The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 832: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Only then did Fusu remember.

Hua Tuo seems to be proficient in Wu Qin Xi.

Wuqinxi is the most top-notch self-cultivation skill in China, and its effect is no less than that of "Tai Chi" in later generations.

Fusu looked at Hua Tuo, his eyes shining.

I also want to learn this Five-Animal Opera.

Chapter 1173 The Four Great Miracle Doctors and the Five Ding Mountain Ax

"Five-Animal Play" was created by Hua Tuo on the basis of "Two-Animal Play" in "Zhuangzi" - "Bear Jing Bird Extension".

Its name and efficacy are recorded in the "Book of the Later Han·Fang Shu Lie Min Hua Tuo Biography": "I have a skill called the Five Animals Play: the first is tiger, the second is deer, the third is bear, the fourth is ape, and the fifth is bird. It is used to remove diseases and sharpen the hooves and feet for guidance. The body is unhappy and acts like a bird. It is pleasant and sweats. Because it is powdered, the body is light and the desire to eat. It is applied universally. I am more than 90 years old and my ears and eyes are good. Smart, with perfect teeth.”

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tao Hongjing had a more detailed record in his "Yangxing Yanming Lu": "The tiger opera performer has his limbs away from the ground, throws three times in front, but throws twice, raises the waist long, and raises the side of the foot to the sky, that is, walking back to the distance, forward and back. Seven passes each. For the deer performer, the limbs are raised from the ground, with the head looking back, three to the left and two to the right. The left and right legs are stretched out, and the telescopic movements are also three and two. The bear performer is leaning up and hugging his knees with both hands, raising his head and shaking his left hand. Seven on the ground, also seven on the right, squatting on the ground, holding the ground with the left and right hands. The ape performer, hanging on objects, stretching and contracting the body, up and down, holding the object with the feet, hanging on the left and right, seven on the left and right, with hand hooks standing, pressing each head 7. The bird performer stands with both hands, one foot raised, two arms stretched out, eyebrows raised, two seven points each. He sits with his feet stretched out, his hands held seven feet apart, and his two arms retracted and extended seven points each. The five bird tricks performed by the husband are as follows. In other words, it should be treated by sweating. If there is sweat, apply powder to the body to eliminate grains, increase energy and strength, and eliminate all kinds of diseases. Those who can survive will be able to prolong their lives."

In this book, Tao Hongjing not only described the specific operating steps of Wu Qin Xi, but also put forward the training principle of Wu Qin Xi - "Do whatever you can, and sweat as much as you can."

In 2001, after the establishment of the Health Qigong Management Center of the State Sports General Administration, it quickly launched the excavation, organization and research of Wu Qin Xi.

He also compiled and published "Health Qigong·Wu Qin Xi".

The movements of "Health Qigong·Five Animals Play" are arranged in the order of tiger, deer, bear, ape and bird in "Three Kingdoms", and the number of movements is according to the description in Tao Hongjing's "Yang Xing Yan Ming Lu". There are two movements in each play, a total of ten movements, which are imitated separately. The majesty of the tiger, the comfort of the deer, the calmness of the bear, the dexterity of the ape, and the lightness of the bird strive to embody the charm of the "five birds".

"Hua Tuo, pay homage to the eldest son," Hua Tuo said to Fusu after he came out.

"Quickly invite the old miracle doctor." Like Sun Simiao and others, Fusu respected Hua Tuo very much.

"Thank you, eldest son." Hua Tuo stroked his Fusu.

The identity assigned to Hua Tuo by Fu Su was that of a famous doctor traveling all over the world, and he was close friends with Sun Simiao, the king of medicine.

Because of the incident involving King Qin Yingzheng, Sun Simiao wrote to Hua Tuo to see if Hua Tuo had any good ideas and brainstorm ideas.

Hua Tuo responded to Sun Simiao's call and rushed to Xianyang from other places.

After Hua Tuo was born, Fusu couldn't help but be excited.

After careful calculation, he now has four great miracle doctors.

Li Shizhen, the sage of medicine, Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, An Daoquan, the miracle doctor, and Hua Tuo, the miracle doctor.

Compared with Hua Tuo, An Daoquan was inferior to Hua Tuo in terms of medical skills and reputation.

An Daoquan was called "Hua Tuo of the time", but after all, he was not as good as Hua Tuo.

It can only show that An Daoquan has superb medical skills.

"Okay, continue", Fusu began the fifty-first summons.

The fifty-first summons, blank, the fifty-second summons, blank again.

For the fifty-third summons, Fusu summoned a recipe book.

The recipe records the recipe of a dish called "Dongpo Pork".

Fusu looked at the recipe in his hand and was speechless in his heart, "I have a little boss, Xiang En, Zhang Dongguan and the others are here, why do I learn recipes, and a gentleman cooks far away, not to mention that I am still a king."

Fusu won't learn even if he dies, it's useless.

"If you think about it, let's just let Sister Tao learn." Fusu couldn't help but think of Liu Tao. If he wanted to eat this dish in the future, he would ask Sister Tao to cook it for him.

"I am so smart." Fusu didn't know how to do it. He didn't know how to do it before, and he doesn't know how to do it now.

Fusu crushed the summoning card and sent the recipe to the system space.

"call"! !

For the fifty-fourth time, Fusu summoned a music score.

It's a pipa music score called - "Ambush from Flying Daggers".

Fusu looked disappointed.

The images of Chen Yuanyuan, Wang Zhaojun and others kept popping up in Fusu's mind.

Chen Yuanyuan and Wang Zhaojun are both good at pipa, but they only have one music score.

"Forget it, give it to Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan started early. Let's wait until Wang Zhaojun returns to the throne." Fusu decided to give the music of "Ambush from Flying Daggers" to Chen Yuanyuan.

The fifty-fifth time is blank, the fifty-sixth time is blank.

For the fifty-seventh time, Fusu once again drew out a magic weapon summoning card.

The magic weapon card is a gun, which is a long axe-Wuding mountain axe, which was the weapon of Xu Huang and Xu Gongming during the Three Kingdoms period.

Without even looking, Fusu summoned the weapon and threw it into the summoning space.

The fifty-eighth summons is still a magic weapon card.

But this time it is no longer an offensive weapon, but a defensive weapon - the Xuanwu Shield.

An ancient Chinese model square shield.

On the front of the shield, there is a basalt pattern carved on it.

I don’t know what material it is made of, but it looks extraordinary.

Chapter 1174 National Hero——Wen Tianxiang "Song of Righteousness"

Fusu crushed the summoning card and summoned the shield.

I saw a huge shield appearing directly in Fusu's hands.

"It's quite heavy." Fusu couldn't help but take a breath while holding the shield in his hand. The shield was heavier than he thought.

Putting it among the ranks of shields, it should be considered a heavy shield.

Fusu thought for a moment and found that none of his subordinates seemed to use shields.

Then, Fusu put the shield into the summoning space.

As for Xuanwu Shield, if it hadn't been for the right opportunity or the right time, it might not have appeared in a lifetime.

For the fifty-ninth time, Fusu once again summoned a mission card.

And it is also a Wenchen card, it is the famous one in Chinese history - Wen Tianxiang!

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