The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 869: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Dong dong dong", Fusu came to the room and knocked on the door.

Then, Fusu opened the door and looked at the second princess in the room.

"Ding", the string broke directly.

The second princess couldn't help but raise her head and look at Fusu.

"Brother", the second princess's eyes were a little red and swollen, and she cried at the first sight.

Fusu felt a little pain in his heart when he saw the expression on the second princess's face.

Queen Zheng only has one son, but he has many younger brothers and sisters.

Among them, he and Leyang have the best relationship. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are biological brothers and sisters.

Fusu has taken care of the second princess since she was a child, and Leyang has always been like a little follower, following behind him like a little tail.

"Leyang", Fusu's voice was a little hoarse.

He really didn't expect Leyang to be here, and if possible, he really didn't want Leyang to know about it.

He didn't want Leyang to get involved.

He hopes that the other person will always be carefree.

"I'm sorry." Fusu lowered his head.

"Brother, you don't need to apologize to me. In fact, I understand everything. You did nothing wrong. As the king of Qin, you have to be responsible for the people of the world. This world can't let go of chaos again." The second princess looked at Fusu in front of her. , she can understand Fusu's approach.

If he is not in his position, he will not seek his government.

If you are not in the position of King Qin, you will never know how much King Qin needs to consider.

"Can you understand?" Fusu looked at the second princess in surprise.

The second princess smiled lightly.

"Brother, although I don't say it, I feel it in my heart. I just want to live a more open life," the second princess said with a smile.

"It's rare to be confused, sister. I can't understand how I can live without you." Fusu nodded.

"It's rare to be confused" is easy to say, but not so easy to do.

"What do you plan to do with your uncle?" the second princess couldn't help but ask.

"Uncle, he...well, he committed suicide," Fusu sighed.

"What?" The second princess was shocked.

Although it was Fusu who killed him, Lord Changping was determined to die. If Lord Changping hadn't opened his mind at the end, Fusu wouldn't have been able to kill him.

"Uncle, he..." The second princess had an incredible look on her face, "It's impossible, how is it possible, how is it possible..." As she spoke, the second princess's tears kept flowing down.

The second princess still can't accept this fact.

Chapter 1212 The end of the matter, everyone’s speculation, Queen Zheng

Fusu saw the second princess looking a little lost and couldn't help but step forward.

"Sister, I didn't lie to you. It's true. If you want, you can see your uncle's body. If you don't want to, you may never see it again," Fusu said to the second princess.

When the second princess heard this, she wiped the tears from her face and stood up from the table.

"Brother, I'll go." The second princess walked to Fusu's side.

"Yes." Then, Fusu took the second princess out.

After this battle, the Changping Junfu was destroyed.

Some of Chang Pingjun's accomplices, as well as some people hiding in the dark, were purged.

There were still some people who wanted to escape, but were killed by Pei Yuanqing and Zhang Liao.

"It's so enjoyable, it's so enjoyable, hahaha", Pei Yuanqing was very excited with two hammers in his hands.

On the Bagua Plum Blossom Bright Silver Hammer in Pei Yuanqing's hand, in addition to blood, there was also brains.

After returning home, Pei Yuanqing will definitely have to clean up.

Next to Pei Yuanqing, Zhang Liao was also a little excited, his beard covered with blood.

On the ground, there were corpses lying one after another.

Some people's blood is still warm, so they must have died not long ago.

At this time, news came from Li Jing, who received the news and ordered the dead soldiers to be buried, counted, and treated kindly.

For those rebellious officials and traitors, throw them into mass graves.

Seeing that the matter was over, everyone walked out of the house one after another, and then started a heated discussion.

"Oh, it's so miserable. You didn't see it. Dozens of people charged towards the city gate with swords. Unfortunately, they were all blocked by General Pei Yuanqing. Oh, that's terrible. You didn't see it. We’re here,” a middle-aged man said with fear on his face.

"Who said I didn't see it? I saw it. Oh, the brains and blood are really too bloody. Forget it, I won't say it anymore. I won't say it anymore." A young man waved his hand with lingering fear, echoing the sound just now The scene still made him a little nauseous.

"Tell me, what on earth did Mr. Changping do to make him so violent?" At this moment, a person couldn't help but ask.

"I think it might be a crime of treason," a young man said in a low voice after he looked to his left and then again and found that no one had noticed what was going on here.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible," a man wearing a hat shook his head.

"Mr. Changping is our King Qin's uncle," the man said in a low voice.

"What's wrong, uncle? This is the throne." When the young man saw the other party refuting him, he was immediately unhappy.

"佷..." The man in the hat suddenly didn't know how to retort, "Anyway, I don't think it's possible."

"Okay, then tell me what the crime should be. You know, this time, the king is out," the young man asked.

"I, I, I think it should be a major crime to deceive the emperor or betray the country," the middle-aged man wearing a hat said to the young man.

"Deceiving the emperor and betraying the country?" The young man sneered.

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