The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 879: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

It must be these three.

Xiang Yu, Li Yuanba, Li Cunxiao.

Three people are really too strong.

If we want to divide them again, then it will be Lu Bu, Ran Min and others.

The second of the three great generals of China, Fusu, can already be said to be invincible.

In terms of force, unless it is based on numbers, the world will not be in doubt.

Fusu took Li Cunxiao's summoning card and turned it over to the back.

On the back of the summoning card, Li Cunxiao's information was introduced in detail.

Including Li Cunxiao's historical contributions, achievements, and legends left behind, etc.

Believe it very much.

I believe no one is unfamiliar with Li Cunxiao!

Chapter 1223 Thirteen Taibao The Legend of Li Cunxiao

Li Cunxiao was born in Feihu, Daizhou. His surname was An and his given name was Jingsi. A famous general from the late Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties, with extraordinary martial arts skills and extraordinary bravery.

In "The History of the Remaining Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties", he is invincible and invincible. He is the most powerful general in the late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties.

Li Cunxiao was a heroic general under the command of King Li Keyong of Jin Dynasty, and one of Li Keyong's many "adopted sons". Because he was ranked thirteenth, he was called the "Thirteen Taibao", and he was also the most famous among the Thirteen Taibao.

The history books record that "he was the most brave and brave, always riding as the vanguard, and never suffered a defeat; from Li Keyong to rescuing Chen and Xu, chasing away the Huang invaders, and being in trouble at Shangyuan, he was victorious in every battle."

His status in "History of the Fragmented Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties" is equivalent to that of King Zhao Li Yuanba in "The Legend of the Tang Dynasty". He is invincible in the world and is known as General Feihu.

In the unofficial history, he once led eighteen cavalry to capture Chang'an. Although it is an exaggeration, it can also be seen that Li Cunxiao was so brave that even the second-placed Wang Yanzhang could not walk a few steps under his command.

Later, his car broke down and he died due to his guilt. Li Keyong felt deeply that he had failed Cunxiao. He was ashamed and stayed out of government for many days. The military was weak, and Zhu Wen took advantage of the situation and rose up.

Li Cunxiao was as famous as Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, because of his immense strength, bravery and prowess in battle. He was known as "a general can't beat Li, a king can't beat him". In the comments of later generations, there was even "There was Li Yuanba at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, and there was another at the end of the Tang Dynasty." Li Cunxiao both hates the sky for being without control, and hates the earth for being without rings."

It means that if the sky has a handle, they can pull the sky down; if the earth has a ring, they can lift the earth.

Li Cunxiao is most famous for his 500-man Flying Tiger Army, which fought alongside him many times and achieved invincible and brilliant achievements, frightening his opponents and becoming famous all over the world.

Later, due to doubts about the employing of his adoptive father, he was alienated from others, and finally ended up being torn into pieces.

Since ancient times, the legend of Li Cunxiao, the "Thirteen Taibao", has been circulating in Datong and Shuozhou.

At that time, in a small village in Daizhou, a stone statue of a general was erected in the village. Legend has it that this stone statue is a symbol of the stars in the sky descending to earth, and anyone who is favored by General Stone will have good luck.

One day, a girl surnamed He in the village came back from picking flowers. She saw this stone statue and tossed it casually, and the flower basket was placed on General Shi's neck. Unexpectedly, Miss He was pregnant when she returned home.

In those days, pregnancy out of wedlock was looked down upon.

Although Miss He explained repeatedly, it was of no avail and she could only give birth to the child.

Relatives and friends gradually moved away. Miss He took a child with her, and the mother and son lived alone.

When the child was four years old, Miss He took the child to General Shi and asked the child to worship his father.

Unexpectedly, when the child found out that his father was this stone statue, he became violent and punched the stone statue to pieces.

When Miss He saw this, she couldn't help but flew into a rage. She was very angry and anxious. She forced the child to kneel down to apologize to his father, and asked the child to pick up the stones on the ground and put them back one by one, and named the child "Jingjingsi" (a homonym for Anjin stone) as a memory.

Xiao Jingsi lived a very poor life, and the mother and son depended on each other. One day when he was ten years old, Xiaojingsi was herding sheep on the hillside.

At this time, a fierce tiger suddenly appeared on the hillside, approaching menacingly.

However, facing the tiger, Xiao Jingsi was not afraid. He was born with supernatural powers. Even though the tiger was considered the worst evil in the world, he did not take it seriously and actually beat the tiger to death with his bare hands.

At this time, someone happened to be walking by on the mountain stream opposite. He is Li Keyong, who was appointed King of Jin.

