The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 878: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

The spread of the story of Mulan should be attributed to the folk song "Mulan Ci". In "Mulan Ci", Hua Mulan's journey to join the army is introduced in detail.

And Hua Mulan is regarded as a model of "women should not give way to men" and has become a hero among women.

Hua Mulan is one of the four heroines in ancient Chinese legends. She is a legendary heroine in the Southern and Northern Dynasties of China. Her story is also a tragic heroic epic.

For thousands of years, Hua Mulan has been a woman respected by the Chinese people because she is brave and simple. Later, the story of Mulan was adapted into an animated film internationally, which was welcomed all over the world.

"Mulan Poetry" has been included in middle school textbooks and has been recited by millions of people for generations. Mulan's deeds and image were put on the stage and have been performed for a long time.

Her spirit inspires thousands of Chinese people to defend the country, which is inspiring.

In order to worship her, later generations built Mulan Temple in her hometown, Yingguo Town, Yucheng County.

There are female generals in Chinese history, but not many. There are even fewer female generals with titles, and even fewer female generals whose reputations have spread to thousands of households.

And Hua Mulan possesses them all.

Fusu looked at the Hua Mulan summoning card in his hand, crushed it, and then summoned it.

Chapter 1222 The most powerful general of the Five Generations——Li Cunxiao, one of the four great masters

Following Fusu's movements, a female general appeared in the summoning card.

I saw the other side, cicada with golden hairpins on his temples, phoenix shoes and precious stirrups stepping diagonally. The chain armor is lined with red gauze, and the embroidered ribbon is stretched across the waist. The frost knife chopped down the heroes indiscriminately, and the jade fiber captured the fierce generals alive. The naturally beautiful Begonia flower is the heroine.

Wearing a suit of armor, he was full of heroic spirit, his almond-shaped eyes were wide open, and his eyes were like two gems.

He has handsome cheeks and a manly heroic spirit.

At this time, Hua Mulan has returned to her daughter's body.

Fusu couldn't help but nodded, Hua Mulan's introduction "Mulan Ci" rang in his mind.

Chirp after chirp, Mulan is weaving in every household. I didn't hear the sound of the crowbar, I could only hear the woman sighing.

Buy horses in the east market, saddles and bridles in the west market, bridles in the south market, and long whips in the north market. I bid farewell to my parents in the morning and stayed by the Yellow River in the evening. I didn't hear my parents calling for girls, but I heard the sound of the Yellow River water splashing.

Thousands of miles to go to war, pass the mountain as if flying. The new energy spreads to the golden watch, and the cold light shines on the iron clothes. A general will die in a hundred battles, and a strong man will return after ten years.

Return to see the emperor, the emperor is sitting in the bright hall. Zhixun twelve turn, reward hundred thousand strong. The Khan asked what he wanted, and Mulan didn't need a minister. She was willing to travel thousands of miles to send her son back to her hometown.

At the door of my east pavilion, I sit on my bed in the west pavilion. I take off my war robe and put on my old clothes. When the window is undressed, the mirror is decorated with yellow decals. When I went out to see my friends, they were all frightened: they had been together for twelve years, but they didn't know Mulan was a girl.

Fusu still remembers the "Mulan Ci" he memorized in class back then.

Especially the first sentence, chirp after chirp, Mulan is weaving in every household.

He was even teased by many classmates.

Especially deep memory.

Fusu gave birth to Hua Mulan and became Hua Rong's sister.

Then, the designated character summons were used twice again.

"System, I want to use the designated summon, summon - Li Cunxiao," Fusu ordered to the system.

Li Cunxiao, an extremely outstanding person in Chinese history.

He and Li Yuanba both possess the unparalleled power of the Four Symbols.

It can be said to be infinitely powerful.

There is a saying that has been circulating in China since ancient times.

It is called "The king is no match for Xiang, the strength is no match for Ba, the general is no match for Li, and the fist is no match for gold."

Four words refer to four characters respectively.

The king is no better than Xiang Yu: The achievement, reputation, and influence of the king are none greater than that of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu.

The overlord raised the cauldron and shocked the world. He worked hard to overthrow the violent Qin Dynasty. The Hongmen Banquet showed little disdain to Liu Bang. His love for his lover can be expressed to heaven and earth. He even saw the Jiangdong elders commit suicide in the Wujiang River without shame. All his actions in his life showed the king's character. gas. This is the only overlord that people admire in ancient and modern times.

Not strong enough to overpower refers to Li Yuanba, King of Zhao of Xifu, who shook Yuwen Chengdu with three hammers, defeated Pei Yuanqing with one move, dared to raise his hammer to curse the sky, and killed countless people in the battle at Siming Mountain.

However, God is fair. He gave Li Yuanba the strength to be invincible in the world, but deprived him of his IQ.

He was no match for Li. In the late Tang Dynasty, there was a famous and talented general named Li Cunxiao. The Li here refers to Li Cunxiao.

However, in addition to Li Cunxiao, there are also people who say it is Li Guang and Li Jing, but there are different opinions.

But generals must be considered in terms of reputation and achievements. Although Li Guang is also very powerful, because Li Guang suffered a defeat in the Huns expedition and his official position is not high, he cannot be called a general. Therefore, in the "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng", "Feng Tang Yi Lao, There is a saying that "Li Guang is difficult to seal".

Li Jing is also possible, but Li Jing later became the Duke of Wei and became the Duke of the country.

Better than the general level. (This is just one of them)

Fist cannot beat gold, referring to the Jintai in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Many people don’t know or understand Jintai.

Jintai was the master of Zhou Tong, a famous martial arts master in the Song Dynasty. According to novels and rumors, Zhou Tong was the teacher of Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, Shi Wengong, Luan Tingyu, Sun Li, Wu Song, Yue Fei and others (many of them may be inaccurate), and he fought three times. Shaolin Temple can be said to be powerful.

It is said that in his prime, Jintai and his book boy Ruyueer lived in Songshan Mountain.

Later, Ruyue, a scholar, studied martial arts by himself and became a master of the generation - Zhou Tong (Zhou Ruyue, Ruyue), and was as famous as Chen Xizhen, Zhang Zhongjian and other Northern Song Dynasty martial arts masters.

But there are many fictional elements in it.

But it's undeniable.

These four people are powerful.

Whether it is the most powerful general in the late Qin Dynasty, the overlord Xiang Yu, the most powerful general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties - Li Yuanba, the most powerful general in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties - Li Cunxiao, or the martial arts master Jin Tai, they are all famous masters.

Fusu couldn't help but feel excited when he looked at Li Cunxiao's summoning card.

An invincible general in the history of Chinese romance.

If we really talk about the top three.

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