The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 831: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

It feels like a landslide!

Fusu took the Nine Dragon Whip, waved it in the summoning space, and then put the magic weapon into the system space.

For the fiftieth time, Fusu once again took out a character summoning card.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Hua Tuo, the famous miracle doctor.

During the Three Kingdoms period, to be precise, there were two miracle doctors who were rampant in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

One is the medical sage-Zhang Zhongjing, and the other is the miracle doctor-Hua Tuo.

Both of them were from the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Fusu had to admire that the late Eastern Han Dynasty was a magical era.

Talents emerge in large numbers and geniuses gather.

The martial sage Guan Yu, the Marquis of Huan Zhang Fei, the monster-like Zhuge Kongming, the great hero Cao Cao...

In other respects, in terms of mechanics, there is Ma Jun, the master of mechanics, and Zhuge Liang and his wife, in medicine, there are Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, who are famous through the ages, and in literature, there is Cao Zhi. It is Cao Zhi, whose song "Ode to the Goddess of Luo" is even more famous all over the world.

As for beauties, not to mention the Three Kingdoms period, Guanyue Diaochan, one of the four beauties in China, Luo Shen - Zhen Mi, Da Qiao Xiao Qiao.

If we rank the top ten beauties in China, at least three beauties from the Three Kingdoms period can be ranked.

Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Xiao Qiao.

It's a pity that it flourished but declined. After the Three Kingdoms period, China as a whole began to decline.

Until the rise of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Fusu looked at the Hua Tuo summoning card in his hand.

"My miraculous doctor, you are finally here." These are all miraculous doctors who have saved the world.

They pay more attention to virtue.

This is the so-called medical ethics.

Hang the pot to save the world, cure diseases and save people!

Chapter 1172 Miracle Doctor——Hua Tuo Ma Fei Powder Wu Qin Xi

Hua Tuo, Zi Yuanhua, a native of Pei State, was a famous medical scientist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Hua Tuo, Dong Feng and Zhang Zhongjing are known as the "Three Miracle Doctors of Jian'an".

When he was young, he studied abroad and practiced medicine all over the country. He studied medical skills without seeking an official career.

He has comprehensive medical skills, especially surgery, and is skilled in surgery.

He is also proficient in internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, and acupuncture.

In his later years, he was suspected by Cao Cao, imprisoned and tortured to death.

Hua Tuo is called the "master of surgery" and the "originator of surgery" by later generations.

Later generations often called him the miracle doctor Hua Tuo, and he was also praised as "Hua Tuo's Reincarnation" as a doctor with outstanding medical skills.

There are two theories about the cause of Hua Tuo's death, the first one.

Cao Cao became seriously ill because he personally handled state affairs, so he asked Hua Tuo to treat him specially.

Hua Tuo said: "This disease is difficult to cure in the short term. Even long-term treatment can only prolong life." Hua Tuo wanted to go back because he had been away from home for too long, so he said: "I received a letter from home and asked to go back temporarily." trip.

"After he got home, he said that his wife was ill, and asked for an extension of his vacation many times without returning. After that, Cao Cao wrote repeatedly asking Hua Tuo to come back, and issued edicts to the counties to recruit and send him back. Hua Tuo had his own talents and hated being used for money. Food, still not on the road.

Cao Cao was very angry and sent someone to check. If his wife was really sick, he would give Xiaodou four thousand liters and relax the holiday period; if he cheated, he would be arrested and escorted.

As a result, Hua Tuo lied, so Hua Tuo was deported to Xuchang Prison. After interrogation and verification, Hua Tuo confessed.

Xun Yu appealed to Cao Cao and said, "Hua Tuo's medical skills are indeed superb and are related to people's lives. We should tolerate him."

Cao Cao said: "Don't worry, are there no such incompetent rats in the world?" Finally, Hua Tuo was tortured to death in prison.

Before Hua Tuo died, he took out a medical book and gave it to the jailer, saying: "This book can be used to save people." The jailer was afraid of breaking the law and did not dare to accept it, so Hua Tuo had no choice but to endure the pain and ask for fire to burn the book.

Another theory is that in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Cao Cao asked Hua Tuo, a famous doctor who had treated Zhou Tai, to treat his headaches that he had suffered for many years. However, Hua Tuo believed that the cause of Cao Cao's illness required splitting his head, anesthetizing him with Mafei powder, and moving the body During the operation, the suspicious Cao Cao believed that Hua Tuo wanted to take the opportunity to kill him, so he imprisoned Hua Tuo and tortured him to death for the crime of assassination.

After decades of medical practice, Hua Tuo has mastered the treatment methods such as health preservation, prescriptions, acupuncture and surgery. He is proficient in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and pediatrics. He provides clinical treatment, accurate diagnosis, simple methods and rapid curative effect. Known as the "miraculous doctor".

Hua Tuo pioneered the use of general anesthesia to perform surgical operations, and was honored by later generations as the "originator of surgery." Not only is he proficient in prescriptions, but his attainments in acupuncture and moxibustion are also very admirable.

Hua Tuo visited many doctors everywhere and collected some anesthetic drugs. After many different formulas, he finally successfully trial-produced the anesthetic. He also mixed the anesthetic and hot wine to make the patient lose consciousness after taking it. Then the abdominal cavity was opened, the ulcer was removed, the dirt was washed, sutured with mulberry thread, and divine ointment was applied. The pain was relieved in four to five days, and the patient recovered in one month.

Therefore, Hua Tuo gave it a name - Ma Fei San.

"Ma Fei San" has created a new research field for the exploration and development of surgical medicine. His invention was more than 1,600 years earlier than the American dentist Moulton's successful invention of ether anesthesia.

"Three Kingdoms" commented: "Hua Tuo's medical diagnosis, Du Kui's vocal music, Zhu Jianping's physiognomy, Zhou Xuan's physiognomy, and the art of managing the wheel are all mysterious and ingenious, and they are extraordinary skills. In the past history, Bian Qian The biographies of Que, Cang Gong, and Ri are widely heard about and represent strange things. Therefore, they are recorded here."

Hua Tuo left behind many legends and stories, the most famous of which is "bone scraping to cure poison".

In addition to scraping bones to cure poison, Hua Tuo also left many popular stories.

For example, "dog legs cure diseases". It is said that during the Three Kingdoms period, there was a very beautiful girl who was past the age of marriage, but she was still unmarried because she had a sore on her right knee that kept leaking thick water.

After Hua Tuo saw it, her father asked about his daughter's condition. Hua Tuo said: "Send someone on horseback to lead a chestnut-colored dog and run for thirty miles. When he came back, he cut off the dog's right foot when it was hot and put it on the On the sores.”

After a while, a small red snake came out of the sore and entered the dog's foot. The girl's illness was cured.

Legends can only be regarded as legends and cannot be taken seriously.

Fusu admired Hua Tuo very much and needed Hua Tuo very much.

So Fusu did not hesitate to crush the summoning card in his hand, and then summoned Hua Tuo.

A cyan light curtain stretched across the void and appeared directly in front of Fusu.

Then, an old man walked out of the light curtain.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, and his figure is somewhat rickety.

But her eyes were bright and her skin was as rosy and shiny as a baby's.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is an immortal.

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