The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 884: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Pour out two pills from inside.

Looking at the shining golden elixir in Fusu's hand, Tsunade was filled with wonder.

"It's really amazing. It's even more amazing than the storage scrolls in our ninja world," Tsunade said with a look of amazement.

"That's necessary. This is a summoning space unique to me." Fusu couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Then, Fusu marked the traces of "Juexin Pill" on the yellow-skinned gourd, and then sent it to the inside of the system space.

"This is really space ability." Tsunade stayed beside Fusu. He was sure that Fusu must be using space ability.

One of the most magical abilities in the ninja world.

"Of course, do you want to give it a try?" Fusu said with a smile.

"Of course", Tsunade once again pulled out a summoning card.

There's nothing there, it's a blank summoning card.

"What does this mean? Chaos?" Tsunade couldn't help but ask.

"This is a blank summoning card, which means it cannot summon anything and is of no use," Fusu explained.

"Is there such a summoning card? I've learned a lot." Tsunade nodded.

"There are many wonders in this world," Fusu said with a smile.

Then, Tsunade reached out her hand again and pulled one out.

"This is... Qianbon?" Tsunade frowned.

Is it a hidden weapon?

Fusu looked at the thing in Tsunade's hand and couldn't help but feel happy.

"This is not called Senbon, this is called a needle, and it is not an ordinary needle, it is called Xue Po Han needle," Fusu explained to Tsunade.

"Xue Po Han Needle, what's the use?"

Chapter 1229 Five times Summoning Card Yang Dalang——Yang Yanping

Fusu took it from Tsunade's hand again.

Then look carefully.

"This Snow Soul Cold Needle is not simple. It is a magical needle that has the limit of ice escape and blood stains. People who are hit by this needle will be frozen immediately. Unless they have cultivated the most powerful and profound internal skills, they will not be able to break free." , Fusu explained.

"Ice escape bloodstain limit, true or false, I don't believe it." Tsunade Ji couldn't help but shook her head.

Not convinced at all.

"You can't help me if you don't believe me." Fusu was really helpless.

It's a bit ridiculous, but it's not impossible.

The silver needle does contain the power of ice soul. As long as it hits a real object, the cold air on the snow soul cold needle will burst out.

Freeze the real thing.

"Ice Escape Blood Boundary requires chakra to activate. I don't believe there is chakra on this silver needle," Tsunade retorted.

"There are many things that you cannot accept, such as this." Fusu handed the summoning card in his hand to Tsunade.

"Try to see if you can crush him." Fusu asked Tsunade to crush the summoning card.

"Just give it a try." During the first summons, she saw with her own eyes that Fusu crushed a summoning card.

It was easy and didn't use much force at all.

And this summoning card is simply not enough to see in front of her strange power.

But then, Tsunade ran into trouble.

Because no matter how much strength she used, the summoning card was indifferent.

The feeling was like pinching on pig iron.

"How is that possible?" Tsunade's eyes were filled with disbelief.

"You're shocked," Fusu said with a smile on his face.

Then he took the summoning card from Tsunade's hand.

The summoning card was in Fusu's hand, and when he squeezed it lightly, it shattered.

A ray of divine light appeared, and in Fusu's hand, there was a snow soul cold needle.

It's like it's made of ice.

Full of cold air.

"Impossible," Tsunade exclaimed, unable to accept this fact.

She even used her strange power, but found that it was of no use to the summoning card at all.

As a result, Fusu broke when he pinched it casually?

How can it be!

Tsunade didn't believe it, and she wouldn't believe it even if she killed him.

Looking at Tsunade's appearance, Fusu couldn't help but smile slightly.

"It's right if you don't believe it, because only one person can crush this summoning card. Isn't it difficult to accept it? Therefore, there are many things in this world that you cannot accept." Fusu smiled lightly.

After hearing Fusu's words, Tsunade fell silent.

Fusu put the Snow Soul Cold Needle into the summoning space, then stepped forward and took out a summoning card.

"Yeah." Fusu's eyes didn't light up when he saw the summoning card.

"Fuck, five times the summoning card, that's awesome," Fusu said with a look of joy on his face.

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