The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 836: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Xie An is a man of many talents, good at calligraphy and good at music.

He has an elegant and gentle temperament, is fair and decisive in dealing with things, does not monopolize power and seek personal gain, does not take credit for his own arrogance, and has the bearing of a prime minister.

He governed the country with Confucianism and Taoism complementing each other; as a high-ranking scholar, he was able to take into account the overall situation and subordinated the interests of the Xie family to the interests of the Jin Dynasty.

Wang Jian called him "the romantic prime minister of Jiangzuo."

Zhang Shunhui praised him as "a great statesman with magnanimity and courage in Chinese history."

Among them, the idiom for making a comeback refers to Xie An.

Xie An also won the battle of Feishui with 80,000 soldiers from the Eastern Jin Dynasty against millions from the former Qin Dynasty.

It became one of the wars in history in which a small number of people defeated a large number and was remembered by history.

The victory in the Battle of Feishui brought Xie An's reputation to its peak. With the merits of the president and his troops, he came to pay homage to the Taibao.

Chapter 1178 Beifu Army Battle of Feishui Talented Woman——Xie Daoyun

It is said that one day, Xie An suddenly dreamed that he was driving for sixteen miles in Huan Wen's car, and stopped after seeing a white chicken. Riding in Huan Wen's chariot is a sign that he will take charge of the government in his stead. Sixteen years ago, it has been exactly sixteen years since he took office.

White Rooster belongs to You, and now the Tai Sui star is in You, which is a bad omen. Xie An knew in his heart that he would probably never recover from this illness.

So Xie An wrote a letter to abdicate, and Emperor Xiaowu sent his ministers and ministers to explain the imperial decree. Before, Xie An started from the stone, and the golden drum suddenly broke. In addition, Xie An never made mistakes in his words. On this day, a fallacy suddenly appeared, and everyone found it very strange.

On August 22 of the same year, Xie An died of illness in Jiankang at the age of sixty-six.

There are many stories left behind by Xie An.

It is said that on a cold snowy day, Xie An gathered his family together to talk about poetry and essays with his nephews and nephews.

After a while, it snowed heavily and rapidly. Xie An said happily: "What does this heavy snow look like?" His nephew Xie Lang said: "It's like spreading salt in the air."

His niece Xie Daoyun said: "It is better to compare it to catkins being blown all over the sky by the wind." Xie An laughed happily.

This is Xie Daoyun, the daughter of Xie An's eldest brother Xie Wuyi, and the wife of General Wang Ningzhi of the left.

The third person on the summoning card is Xie Xuan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Xie Xuan, also known as Youdu, is the grandson of Xie Pa, the son of Xie Yi, and the nephew of Xie An.

Military strategist during the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Xie Xuan was talented in governing the country and was good at running the army. In his early years, he served as a general under the great Sima Huanwen.

In the second year of Taiyuan, in order to resist the invasion of the former Qin Dynasty, Xie An recommended Xie Xuan to be the general of Jianwu and the governor of Yanzhou, to lead the prime minister of Guangling and supervise the military affairs in the north of the Yangtze River.

He recruited brave men from the people coming from the north to form and train an elite force, named "Beifu Soldiers".

In the fourth year of Taiyuan, he led his troops to defeat the attack of the former Qin army, was promoted to the title of champion general, and was appointed as the governor of Xuzhou.

In the eighth year of Taiyuan Dynasty, during the Battle of Feishui, he served as the commander-in-chief of the vanguard. Liu Laozhi, the advance general, led his troops to attack Luojian at night and won the first battle. Then he seized the opportunity to make the Qin army retreat and cause chaos. He took advantage of the momentum to attack fiercely and won. A huge victory over more with less.

In the ninth year of Taiyuan, he led his troops as the vanguard, took advantage of the victory to open up the Central Plains, and successively recovered areas such as southern Henan, eastern Shandong, and southwestern Qin.

Later due to illness, he was appointed General Zuo and Internal History of Kuaiji. Together with Zhang Xuanzhi, the prefect of Wuxing, he was known as the "Two Xuan of the North and the South" and was praised by people at the time.

He died in the thirteenth year of Taiyuan, at the age of forty-six. He was given a posthumous gift as a general of chariots and cavalry, and he was given the posthumous title of Xianwu.

Xie An has been intelligent and understanding since he was a child. Together with his cousin Xie Lang, he is highly regarded by his uncle Xie An. Xie An once warned his nephews and asked: "Our nephews do not need to participate in political affairs, why do we need everyone to have talents?" No one answered for a while, then Xie Xuan replied: "Like Zhilan Just like the jade tree, and let it grow in the courtyard in front of the steps." Xie An was very happy after hearing this.