Li Keyong saw from a distance that this child was so young that he could kill a tiger, and he was very fond of him.

Li Keyong saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

After that, Li Keyong asked each family to find out whose child this child was. He went to Miss He's home, met with Miss He, and asked about Xiao Jingsi's life experience.

He was very fond of Xiao Jingsi and hoped to adopt him as his adopted son. When Miss He knew that the other party was the famous Li Keyong, she readily agreed. From then on, Jing Jingsi changed her name to Li Cunxiao and followed Li Keyong.

With his natural supernatural power and excellent martial arts skills, Li Cunxiao fought in the north and south, becoming invincible in the world.

Even "Iron Spear" Wang Yanzhang, who is second in the world in martial arts, could not go two rounds under Li Cunxiao. Gao Siji, who ranked third in martial arts, took advantage of the situation to defeat many Tang generals after Li Cunxiao picked off dozens of generals. After Li Cunxiao heard about it, he went into battle and took ten rounds to capture Gao Siji alive despite his serious illness. His martial arts skills were not much weaker than Wang Yanzhang's.

Later, after Li Cunxiao's death, Wang Yanzhang was no longer able to defeat him, and even challenged thirty-six fierce generals of the Jin army. Li Keyong was so worried that he cried: "If my son Cunxiao was still here, why would he do this?"

At a critical moment, the military strategist came up with a plan and sent someone pretending to be Li Cunxiao to go into battle. Wang Yanzhang was frightened away and Wang Yantong, Wang Yanzhang's younger brother, was frightened to death. Wang Yantong was also one of the famous fierce generals at that time.

From these things, we can see Li Cunxiao's bravery.

Chapter 1224: Five Horses Divide the Corpse into a Body but Still Not Die God--Li Cunxiao

Li Cunxiao wore iron armor, held an iron whip in his hand, and carried a bow and spear on his waist. Every time he charged into battle, his bravery was unstoppable, and the enemy troops became frightened when they heard of his reputation.

Liang Guo's fierce generals saw Li Cunxiao attacking Luzhou and retreated without fighting. They captured Jinzhou and locked the city gates tightly, not daring to come out to fight. When they attacked Jiangzhou, the defenders abandoned the city and fled. Wherever Li Cunxiao went, he mostly won without fighting, which shows his extraordinary bravery.

However, Li Cunxiao was particularly loved by Li Keyong, so he would be jealous of others. Among them, the one who performed most strongly was Li Cunxin, Li Keyong’s fourth son.

Li Cunxin is also Li Keyong's adopted son, and he was also loved by Li Keyong previously. However, with the arrival of Li Cunxiao, Li Cunxin, who was originally favored, found that he had fallen out of favor. In terms of ability, he is obviously no match for Li Cunxiao. He wanted to return to his position, and this idea gradually became stronger. He knew that although Li Cunxiao was brave and invincible, he had no scheming.

As a result, he gradually developed a vicious plan.

One day, he went to Li Cunxiao's tent and told Li Cunxiao that he was just Li Keyong's adopted son, so why bother working for Li Keyong.

Moreover, although Li Keyong was his father in name, he was actually just his adoptive father. In fact, Li Keyong had always been wary of Li Cunxiao in his heart.

As the saying goes, the rabbit dies and the dog cooks, and the bird disappears. When the world is peaceful and Li Cunxiao is no longer of use, Li Keyong will immediately kill Li Cunxiao. He is also Li Keyong's adopted son and knows this very well.

He told Li Cunxiao that a real man should do something in his career, and he should return to his real name of "Jing Jingsi". With his ability, he would not worry about the uncertainty of the world.

And he, Li Cunxin, as Li Cunxiao's fourth brother, if Li Cunxiao causes trouble, he will definitely act as an internal agent to help Li Cunxiao succeed. After defrauding Li Cunxiao through coaxing and deception, Li Cunxin went to Li Keyong to complain, saying that Li Cunxiao had long been rebellious and asked his adoptive father to be careful.

Li Cunxin also privately wrote some correspondence with Zhu Quanzhong in Li Cunxiao's tone, and used this as evidence as the basis for Li Cunxiao's rebellion.

He also used his power to cut off Li Cunxiao's food and grass. Li Cunxiao thought that Li Keyong really didn't trust him. Because he was young and ignorant, he recalled what his fourth brother had said to him, so he resumed his real name "Jing Jingsi" and launched an army to rebel.

However, he never expected that the first person to come out to suppress him would be his fourth brother Li Cunxin. Because he was soft-hearted towards his former troops and had no intention of rebelling, his rebellion was quickly suppressed by Li Keyong. He himself was captured alive and brought to Li Keyong.

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