Master Li's face and couldn't help but feel shocked.

Fusu was shocked by the aura of Li Shishi.

At this time, Fusu couldn't help but think of what Song Weizong said to the concubines in the harem. In terms of talent, appearance, and character, no one in the harem could be as good as Li Shishi.

After actually meeting Li Shishi, Fusu really felt that Song Huizong was right.

But this was not what shocked Fusu. What really shocked him was that Master Li was exactly the same as his crush back then!

Chapter 1167 The Golden Leopard——Tang Long The drum, urn and golden hammer appear in the world

Who has never been young, and who has not had a crush.

Fusu is no exception.

In his previous life, Fusu was still a student and had always had a crush on the school beauty.

The school belle was in their class at that time.

Apart from attending classes, Fusu spends his free time looking at the backs of the school beauties.

Unfortunately, the school beauty later transferred to another school.

From then on, Fusu never saw each other again.

After Fusu became famous, he once inquired about the other party's information, but the results he got were heartbreaking.

The school beauty died of illness.

"Zi Yan", Fusu looked at Master Li's face and couldn't help but fall into a trance.

"Is that you Zi Yan?" Fusu asked excitedly.

"Your Majesty," Master Li couldn't help but be surprised.

But he did not dare to resist Fusu.

In her heart, Fusu is her supreme king.

Seemingly awakened by Li Shishi's voice, Fusu came to his senses and hurriedly let go of Li Shishi.

"Sorry", Fusu apologized hastily.

This is impossible in normal times.

"No", at this moment, Master Li's figure slowly faded and then disappeared.

"Damn it", Fusu wanted to punch the ground angrily.

I don’t know where the system brought Master Li.

Fusu had never wanted to see someone so urgently.

He never imagined that someone could imagine this with his crush.

The next few times, Fusu was a little absent-minded.

The twenty-first, twenty-second, and twenty-third times were all blank summoning cards.

Fusu took a deep breath and concentrated. He couldn't go on like this.

You have to concentrate and take it seriously.

"Summon", Fusu pinched himself hard, and then took out a summoning card again.

"Brush", this time, Fusu summoned a Bodhi tree.

No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror.

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