Xie An once asked him which sentence in the Book of Songs he liked best, and he replied: "In the past, when I left, the willows clung to me; now when I come to think about it, the rain and snow fall." He was considered by later generations to be a man of temperament.

Unlike his uncle Xie An, Xie Xuan was good at both civil and military skills and was determined to save the country from danger in order to recover.

The "Beifu Soldiers" he created were good at conquering and fighting, especially able to endure hardships and stand hard work, and became the most elite armed force in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

In the Battle of Feishui, the "Beifu soldiers" had a strict military formation, which frightened the Lord of Qin, which shows how strong they are.

Wang Shizhen praised: Although Feishui's victory was due to luck, Xuanzhi was good at using soldiers and had his own way to control it. The Fu clan destroyed more than ten countries, and with millions of people behind them, they flattened Xiangxiang and then attacked the left side of the Yangtze River. Duxuan's troops from Beifu were on the front lines, and they were able to overwhelm the troops and kill the generals. How courageous they must be, even if they were to attack them again and again. During the Fu clan's rebellion, Xuan Cheng won the battle, and instead sent Liu Laozhi and Ying Pi to fight against Murong Chui. Everyone was blamed for the blunder, but I don't think it was a blunder. ...That’s why once defeated, it never recovers. The cause of mysterious disease. Isn't it heaven?

Xie Xuan's status in history is higher than that of his uncle Xie An.

In 782 AD, Yan Zhenqing, the etiquette envoy, suggested to Tang Dezong that 64 famous ancient generals should be honored and temples should be built to commemorate them, including "the Eastern Jin Dynasty Chariot and Cavalry General Kang Le Gong Xie Xuan".

In 1123 AD, the Song Dynasty established a temple for famous ancient generals in accordance with the practice of the Tang Dynasty. Among the seventy-two famous generals, Xie Xuan was also included.

In the "Biography of One Hundred Generals in Seventeen Histories" written during the Northern Song Dynasty, Xie Xuan was also listed among them.

Xie Xuan's Beifu soldiers have also become a bright pearl in Chinese history.

The fourth person on the summoning card is Xie Xuan's sister - Xie Daoyun.

Xie Daoyun, also known as Lingjiang, was a poetess in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. She was the niece of Prime Minister Xie An, the daughter of General Xie Yi of Anxi, and the wife of Wang Ningzhi, the son of the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi.

Xie Daoyun, Ban Zhao, Cai Yan and others in the Han Dynasty became the representatives of ancient talented women in the Celestial Dynasty, and "the talent of chanting xu" also became a common term used by later generations to praise talented women. This story is also the "Cai Wenji" in the "Three Character Classic" , can distinguish the piano. Xie Daoyun, can chant" mentioned.

During the Sun En Rebellion, her husband Wang Ningzhi was the internal historian of Kuaiji, but the defense was poor and he was caught and killed after escaping. When Xie Daoyun heard that the enemy was coming, he acted with ease and went out with a knife to kill several enemies before he was caught.

Sun En felt his integrity and pardoned Dao Yun and his clan members. After Wang Ning's death, Xie Daoyun lived alone in Kuaiji and never remarried.

Chapter 1179 The summoning is completed and the harvest is huge Maple Leaf Birthmark

Xie Daoyun is very talented. If he had not been born a daughter, Xie Daoyun might have been crowned king and prime minister!

Xie Daoyun came from a well-known family. She was the eldest daughter of General Xie Yi of Anxi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the niece of Prime Minister Xie An, and a talented daughter of the Xie family.

He received a good education since childhood.

Once her uncle Xie An asked her, "Which sentence is the best in "Mao's Poems"?" Xie Daoyun replied: "There are three hundred poems in the Book of Songs, and none more so than in the Songgao Pian of Daya. Jifu composed the poem, Mu Ru Qingfeng. Zhongshanfu Yonghuai, To soothe his heart." Xie An praised his elegance and profoundness.

Xie An is quite worried about Xie Daoyun's marriage.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Xie family and the Wang family were two prominent families, and there was a saying that "the Wang family and the Xie family share the world."

In the old days, swallows flew into the homes of ordinary people in front of Wang Xietang.

Considering that he was a good match, Xie An looked for his niece-in-law among Wang Xizhi's sons.

The first person he liked was Wang Huizhi, but when Xie An heard that this man was informal, he changed his original intention and betrothed Xie Daoyun to Wang Ningzhi.

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