The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 870: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

There was a look of disbelief on his face.

"Bet or not", the man with the hat suddenly became angry when he saw the young man like this.

asked loudly.

"Let's bet. King Qin will definitely give everyone an explanation for this matter. How about we take King Qin's explanation as our bet?" said the man in the hat.

"Okay, I agree. You are all witnesses." The young man nodded!

"Okay, I'm willing to admit defeat."

In addition to this small group of people, many people in Xianyang City are talking about it.

The whole afternoon, Xianyang City was closed.

No one is allowed in, no one is allowed out.

On the streets, soldiers came and went, cleaning the streets.

They transported the corpses in and out, and then allowed their brothers and Pao Ze to be laid to rest. The rest of the rebellious officials and traitors were also thrown into the mass graves.

In addition, they also have to clean up the blood stains on the streets.

It was not until evening that all this was completed.

The gate to Xianyang City has finally opened again!

The entire Xianyang City once again returned to calm.

Fusu left with the second princess and returned directly to Afang Palace.

As for the Changping Lord's Mansion, Fusu left a group of soldiers, firstly to clean up the corpses and blood from the Changping Lord's Mansion, and secondly to prevent people from approaching this place.

The Changping Lord's Mansion, which was originally quiet and peaceful, fell into complete silence.

As night falls, the lights go up.

Thousands of lights are gathered together, like a city that never sleeps.

Fusu took the second princess back to Afang Palace. Looking at the people in front of him, Fusu was shocked.

"Mother...Mother," Fusu didn't understand why Queen Zheng came here. Could it be that the news was leaked?

If so, who leaked the news?

Queen Zheng is deep in the palace, and the news has been blocked by herself.

No news from the outside could come in at all.

Logically speaking, Queen Zheng would not get the news at all.

"Fusu, are you hiding something from the Ai family?" Queen Zheng looked at Fusu with sharp eyes.

Fusu couldn't help but feel a twitch in his heart. He and Queen Zheng were mother and son. He knew that Queen Zheng was angry, and she was angry.

Chapter 1213: Blocking is worse than sparing. The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics.

Fusu's expression couldn't help but change.

"Mother, I have nothing to hide from you." At this moment, Fusu was not an emperor, but a son.

"佷..." Queen Zheng seemed very angry when she saw that Fusu refused to admit it. She stretched out her white jade-like hand and pointed at Fusu.

"Mother, can you please stop asking?" Fusu frowned.

He didn't want to make his mother sad.

"Okay, the Aijia won't ask, the Aijia won't ask you anymore." Queen Zheng nodded.

"Leyang, come here." Queen Zheng waved her hand to the second princess beside Fusu.

"It's not good." Fusu couldn't help but feel shocked. He didn't say it himself, but Leyang wouldn't say it.

"Leyang, no," Fusu shook his head at the second princess.

"Brother, I..." Leyang felt complicated and anxious. She was really complicated. One was her brother and the other was her mother.

My palms and backs are full of flesh, what should I do?

"Leyang, you don't have to be afraid. Is your mother here? Tell your mother, where did your brother Wang go?" Queen Zheng took Leyang's hand and said with a smile.

"Queen mother, I...I don't know", Leyang lowered his head.

She didn't want her mother to be sad.

"Okay, you all have strong wings. You know that if you hide it from your mother, the Ai family will no longer live. What's the point of the Ai family living?" Queen Zheng suddenly shed tears.

"Queen Mother", seeing Queen Zheng like this made both Fusu and Leyang uncomfortable.

Seeing Queen Zheng's heartbroken look, in the end, Leyang and Fusu couldn't bear it anymore.

Decided to tell Queen Zheng.

"Mother, I can tell you, but you must be mentally prepared," Fusu looked at Queen Zheng and said very solemnly.

"The Queen Mother has been through all these years of storms and waves. Don't worry, the Queen Mother is mentally prepared." Even though she said this, Queen Zheng's heart still skipped a beat because she knew in her heart that something big must have happened, otherwise this would not have happened. situation.

Fusu took a deep breath and decided to tell Queen Zheng what happened.

Because since the news has been leaked, Queen Zheng will definitely try her best to find out. Fusu cannot stop this.

"Mother, when our Qin State attacked Chu State, Lord Changping communicated secretly with the King of Chu many times, telling the King of Chu about the weaknesses of General Wang Jian and the weaknesses of our Qin army. At the beginning, General Wang Jian The losses were heavy. The next year, the son sent Xue Rengui, who was unfamiliar to Lord Changping, and the situation changed. Moreover, Lord Changping had a close relationship with the farmer's hero. According to the news from Di Ting, the farmer's hero was in charge. They are the subordinates of Lord Changping, and the last time Jing Ke assassinated Qin, it was the Nong family and Prince Dan who planned it..."

The more Queen Zheng listened, the deeper her frown deepened.

She never thought that this matter would involve such a wide range of things, and that there was even the matter of "Jing Ke assassinating Qin".

Of course Queen Zheng knew about Jing Ke's affairs. When she found out, Queen Zheng was furious and very angry.

Order the ministers to find everyone involved in this matter.

But just when things were progressing, Changping-kun came out and made her give up the idea.

She didn't think much about it at first, but now that she thinks about it, the truth is so terrifying.

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