The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 837: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Fusu never expected that he would be so awesome at summoning the Xie family.

"Hahaha, that's awesome." Fusu couldn't help but be excited. It was really great.

Fusu crushed the summoning card in his hand, and then summoned all four people!

Following Fusu's movements, a light curtain appeared directly, and then four figures walked out of the light curtain one after another.

It was Xie Yi, Xie An, Xie Xuan, and Xie Daoyun.

"Meet the young master", the four people stood in a row.

Among them, Xie Yi and Xie An are the oldest, while Xie Xuan and Xie Daoyun are the youngest. They are both dressed as young people.

Xie Yi is a bit rough, while Xie An can only be described in one word - romantic and uninhibited.

Looks very elegant.

"Four of you, please get up quickly." Then, Fusu helped the four of them up!

"Thank you, Master." The four of them looked at Fusu in front of them.

"Yes", then Fusu waved his hand and gave birth to four people.

From then on, the Qin State had a big family - the Xie family!

"It's really a fruitful harvest." Fusu couldn't help but feel happy.

Whether it is the Eight Dragons of the Xun Family or the Four Sages of the Xie Family, it is a great gift to Fusu.

Then, Fusu returned to Qin Shi Mingyue's space.

"Xiao Guizi, go to Chenyu Palace and tell Xi Shi and Zheng Dan that I will go to them tonight," Fusu said to Xiao Guizi.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xiao Guizi nodded and retreated.

In the Wei State, a missing person notice in the form of a "reward order" immediately detonated the Wei State.

Everyone is looking for the man with the "maple leaf-shaped" birthmark on his back.

Although there are very few men with maple leaf birthmarks, it does not mean that they do not exist.

Li Ling also has a maple leaf-shaped birthmark on his back, but no one knows his secret except his parents.

Li Ling looked at his adoptive mother lying on the hospital bed, his eyes full of struggle.

He didn't know why the court wanted to find people with maple leaf-shaped birthmarks, but he didn't dare to go.

Because in the face of the unknown, no one dares to act rashly.

Li Ling looked at his adoptive mother on the hospital bed and couldn't help but think of the amount of money on the missing person notice, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Fight, even if the front is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I will still make it through." Li Ling clenched his fists tightly.

His father and mother were killed, and if it weren't for his adoptive father and mother, he would have starved to death.

The grace of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring of water, not to mention the grace of saving lives and nurturing.

Even if Li Ling died, he would be willing to do so.

"Mom, have a good rest, and your son will go out," Li Ling said to the woman lying on the bed.

"Ling'er, you are going to chop wood again." The woman knew clearly that her son must be going to the mountain to chop wood again.

During these times, Li Ling basically went up the mountain to cut firewood, and then sold money to buy medicine to treat his illness.

Because the family is poor, they have not allowed their son to get married.

"Mom, you should have a good rest." Li Ling smiled.

"Ling'er, mother, I'm sorry, you are so old, and I haven't let you take a wife yet," the woman said, feeling tired.

"Mom, what are you talking nonsense about? It's Ling'er who doesn't want to marry a wife. Stop thinking nonsense." Li Ling said goodbye to the woman and went directly to the nearest county government office.

"What? Do you know where the person with the maple leaf pattern on his back is?" The county magistrate was very excited after hearing what Li Ling said!

Chapter 1180 Anyi Governor——Liu Yong proves his identity

Although the county magistrate didn't know why the court issued a missing person notice, he found out that the missing person notice was issued by the King of Qin himself.

And it's also related to a certain empress in the harem.

The county magistrate doesn't care about anything else, but he knows that if he finds the person the king wants, he will definitely be promoted and make a fortune.

So he couldn't help but be excited.

"Far away in the horizon, close before our eyes", Li Ling straightened up.

"What? You mean, it's you?" The county magistrate was not stupid, and looked at Li Ling in front of him with some surprise.

"What? Doesn't it look like it?" Li Ling was unafraid.

Death is not a big deal, but as long as I can save my mother, it doesn't matter.

"It's not that it doesn't look like it, but I want to see it for myself." The county magistrate couldn't help but be careless.

There is an old saying that for the common people, big things are also small things; for the court, small things are also big things.

You have to be cautious.

Li Ling heard the county magistrate's words and untied his belt.

Then he exposed his back.

Sure enough, on Li Ling's back, to be precise, on the upper left side of his back, near the joint bones, there was a very obvious red maple leaf-shaped birthmark.

It's like maple leaves printed on it.

"Okay, okay", the county magistrate was very happy and laughed.

"Sir, I have provided you with such important information and also found the person involved. Can you reward me with a silver reward?" Li Ling looked at the county magistrate.

He was now a sheep in a tiger's head, and he had to gamble.

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